  • Prevention of pressure sores

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    The main cause of pressure sores is poor care of the patient, primarily for his skin, unsatisfactory condition of the bed. The most often described disorders occur in untidy patients in cases when as a result of unsystematic washing with contaminated urine and feces of the skin, a rare change of underwear, increased sweating, there is diaper rash, accompanied by a decrease in its elasticity, thinning, loosening and bleeding. An uncomfortable, uneven, hard bed is the main cause, which, together with the above, contributes to the development of pressure ulcers, especially if the bed is also rarely rearranged, creases are not smoothed, the crumbs of food are not shaken off from the sheet, and carers are not being watched to insure on bed linen and bed linenthere was no scarring or stitches.

    Therefore, to prevent the occurrence of pressure sores, you must regularly, restating the bed, inspect the patient's body, paying special attention to those areas where the pressure sores are most common. It is necessary to eliminate in the most careful way all the causes that lead to these serious complications and contribute to their progression. To do this, with reddening of the skin on the sacrum or other places, it is necessary to systematically wipe it with a moist towel moistened with camphor alcohol, and massage the skin.

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    It is highly desirable to expose the area of ​​possible development of bedsores to irradiation with a quartz lamp. If bedsores have appeared, it is necessary to lubricate them with a strong solution of potassium permanganate and begin to apply bandages with Vishnevsky ointment, with fir balm, sintomycin emulsion or with other ointments that have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

    After examination of pressure sores, a doctor may be prescribed a different treatment.

    Elimination of the causes of decubitus should be performed as follows. It is necessary to constantly monitor the proper state of the bed and systematically put it in order. It should be comfortable, without creases, stitches and scars, clean and dry. It is necessary to comply with all the requirements for skin hygiene, regularly wipe it with camphor alcohol and at least 1-2 times a day - in areas most prone to the occurrence of pressure sores. Under these areas, in order to eliminate excess pressure on the skin, a special( lining) rubber circle, wrapped in a litter or pillowcase, should be placed underneath. Usually a rubber circle is placed under the sacrum in such a way that the rubber is placed above its opening, releasing the skin from pressure.

    In addition, if the patient's condition allows( with the permission of the doctor), during the day( including at night), the patient should be helped to change the position of the body, turning it on one side or the other.

    It must be remembered that the appearance of pressure sores in a patient is evidence of poor care for him.