  • Mistletoe white for weight loss

    Read in the article:
    • Weight loss with medications from mistletoe
    • How to take mistletoe berries for weight loss: recommended doses, prescriptions, contraindications
    • Results, reviews of thin and doctors about losing weight with mistletoe white

    Mistletoe white slimming normalizes metabolism

    Mistletoe white(sheer) is one of the plants that is traditionally used to treat various diseases and weight loss.

    Traditional recipes for cooking from mistletoe tinctures, decoctions and other preparations are recommended not only for the improvement of metabolism, but also for the specific purpose of reducing excess weight.

    Weight loss with the products of mistletoe ^

    The main useful properties of mistletoe white for weight loss are the chemical composition of this plant:

    • For the preparation of medicinal raw materials, only fully ripe berries of this evergreen shrub are used. The sticky flesh of berries contains a large number of different mineral components - a large amount of carotene, ascorbic, ursulic and other types of acids.
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    • Due to the high concentration of effective fat-burning substances, the grass of mistletoe white for weight loss is recommended for cleaning the body of slags formed during life.
    • The great use of mistletoe for weight loss is also in the possibility of not limiting yourself in nutrition during the intake of tincture. The solution helps to lose excess pounds without resorting to hard diets and debilitating physical exercises.

    After completing a full course of cleansing therapy with mistletoe, you can forget about your weight for a while. When there are signs of the return of the body to the increased build-up of fat mass, the use of tincture for weight loss should be repeated.

    The beneficial effect of mistletoe on weight loss is most fully manifested when the course continues for about 5-7 days. In this case, the food should still be taken in small portions and with some restrictions on the number of calories.

    How to take mistletoe berries for weight loss: recommended doses, prescriptions, contraindications ^

    How to take white mistletoe for weight loss: recipes.

    The very reception of mistletoe white for weight loss is not very difficult. The drink has the usual taste of brewed herbs and does not give the consumer unpleasant sensations. The use of dried berries for weight loss does not require special restriction in food.

    Of course, it is not necessary to lean on hydrocarbon-containing and fatty foods in such days. Gentle diet with a lot of fermented milk products will be very handy.

    The standard course of cleaning the body with mistletoe white on average lasts five days. During this time, you can lose up to 4 kilograms of excess weight. The plant perfectly reduces appetite and leads the body to the desired balance.

    Contraindications for the application of mistletoe white

    Those who are going to take infusion of herbs for the first time should know that there are also contraindications for mistletoe application for weight loss purposes.

    • Tincture prepared from dried berries, taken in a large dose can adversely affect the whole body as a whole. Especially the internal organs and the bone system may suffer.
    • It is necessary not only to observe the correct dosage of taking the drug, but after each course to take a break of four weeks.
    • There is also an individual intolerance of chemicals that make up the products made on the basis of mistletoe whites. They should not be categorically taken by persons suffering from kidney and heart disease.
    • It is absolutely forbidden to take tinctures of this type for losing weight to lactating and pregnant women.

    Tea with mistletoe for weight loss

    It is not necessary to use regular tea with mistletoe for weight loss. Unlimited consumption of these berries can cause nausea, vomiting and severe dizziness.

    Careless lovers of all kinds of decoctions and infusions should know that the plant contains natural vegetable poison. Sorcerers and magicians in the Middle Ages made potent poisonous substances from berries and stalks of mistletoe.

    Unpleasant consequences of taking decoction in uncontrolled doses can cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract and exacerbation of heart diseases.

    In case of an accidental overdose and the appearance of characteristic symptoms of poisoning, quick help from traditional medicine is necessary. Before the arrival of physicians, it is necessary to rinse the stomach with plenty of water and take activated charcoal.

    Mistletoe with linden for weight loss

    According to proven data mistletoe with linden for weight loss is taken no more than five days and starting its reception should act approximately according to this scheme:

    • A large handful of dried linden leaves with one liter of boiling water put in a thermos and insist during the night. In the morning, infuse and strain for a day in small portions.
    • The next day in the same way brew dried mistletoe berries and also drink during the day.
    • On the third day, a mixture of dried leaves of linden and mistletoe berries is made and poured with two liters of boiling water. Also, insist and drink a day.
    • Preparing the infusion for the fourth day, it is necessary to add a little honey to the mixture of two plant substances with boiling water directly into the thermos. The taste of the drink will be much more pleasant.
    • On the fifth day lemon juice is added to the mixture of honey and vegetable raw materials of two kinds.
    • If the diet is planned to be carried out for 7 days, then for the last two days the prescription for the preparation of infusion is used, the same as on the fifth day of the diet.
    We also recommend that you read the article Chicory for weight loss.

    Results, reviews of weight loss and doctors about losing weight with mistletoe white ^

    The effectiveness of mistletoe for weight loss is not proven by science. On the Internet, reviews of the use of white mistletoe for weight loss express completely opposite opinions. Someone was helped very much by the infusion of dried berries, and someone did not notice any changes in terms of losing weight.

    Traditional medicine does not give recommendations for the acceptance of this plant material, since it believes that mistletoe white has only tannic properties and does not affect the process of fat burning. The infusion of mistletoe slightly raises the pressure and gives a new impulse of vital energy. In combination with complex programs for weight loss and exercise can also have an effect on excess weight.

    But to show the positive results of losing weight by mistletoe white, without adding a reduction in food intake has not yet been successful. Starting the infusion of dried berries from mistletoe, it is necessary to get consultation with a therapist and a competent dietitian.