  • Warts on hands: causes of the disease and timely treatment

    Warts are growths on the hands that can be accompanied by an inflammatory process. The surface of the skin becomes rough.

    It has irregularities in the place of wart formation in the form of a corporal bump, gray or red.

    The size of the ailment on the hands can reach several centimeters in diameter. The most common places of appearance on the hands, the forearm, the back of the hands, fingers, hands, palms.

    There are flat warts on the hands, which are called plantar in a different way. They can appear on the palms, on the fingers, as well as on the feet.

    Reasons for the appearance and location of a possible infection

    Human papillomaviruses are the main cause of the appearance of warts on the hands.

    First of all, infection occurs through common objects. If one family member is infected with human papillomavirus, then other households have a high probability of contracting this disease. This virus can be on the door handles, desk, remote control from the TV, home phone, etc.

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    When warts appear on the fingers - the reasons can be hidden in the bathroom. Bath is the main place of their distribution within the same family. On the walls of the bath itself in a moist environment, the virus multiplies very quickly. Warts can be infected even by simply taking a shower or bath. The body at this moment is not protected by clothing and shoes, because the virus will not be difficult to settle on the skin.

    The incubation period of the development of the disease is 2-3 months, and the vector of the disease itself may not suspect of infection.

    Toilet soap and other means for hygienic care of the body do not always protect the person from the possibility of contracting this disease.

    Precautions: The bath should be washed with a specially designed household chemical product before each use. The means need to wash the sink, the walls and sides of the bath, the tile well and leave it for 15-20 minutes to remove all dangerous bacteria.

    Large warts on the hands - the reasons for this are swimming pools, saunas, baths, which are the place of probable infection with the human papillomavirus. This is due to the fact that a large number of people visit this type of public institution, one of which is likely to be a carrier of the disease.

    Employees are required to monitor the hygienic cleanliness of the entire room, but it is almost impossible to completely destroy microbes.

    In such places it is necessary to observe all necessary precautions on your own: try not to lean against the walls and always wear rubber shales.

    A person infected with a virus for a long time is only a carrier of the disease. Visible warts he may not be at all. Appearance of a single wart on the hands - the causes can hide in a minor cut in the arm with a knife during cooking.

    Doctors believe that warts begin to appear when the skin is damaged in some way. For example, cuts, bruises, small invisible wounds. Such injury to the skin of a person with a human papillomavirus virus will be an excellent soil for the formation of warts by 90 percent.

    Weakened immunity is considered to be the main factor that affects the appearance( and then the number) of warts. A person who has an excellent ability of the body to resist various diseases, can rarely complain about the presence of an ailment on his hands.

    Frequent clients of medical centers in which removal is performed are children, old people and people whose health can not be called excellent.

    Warts on the hands of a child appear in our time more often. This is due to the deterioration of the environment, the lack of nutrients and microelements necessary for normal and healthy growth.

    On how to cure an ailment on the hands and not to harm the patient's health, there are many medical discussions. A feature of the actively developing human papillomavirus is that the wart is very difficult to remove from the upper skin.

    It lets in deep roots, and if even a small part of the wart is not removed, it will start to grow again.
    Warts are displayed in the following ways:

    • with liquid nitrogen;
    • by surgical intervention;
    • chemical acid;
    • alkali;
    • using a laser( the most effective method).

    It takes many years to completely get rid of the ailment on your hands. After cauterization of the wart in a few days should itself fall away. If this did not happen, then after the visit to the cosmetology room, the dead part of the wart should be cleaned independently. This is a very unpleasant process, but health is more expensive.

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