  • Rules for visiting the sauna

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    It is not recommended to bathe before going to bed, on an empty stomach, earlier than 2 hours after eating. After taking even a small dose of alcohol in the steam room, heat stroke, fainting and cardiac dysfunction are possible.

    When you go to the bath, do not rush to get to the steam room immediately, because the body must be prepared for changing temperatures and the effect of steam. Stand under a warm shower, hold your legs in a basin with warm water, then dry the body with a towel. Do not use soap before entering the steam room, it degreases the skin, and grease must protect it from drying out.

    Before entering the steam room, wind the head with a towel or put on a woolen or felt hat, this will protect you from overheating and heat stroke. You should wet a hat or towel, but not hair.

    Be careful when pouring water on the glowing stones. Breathe with your nose, not your mouth. In order not to burn your hands when pouring water on the stones or ripping a broom, put on clean mittens made of wool or tarpaulin.

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    If you go to a sauna or a sauna to get rid of some disease, choose the lowest, coolest shelf. This rule should be followed and healthy people who are just starting to learn the bath procedures.

    Do not think that the longer you sit in the steam room, the faster will get rid of excess weight or illness. Brief and frequent visits will bring much more benefit. In the steam room it is better not to be more than 8-10 minutes. Do not make more than 3-4 visits. This is a rule for healthy people, and it is better for patients to restrict the entire bath procedure 10-20 minutes. Time of the first call in the steam room for beginners - no more than 3 minutes. Bath reloading badly affects the activity of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, can cause insomnia, anxiety and irritability. Burning of the skin and a feeling of dry mouth during bath procedures is a very serious signal.

    Each entry into the steam room is completed by dousing with cool water, a cool shower or dipping into the pool. However, such cooling procedures should not last more than 2 minutes.

    Between the calls you can drink water, kvass, juice without sugar and additives. It is not recommended to drink a lot of liquid. Duration of rest between calls - from 5 to 15 minutes.

    In the steam room, it is recommended to lie with your head resting on the wooden armrest. It is better to keep your feet on the bench, rather than hanging down. Getting up, do not do it abruptly, first sit 2-3 minutes.

    The final procedures in the bath should be a shower and a foot bath.

    After the bath you need to relax, drink juice, mors, herbal tea. Do not drink alcohol at all.

    It is recommended to visit the Russian sauna and sauna once a week. If this is done less often, bath procedures will not be effective, and more frequent visits threaten a large loss of trace elements.