
Erythrocytes in urine are elevated: causes, norm

  • Erythrocytes in urine are elevated: causes, norm

    The most reliable study of the body and the state of the genitourinary system is the analysis of urine. In clinical conditions, interpretation of the analysis allows you to establish a presumptive diagnosis with the need for further clarification.

    Further, at the discretion of the doctor, a more detailed examination, ultrasound, cardiogram, blood test, etc. is prescribed.

    The level of leukocytes( see the norm of leukocytes in the blood), erythrocytes and protein in the urine creates a picture of the functioning of all organs, kidneys and the bladder. Inflammatory process in the kidneys is always displayed on the urine, its color and the number of white blood cells change.

    Erythrocytes play an important role in the body, supplying tissues with oxygen and protecting them from toxins. But a change in the level of these cells indicates serious disorders in the body.

    The norm of erythrocytes in the urine: in women, men, children

    In urine, the normal value of red blood cells is within 1-2 units. Erythrocytes in the urine can not be detected at all, and this is considered the norm.
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    1. 1) The increase signals the disorders of the prostate, heart, the development of pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, inflammatory processes, renal or urolithiasis.
    2. 2) Sometimes such an indicator increases with a tumor of the bladder or kidney, mononucleosis, insufficient blood clotting, heart failure.
    3. 3) Hydronephrosis - abnormal enlargement of the renal calyces and pelvis, which arose as a result of a violation of the outflow of urine in the pyeloureteral segment.
    4. 3) In the case of cystitis, erythrocytes can penetrate into the urine through the weakened walls of the vessels. This disease affects mainly women.
    5. 4) In severe bladder or kidney trauma, blood is also found in the urine.
    6. 5) Hemophilia - a disease characterized by a violation of blood clotting.
    7. 6) In uterine bleeding, erythrocytes enter urine during urination.
    8. 7) Cervical erosion - the process often captures and disrupts the integrity of blood vessels.
    9. 8) After the transmitted infectious diseases: smallpox, malaria, fever, the level of erythrocytes in the urine also increases.
    However, it should be remembered that not always an increase in the number of erythrocytes in the urine is associated with diseases and disruption of the internal organs. The indicator of erythrocytes in the urine affects the intake of drugs, such as anticoagulants, sulfonamides and urotropine. Very rarely causes the rise of red cells in the urine intake of ascorbic acid, especially of synthetic origin.

    Before taking the urine test, it is better to refrain from consuming fruit sour juices, which can also negatively affect the level of red blood cells in the urine. Do not physically strain the body, use spicy or too salty foods immediately before examining urine or blood.

    See also, the causes of elevated red blood cells in the blood.

    Causes of increased erythrocyte levels in urine

    What does this mean? If erythrocytes appear in the sediment when urine is analyzed, then this phenomenon is called hematuria.

    • with microhematuria does not visually detect the presence of a significant amount of erythrocytes in the urine, it has a normal light yellow hue.
    • if urine changes color, acquiring a red tint, then we are talking about the development of macrohematuria.
    In this case, under the microscope, when examining the urine sediment, the whole field of vision is covered with erythrocytes. They have a modified or unchanged form. The unaltered form of these cells contains hemoglobin and is characterized by disk shape of a greenish or yellowish hue. The appearance of these cells changes under the influence of alkalis.

    How to decipher elevated erythrocytes in urine?

    Such cells no longer contain hemoglobin and resemble transparent rings. Leached cells with prolonged exposure to high-density urine become wrinkled. And as a result of being in the urine with low density, the erythrocytes become large in diameter and increase in size.

    When altered leached cells are observed in fresh urine, this indicates a possible development of renal ailments. Determine the nature of the disease allows protein, its presence speaks volumes. With renal failure and inflammatory processes in the urinary passages in the urine appear cylinders and protein.

    With a slight increase in the level of erythrocytes, at least to 3-4 units.the doctor should be alerted, since this is a signal about possible pathologies. It is advisable to repeat the urine test and add a common blood test. For a detailed study and diagnosis, a test of three samples is assigned. Collect the urine sequentially in three containers( it is better to number them).

    1. 1) If erythrocytes are found in the first container, bleeding in the urinary canal is most likely present.
    2. 2) If erythrocytes are found in the third vessel, then blood loss comes from the bladder.
    3. 3) If the same number of red blood cells in three containers, this indicates a bleeding in the kidney or ureter.
    Visually, the presence of red cells in the urine can be detected if it changes color.

    1. 1) Acquires brown color of urine in the case when its reaction during analysis is acidic.
    2. 2) Red color is observed if urine has a neutral or alkaline reaction.
    Urine analysis helps to quickly identify pathology in the body, establish a diagnosis and choose the correct method of treatment. To reliably determine why erythrocytes in the urine are elevated and what it means exactly in your case, you need to consult a specialist.

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