  • Has chilled kidneys at pregnancy: necessary measures

    If a woman has chilled the kidneys during pregnancy, then it is absolutely necessary for her to take as seriously as possible to the issue of treatment. After all, not only our own health, but also the health and life of the unborn child are under threat!

    Therefore, you should immediately contact an obstetrician-gynecologist who will prescribe the treatment. Do not engage in self-medication or hope that the disease will "pass" by yourself! Such a belief will lead to complications that can endanger the health and life of the mother and child!

    Hollow kidneys - a health hazard

    Frozen kidneys means that against a background of colds or respiratory diseases, various inflammatory diseases, including kidneys, can occur. In addition, the inflammatory process can be complicated by the attachment of infection.

    Headaches, malaise, weakness, chills are noted. The body temperature rises. Kidney pain can occur from the first days of the disease or after some time from the onset of the disease.

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    Simultaneously with general signs of malaise, characteristic pains in the lumbar region are noted. Also, there is frequent urination, while the amount of urine is markedly reduced. Urination occurs frequently and in small portions.

    Signs that are characteristic of inflammation in the kidney may also appear:

    • painful urination;
    • feeling of burning and discomfort;
    • cloudy urine;
    • presence in the urine of blood, sand or stones.

    Very often inflammation of the kidneys causes a pathogenic microflora( staphylococci, streptococci, etc.) and viruses. Also, the cause of inflammation may become a previously transmitted bacterial infection( sore throat, flu, ARVI).

    As the cold of the kidneys

    appears. As you know, the process of inflammation can affect one kidney, and can be bilateral. Bacterial or viral infection, severe hypothermia can cause glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, pyelitis or nephritis.

    By themselves, these kidney diseases are very serious diseases of the genitourinary system of the body, especially when it comes to the fact that the woman has chilled the kidneys during pregnancy.

    In acute pyelonephritis( when the inflammatory process affects the parenchyma of the kidneys( organ tissue), the renal pelvis and calyx) - there is a sharp increase in temperature to high figures - 39-40 C, headache, chills, sweating, severe back pain, sometimes nauseaand vomiting.

    In this case, there is weakness, malaise. In the urine appears blood, sand. Acute pyelonephritis can occur after acute acute inflammatory conditions( angina) or chronic( tonsillitis, adnexitis, endometritis).

    If acute pyelonephritis is not treated, then it goes into a chronic condition, exacerbated by hypothermia, colds, various physiological conditions, accompanied by a decrease in the resistance of the body( pregnancy).

    Glomerulonephritis is characterized by a lesion of the renal glomeruli. It occurs with pneumonia, bronchitis or infections of the upper respiratory tract. The cause of glomerulonephritis may also be hypothermia.

    A characteristic feature of glomerulonephritis is the combination of the following symptoms:

    1. pallor of the skin;
    2. increase in blood pressure( BP);
    3. signs of heart failure( shortness of breath, heart pain);
    4. blood and protein in the urine.

    The condition of the body is especially aggravated during pregnancy, when the body experiences a huge burden on the heart, kidneys, lungs. The appearance of protein in the urine and increased blood pressure should be alerted, as a violation of kidney activity in combination with hypertension can cause serious complications that threaten the life of the pregnant woman and the fetus.

    How to treat chill kidneys with pregnant

    First, be sure to seek qualified help. Treatment should be comprehensive, with the elimination of the root cause and symptomatic therapy. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics if the cause of the inflammation is a bacterial infection. In this case, the treatment will be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

    You can not prescribe antibiotics on your own! It can end with a lethal outcome!

    Assign also diuretic herbal preparations, preparations "Kanefron" or "Urolesan".It is necessary to know that these drugs should be used only on the prescription of a doctor, and "harmless" herbs generally have a general contraindication - pregnancy. That is why the treatment should be strictly under medical supervision. With high blood pressure, hypotensive drugs are prescribed.

    Preventive measures

    Pregnant women should always be careful about their health, avoid hypothermia, do not visit busy places in the unfavorable periods of exacerbations of respiratory and catarrhal diseases, epidemics of influenza and ARVI.

    It is necessary to undergo strengthening preventive courses of treatment of diseases of the urinary system if the patient has a chronic kidney disease, especially if a pregnancy is planned.

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