  • Daisy

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    Description and varieties. This is a perennial plant, grown as a biennial, as in the 3rd year of life, the ornamentation decreases in plants and some of them freezes. In the sowing year, a rosette of shovel leaves develops, the next year numerous non-leafless peduncles grow.

    Daisies appeared in Europe in the 16th century and were very popular with flower growers. But with the advent of tulips, daffodils and hyacinths, they were forgotten for a long time, as a result of which many varieties were even lost.

    In vivo a daisy of is a low plant with small non-growing inflorescences. As a result of prolonged cultivation in culture and selection of decorative forms, many varieties have been obtained, differing in inflorescence, color and size.

    In the culture, the daisy is a plant 15-20 cm high with a bright green rosette of leaves, an erect peduncle, which ends with an inflorescence from 1.5 to 8 cm in diameter. Color inflorescence white, yellow, pink, red;bloom abundant. Blossoms daisy from mid-April to July, with good care and warm weather, it is possible to re-flowering in autumn. Distinguish forms of weak( 10-15 cm) or soddy growth. The latter are beautiful ground cover plants. In garden forms of daisies inflorescences are of two types: with reed florets of flat form or fused into a tube. The central disc of the inflorescence consists of yellow tubular flowers. According to the type of inflorescence, its size and the timing of flowering, the daisies are divided into varieties that differ in terms of flowering, the shape of the inflorescence, the degree of terry, the structure of the ligulate flowers and, of course, the color of the inflorescences - from white, gently - and bright pink to dark red, carmineand cherry.

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    Meadow, Svithat, Bright Kapit - all three early blossoming with simple or semi-double inflorescences 1.5-2 cm in diameter and flat reed florets.

    Monstrosa - terry inflorescence up to 4 cm in diameter, reed florets are flat. Radar and Habener - terry inflorescences up to 6 cm in diameter, reed flowers narrow. Fistula and Pomponete - early bloomering, inflorescence terry, diameter 4 cm, reed flowers folded into tubes. Super Enorma, Beethoven, Goliath - all three late-non-flowering with double-shaped spherical inflorescences up to 7.5 cm in diameter, reed flowers are flat.

    In Russia, from the daisies of foreign selection, 3 varieties are common.

    Rosa gigantea - with very large pink terry inflorescences.

    Schneibel - with large snow-white baskets.

    Etna - with dark red, fused into the tubule ligulate flowers and bright yellow central disc.

    Without daisies, perhaps no garden, they are planted on lawns, flowerbeds, along the paths, between the tiles of the terraces, in the foreground of flower beds and flower beds. Daisies are created from daisies, monochrome or variegated, and glades against the background of the lawn, and are also used as a fringing and soil-blood plant, especially the form of a dune growth.

    Low, abundantly blooming daisies are used for spring and early-year design of flower beds, curbs, sprouts, sow on Moorish lawns. Inflorescences are cut for miniature bouquets.

    Cultivation and care. Daisies grow better on sunny areas, although they tolerate a light penumbra. Soils prefer loamy, friable, rich in humus, but not greasy, without excessive organic content. In dry weather, irrigation is required, otherwise the inflorescences are shallow, lose their swing and flowering ceases.

    Daisies are propagated by seeds and by dividing bushes.

    Sowing is carried out at the end of June. Seedlings appear after 10-12 days, after 2 weeks they are piqued. In August, the seedlings are planted in an open pound at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. Here they winter, spring next year blossom. Daisies give an annual abundant samosev. To preserve the most beautiful terry varieties, plants should be multiplied by dividing bushes. In the second year in August, the bushes are excavated and divided into separate rosettes with roots. From one plant you can get 10-12 new ones. Daisy is well tolerated transplant in flowering condition. Plants are winter-hardy, but large-varietal varietal forms need shelter for the winter. Daisies planted on heavy lands in the spring often suffer from bulging, that is, they rise on roots above the ground. Usually this happens with a sharp drop in temperature to minus the night after positive temperatures on sunny days in the absence of snow cover. In order to avoid this phenomenon, the planting should be covered with peat, humus, cut straw, other materials in a layer of 5 cm in autumn. If bulging occurs, plants should be planted in place at the usual depth and should be covered.

    Diseases and pests. Daisies are slightly affected by diseases, but sometimes they notice gray rot on leaves, buds and inflorescences, powdery mildew on leaves, rust, nematode diseases. They are damaged by caterpillars scoop and slugs.