  • Treatment of croup

    The first thing you should do to treat groats is to calm the child. Anxiety( child and parents) only aggravates the situation. If you can relax the baby, his airways can also relax. Put the child upright on his lap, turn on gentle music, sing lullabies, read a fairy tale or let the child look something calming on TV.If you are breastfeeding, give this wonderful sedative.(See how to calm a hospitalized child.)

    To clean the child's airways, high humidity helps. Close the door to the bathroom,

    turn on the hot shower( or tap in the bathtub) and settle with the baby on the floor( if the bathroom is wet enough when steam goes) or sit on the bathtub wall and read the fairy tales. Lay the child's head on a pillow placed on your knees or press against you. Instead, you can use a vaporizer, setting it so that you can direct the jet of steam directly to the child's nose, or arrange your own inhalation canopy by throwing a sheet on the crib and sending the cold steam leaving the humidifier to the canopy. From my own experience, I can say that children with croup can protest against imprisonment under a canopy. First, let the child fall asleep in your arms, and only then sit the child in a vertical position in the child's car seat and place the seat under the canopy. Or you can even sleep some time together in a steam-filled bathroom.

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    If the child has fever, give the appropriate dose of acetaminophen. Let the child drink juice, in small sips, slowly, but to feed during an attack of cereal is not necessary because of the danger that the child will choke or vomiting will open, and he will breathe food into the lungs. Offer him soft food, such as jelly, until the worst is left behind. Do not give any medicines bought without a prescription, especially anti-swelling or antihistamines, without consulting a doctor. These drugs can dry the narrowing of the airways, which tries to open the moisture. You can also try to take the child out onto the street, into the cool, damp night air( just do not tell the grandmother).Take a ride on the car, very slowly, with the windows down. It is the misty night air that explains the fact that children with croup often experience relief on the way to the hospital.

    When you need to act quickly

    After completing the treatment described above, assess the direction in which your child's condition changes. If the retraction has become less noticeable, the color returns to the child's pale cheeks, or the child initiates communication or expresses a desire to sleep( although his breath is still noisy), continue fermentation and keep your eyes and ears open. Watch out if the following warning signs will appear, indicating the need for urgent medical attention, and if you notice any of them, call the doctor and take the child to the emergency room as soon as possible.

    • The retraction becomes more and more intense, and the sound of inspiration turns from low noise to whistling.

    • The child becomes paler.

    • A child can not talk or cry because of lack of breathing.

    • The child has to exert more effort with every breath.

    • The retraction is amplified, and the sound of breathing becomes weaker.

    On the way to the hospital, do not forget to leave all the windows in the car open for humidity and ventilation and try to relax the child with a soothing song. Croup requires serious attitude at any severity. It can quickly lead to a fatal outcome. If you have any doubts about the direction in which the disease develops, contact your doctor or immediately take your child to the local emergency department or to a children's hospital.

    Diarrhea, or diarrhea, that is, a loose stool, means more consistency of the stool, rather than its frequency. In children under one year, the most common causes of diarrhea, in order of frequency, are gastrointestinal infections, colds( respiratory diseases), food intolerance and antibiotic treatment. In infants, diarrhea is most often caused by an intestinal infection, known as gastroenteritis.