  • Pelotherapy - mud treatment

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    Read the article:
    • Mud treatment: the essence and benefit for the body
    • Mud at home
    • Mud treatment: feedback from doctors and patients

    What diseases are treated with pelotherapy

    Mud treatment( pelotherapy) is considered one of the oldest methods of combating diseases, because it began to be appliedeven in the days of Ancient Egypt.

    Mud Treatment: Essence and Benefits for the Body ^

    The main essence of pelotherapy( peloidotherapy) is the use for medicinal purposes of various origins: paraffin, ozocerite, sludge, etc. In addition, other muds are used for similar fangotherapy:

    • Peat;
    • Clayey;
    • Sapropel.

    The benefit of mud therapy is that this technique allows you to remove inflammation from the joints, get rid of neuritis and many other diseases, because the mud has medicinal properties and is able to have a beneficial effect on the body through the skin.

    This effect is achieved due to the composition of therapeutic mud, which includes organic and mineral components, as well as microelements and amino acids.

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    Mud treatment: indications and contraindications

    In what cases is mud cure recommended at home or in a clinic:

    • Arthritis and polyarthritis, joint and musculoskeletal diseases;
    • Ulcer, hepatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis, colitis;
    • Female gynecological diseases;
    • Male sexual diseases;
    • Lesions of respiratory organs;
    • ENT diseases;
    • Inflammation of the eyelids, lacrimal glands and orbits, as well as puffiness.

    When treatment with mud is contraindicated:

    • In case of acute inflammation;
    • With uterine bleeding, impaired functioning of the fallopian tubes, hypertension and severe inflammatory processes;
    • In bronchial asthma - with caution;
    • With mycosis, fungal infections, scabies;
    • In diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
    • With tuberculosis.

    Mud treatment during pregnancy is not recommended for more than 5 months, and also for several weeks after the abortion. If, on the contrary, it is not possible to conceive a child, then this technique will only contribute to the treatment of infertility.

    Despite the presented list of contraindications to mud cure, before using this method it is necessary to consult with a physiotherapist. Only a doctor can prescribe suitable and effective procedures.

    Mud treatment at home ^

    Pelotherapy - mud treatment: benefit and effect

    Mud treatment in gynecology

    Two methods are used to treat gynecological diseases in clinics:

    • "Panties": the mud or peat mud is heated in a special room to a temperature of 40 degrees,then lubricate her lower back, lower abdomen and thigh. Half an hour the patient has to rest for half an hour, after which everything is washed off under the shower. Course - 15 procedures every other day;Rectal mode: after the enema is inserted into the intestine, the heated mud is injected by the syringe, and also the mammary glands are lubricated by it. In general, all lasts a quarter of an hour.

    Mud cure for arthrosis

    For mud treatment of joints it is very important to know where the peloid should be applied:

    • If the hip or knee joints are sick, and also the feet - on the waist region;
    • If the joints of the hands are affected - on the collar zone.

    To improve blood supply and nutrition of muscles, accelerate the joint processes occurring in the joint and relieve pain, such sessions should be conducted daily. Duration - up to 7 minutes, the number of procedures - 12.

    Mud treatment with prostatitis

    Since ancient times, mud have been used to treat male and female diseases, and the following are suitable for this purpose:

    • Peat;
    • Sulphide;
    • Sapropels;
    • Sopochnye.

    How the procedure is carried out:

    • We spread on the litter 3 kg of heated mud, lie down;
    • Undressed parts of the body are greased with dirt and wrapped in a blanket;
    • We lie for 20 minutes, then go to the shower.

    Mud cure for rheumatoid arthritis

    If arthritis is in remission, doctors recommend doing mud applications:

    • We warm mud up to 42 degrees, treat it with sore spots and leave it for 20 minutes. We do everything in a day, the course - 20 procedures;
    • In the second stage we make appliqués on the lumbar region every 2 days;
    • In the third stage we process only the affected joints.

    Mud cure for gout

    With such a disease, baths and baths are effective:

    • Applications: 40 degrees of dirt is applied to sore spots and the collar area every 2 days. Course - 12 sessions;
    • Baths: take a bath at a temperature of 37 degrees for 15 minutes every other day.
    We also recommend that you read the article Thalassotherapy - treatment by the sea.

    Treatment with mud: reviews of doctors and patients ^

    Most often, the treatment of joints with mud is performed in sanatoriums, becauseit is sometimes difficult to perform a pelotherapy at home in a quality manner. According to doctors, healing mud really copes well with the symptoms of various diseases, however, in order to fully cure, in any case, taking medication is required.

    Pelotherapy: feedback from

    Olga, 38 years old:

    "Previously, for some reason, my legs were constantly aching, there was a lot of tension. I learned how to make a mud bath, and now, as soon as I feel unimportant, I take it. Doctors only with their hands are bred and do not find health problems with me - I think that I have only chronic fatigue, but they really save the mud »

    Galina, 45:

    « I would never have thought that I would have arthritis and these terrible pains. Of course, it is impossible to cure the disease completely, but it is possible to slow its development, which I do with the help of mud: every year I go to a sanatorium where I conduct the necessary procedures. I feel great! "

    Lyudmila, 39 years old:

    " Having discovered gout, I did not even know if I could get rid of severe pains. The preparations and dirt helped me, from which I made applications. Now the symptoms have not been particularly noticeable for a year already, although at first everything was terrible. "