  • Spirulina for weight loss

    Read in article:
    • Is it possible to lose weight with spirulina
    • How to use spirulina for weight loss: recommended doses, prescriptions, contraindications
    • Results, reviews of weight loss and doctors about losing weight with spirulina

    Spirulina slimming: use at home

    Spirulina slimmingused by many women for a long time, because this species of algae has been on Earth for about five million years.

    In the wild it grows in the lakes of Mexico, Africa and China. However, special farms are being created today, where spirulina is successfully cultivated artificially.

    Is it possible to lose weight with spirulina ^

    Spirulina is a greenish algae with a unique chemical composition containing a huge amount of iron, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc, magnesium, selenium and vitamins B, E and C, as well as a lot of protein thaton its useful properties even surpasses animal protein.

    Receiving spirulina for weight loss will help provide the body with a daily dose of protein, while its limit will not be exceeded. Algae easily compensates for all the lack of useful vitamins and bioflavonoids. Getting into the body, this plant gently envelops the stomach and gives the person a feeling of fullness and fullness, so there is a want less than usual.

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    Properties of spirulina for weight loss:

    • Promotes the rejuvenation of the body;
    • Reduces cholesterol, lipid and blood sugar levels;
    • Improves the performance of all organs, especially the immune and endocrine systems and thyroid gland;
    • Removes from the body various salts, including heavy metals;
    • Excellent improves metabolism;
    • Reduces appetite and hunger.

    Remember that algae only helps the body to fight the extra pounds due to its overall health. However, do not forget about proper nutrition and moderate physical exertion, otherwise the effect of its use will not be so noticeable. The effective effect of spirulina on the process of losing weight is possible only in combination with other means, for example, a diet.

    How to use spirulina for weight loss: recommended doses, prescriptions, contraindications ^

    How to use spirulina for weight loss: types, dosage

    There are different forms and ways of using this miracle - algae. Before using spirulina, consultation with your doctor is recommended for any contraindications you have.

    Dosage of spirulina for weight loss

    The so-called "live" alga brings the greatest benefit. However, it is not so common.

    • 40 gr.dry matter is recommended to dissolve in a glass of any drink: juice, kefir or water.
    • You need to drink this cocktail in the morning about half an hour before a meal.

    Spirulina has different forms of release:

    • Powder should be taken on a half teaspoon a day. It can be used as a seasoning, as well as dissolve it in drinks.
    • Tablets are recommended to take 2 pieces twice a day. Drink them with a lot of water.
    • The daily dose of capsules is 4-6 pieces. They should be drunk three times a day between meals. Adults for effective weight loss should once eat 6 tablets a day, replacing them with food.

    Lose weight with spirulina necessary courses. The duration of algae intake is from 20 to 40 days, depending on the effect obtained. When taking algae, it is important to increase the amount of water you drink. In a day, you need to consume more than two liters of fluid.

    To help get rid of cellulite and significantly tighten the flabby skin will be wrapped with spirulina. To do this, apply a thin layer on the pre-prepared warmed skin living alga. Next, wrap the body with a film and cover it with something warming.

    Contraindications for the use of spirulina

    • Spirulina is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women;
    • People who have kidney and thyroid disease, thrombosis of vessels or nervous disorders, this algae is also contraindicated;
    • Hypertension is also a reason for refusing to take spirulina;
    • In case of stroke and diabetes, spirulina treatment is also prohibited.

    When choosing spirulina, one should keep in mind that today a lot of companies began to manufacture it, but far from all are observing the right technology. So, spirulina can be contaminated with microcystins, which very often cause failures in the entire digestive system and have a number of significant side effects.

    To avoid this, you need to follow the rules of production, which greatly increases the cost of the whole process. Some unscrupulous companies, especially Chinese, whose products are simply flooded with the market, save and produce poor-quality products. Therefore, it is better to buy spirulina, which was produced by reliable companies and marked as "organic".

    We also recommend you read the article Cellulose for weight loss.

    Results, reviews of weight loss and doctors about losing weight with spirulina ^

    Opinion of doctors and nutritionists about the use of spirulina ambiguous. Doctors believe that miraculous tablets do not exist, they can only come to the complex with a healthy diet and exercise.

    And most importantly, before using any diet pills, including spirulina, you need to consult with a specialist, as any independent intervention in the body can significantly harm him.

    The results of losing weight with spirulina, judging by the responses of women, are still quite good. A large number of girls claim that with the help of this dietary supplements they managed to throw off extra pounds and improve their health.

    Reviews about the use of spirulina for weight loss of our regular readers:

    Natalia, 37 years old:

    "I tried spirulina in capsules, the result began to be felt after a few days. I liked that I did not have any unpleasant sensations, such as dry mouth or dizziness. I lost weight by 16 kg with their help for two months and I am very proud of it. "

    Tatiana, 42 years old:

    " After a month of using this alga my weight decreased by 6 kg. She began to feel just fine, the swelling and heaviness in her stomach disappeared. "

    Elizabeth, 33:

    " Weight began to go away very quickly. For a month I lost 10 kg. But the strong dryness in a mouth, an insomnia, on a skin poured out eels. After stopping taking weight again returned to the old state, plus there were health problems, a stomach ulcer opened.ยป

    Weight loss with spirulina is possible, for this you need to follow the instructions and change your life a little.