  • Contraindications to breastfeeding

    One of the most common in young mothers is the contraindication to breastfeeding baby.

    It is impossible to breast-feed children in very serious and extremely difficult condition, with severe damage to the central nervous system, including intracranial hemorrhages, in the absence of a sucking reflex in the child, in metabolic diseases characterized by

    intolerance to mother's milk, if necessary, therapeutic nutrition.

    In case of impossibility of breastfeeding of the baby, doctors prescribe his feeding from the calyx with expressed maternal, donor milk or an adapted milk mixture.

    As for contraindications to breastfeeding by the mother, they are also large, and they are associated not only with the state of the woman's health, but also with the intake of certain medications. But let's see in more detail.

    It is possible for mother to feed or not, depends on the disease, stage and severity of her course, since feeding a baby can exhaust the mother's strength and be dangerous for the baby itself. So, the open form of tuberculosis is an absolute contraindication for breastfeeding, although it is vaccinated immediately after birth. In addition, the child is isolated from the mother for 2 months from the moment of birth. If the pathological process is inactive, then breastfeeding is usually permitted, but the mother is under the constant supervision of the doctor, and at the first signs of deterioration of her condition, the baby is weaned from the chest.

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    To prevent the infection of a child through breast milk, breastfeeding is temporarily discontinued if the woman has developed an intestinal infection such as typhoid fever, paratyphoid or

    dysentery, erysipelas, or has had sepsis. Refraining from feeding the baby, the mother must express the milk in order to maintain lactation.

    Breastfeeding of the baby by mother's breast milk is also prescribed if the woman has renal diseases accompanied by renal insufficiency, congenital and acquired heart disease, endo- and myocarditis with cardiovascular insufficiency, severe form of blood disease;malignant tumor, pronounced form of hyperthyroidism. If the mother suffers from acute and severe mental illnesses, severe forms of neuroses, then she is also prohibited from breastfeeding the baby.

    It should also be noted that during the treatment of a disease, a woman is sometimes forced to take medications that have high toxicity and effects on the baby. In this case, mother is also contraindicated in breastfeeding. In general, before taking any medication, you should always consult a doctor, without his advice it is better to give up even aspirin.

    If a woman is sick with measles or scarlatina, chickenpox, then it is not forbidden to breast-feed, but provided that the milk is immunized with gamma globulins. In whooping cough, usually isolate the child from the mother, but continue to feed the expressed milk. If the mother falls ill with

    diphtheria or tetanus, then breastfeeding is stopped.

    It is worth mentioning about the case when a woman is infected with syphilis. If the infection occurred after 6-7 months of pregnancy and the child was born without any signs of illness, then in this case breastfeeding is prohibited.

    Angina, influenza, pneumonia and other acute respiratory diseases are not contraindications to breastfeeding, but mom should take measures to prevent the transmission of the disease to the baby. So, before feeding, she always wears a clean( boiled or new) mask covering her mouth and nose, and at other times the baby should be isolated from her mother.

    Some women are interested, but is it possible to breastfeed when menstruation is resumed? Usually doctors in this case recommend not to stop feeding, since milk during this period retains all the necessary properties, although there may be a temporary decrease in its quantity. If the baby himself refuses milk from his mom, who has a month's milk, then during this period it is better to use an adapted milk formula or donor milk, but continue to express your own.

    So, if one of you gets sick - you or the baby, before continuing the feeding, it is better to consult a doctor and follow his recommendations.