  • The essence of urinary therapy

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    Urine is a product of the human excretory system, its chemical composition and biological components are complex. Kidneys are the most important organ responsible for the "production" of urine. But the chemicals found in the urine are excreted in various parts of the body and are important in themselves.

    Chemical composition of urine. According to biochemistry, 100 cm3 of normal human urine contains:

    Components Amount in milligram

    1. Urea N( nitrogen) 682.00

    2. Urea 1459.00

    3. Creatine N 36.00

    4. Creatine 97.20

    5. Uric acid N 12.00

    6.Uric acid 36.00

    7. Amino N 9.7

    8. Ammonia N 57.00

    9. Sodium 212.00

    10. Potassium 137.00

    11. Calcium 19.50

    12. Magnesium 11.30

    13. Chlorides 334.00

    14. General sulfates 91.00

    15. Inorganicsulfates 83.00

    16. Inorganic phosphates 127.00

    17. Acid N / 10 27.89

    18. pH of urine 6.40

    It should be remembered,that this table is unstable and the content of urine components varies from person to person, and in some people depends on time. If a person is sick and takes medicine, the composition of urine changes. This helps doctors in diagnosing the disease. If you eat a lot of spices, especially red pepper, then urine causes irritation. People taking multivitamins have reddish urine. Those who take a lot of sugar, it can be found in the urine, although this does not mean that these people are diabetics. Changing the time of the year affects the color and amount of urine. In the summer it is darker and it is smaller. In winter, more urine is released, therefore, the composition of urine depends on many internal factors.

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    There are many arguments for both, and against the use of urinary therapy. However, many views "for" and "against" often develop without a rational basis and without resorting to real reality. We, human beings, tend to rather believe in what we want to believe in than to believe in the truth. Perhaps we are influenced by friends or advertising. We remain true to our views, defending them to the end. If we want to expose the value of urinary therapy to scientific analysis, we must collect all the pros and cons of using urine, then we have to correlate all these facts, weighing all the pros and cons, and then choose a possible way of theorizing and conductingexperiments.

    Now it is necessary to consider two aspects of the influence of the mind and diet on urine and its composition. For example, we know that the state of our mind affects the neuro-endocrine balance. When we are worried, we produce a large amount of adrenaline hormones and, thus, more adrenaline is released in the urine. Similarly, when we are excited, we produce a large amount of the natural hormone( thyroid hormone) and, consequently, more of this hormone will be found in the urine.

    Researchers argue that reason is an important factor in our lives, determining each of our actions, every thought and, therefore, a lifestyle. Thus, we must determine the effect of the mind in urinary therapy on two criteria:

    1) the effect of the mind on the body, thereby on the composition of the urine;

    2) the role of the mind in healing, etc. healing by faith.

    The mind affects the body and changes the components of urine. Various aspects of the mind - calm, anxious, neurotic, psychosthenic, and various aspects of consciousness should influence the body and, thus, the relationship and nature of substances released by urine.

    Of no small importance during the period of urine use diet. You should stick to a strict vegetarian diet. This means abstaining from all dairy products, as well as from meat and other animal products. This rule is especially important for long-term treatment with periodic fasting, as well as in cases where a large amount of urine is consumed.