  • Treatment after miscarriage: the main points

    It often happens that a spontaneous abortion occurs. The cause may be a viral disease, or vospitalnye processes in the body of a woman. It often happens that a miscarriage occurs when the fetus develops anomalies.

    Lead to miscarriages and can pathology, as well as cervical injury. There are early and late miscarriages. Early occurs on terms up to 12 weeks of gestation, late to 22 weeks.

    Prevention of miscarriage

    In order to prevent the spontaneous termination of pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment with the use of drugs that promote relaxation of the uterine myometrium. Also prescribed are vitamins after miscarriage, hemostatic, analgesic and sedethive drugs.

    The course of treatment usually lasts 2-4 weeks. Doctors strongly recommend avoiding stressful situations and being in a state of sexual and physical rest. In the event that miscarriages are repeated several times in a row, the cause of this may be a failure of the cervix. Very often this is a consequence of abortion. In this case, it is recommended to apply a circular seam on the cervix, which is removed at 36-37 weeks of gestation.

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    Course of treatment and therapy

    In case if the miscarriage could not be avoided, one should seriously take up the restoration of the reproductive functions of the body not only women but also men. I would like to note that even after miscarriage, it is possible to become pregnant and have a healthy child.

    Unfortunately, it often happens that after a miscarriage, the relationship between spouses becomes even more tense. And this, in turn, will negatively affect the further possibility of becoming pregnant. That is why it is necessary to treat this problem with understanding. And both spouses should make every effort to overcome this shock as gently as possible and make every effort to ensure that this does not happen again. For the whole process of pregnancy, both the man and the woman should be responsible together.

    To date, modern medicine offers a special analysis in order to accurately determine the causes of miscarriage, and in the event that this procedure was not carried out, then you should undergo a full examination with a gynecologist. The necessary procedure is the examination on ultrasound, on the detection of abnormalities in the cervix. But, before going to the examination for the reasons, it is necessary to undergo such procedure as cleaning the uterus after a miscarriage.

    After identifying the causes of miscarriage, doctors prescribe a course of treatment, which is aimed primarily at eliminating the causes, and then the consequences. Antibiotics are prescribed in all cases, for the reason that miscarriage and subsequent cleaning of the cervix, entail the appearance of infections in the body of a woman, and very often it is the infection that can cause a miscarriage.

    How to restore the body?

    It should be noted that the treatment after miscarriage should be prescribed, both to a woman and a man. A woman, besides a gynecologist, should also contact other specialists, namely the therapist, to find out the state of the cardiovascular and urinary system.

    After a thorough examination and treatment, you should lead a healthy lifestyle and give up harmful habits if they have a place to be. Doctors advise to avoid stressful situations, which have a very negative impact on the reproductive functions of the human body. Also, doctors advise small physical exertion, which will have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

    When can I plan a pregnancy?

    I want to note that the preparation for pregnancy after miscarriage is a complex process that requires a serious approach from a woman and a man. According to experts, the optimal period for pregnancy after a previous miscarriage is one year. That is, after a year, a woman's pregnancy will not be threatened. But, here it should be noted that this will be provided that all recommendations are followed and after the entire course of restorative therapy.

    Remember that pregnancy is an important step in the life of every person, and you should approach it carefully. If you decide to take this serious step, you must realize that you are giving life to a new person and in the future you are obliged to be responsible for it. It is for this reason that many experts recommend planning a pregnancy.

    Pregnancy planning can avoid unwanted consequences, such as miscarriage. Approach this issue thoroughly and with all seriousness, and then you will be able to avoid possible problems during pregnancy.

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