  • Ointment from hemorrhoids during pregnancy solves all problems!

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    Pregnancy is that rare and happy time when a woman wears under the heart of a baby, getting used to a new condition for her, and often such a problem as hemorrhoids causes many unpleasant minutes. According to statistics, half of all pregnant women face this problem during pregnancy, and 8 out of 10 remain with it after childbirth.

    Causes of the appearance of the disease

    Why does hemorrhoids appear so often during pregnancy? The fact is that the woman's organism produces a kind of perestroika at this time. The pelvic bones slightly unfold, in the organs of the small pelvis increases blood circulation, and the rectum is parallel with the uterus in the small pelvis.

    So, predisposing factors of hemorrhoids appearance are:

    • Disruption of outflow from the venous network of the small pelvis, blood stasis and dilatation of the vessel walls. The more the uterus becomes, the more pressure builds up and the venous circulation is disturbed.
    • During pregnancy, pregnant women often have constipation. In parallel with the tone of the uterus, the tone of the rectum decreases, which is associated with a change in the innervation of the pelvic organs. This is a precautionary measure of the body from premature birth.
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    • Changes in the activity of a pregnant woman and the nature of nutrition. Tastes and decreased motor activity reduce the tone of the muscles of the rectum, which also causes a tendency to constipation.

    Why is it important to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy?

    Not always during pregnancy, you can change something from the above factors, and even more so, prescribe any medications to solve the problem. The difficulty lies in the fact that many components of drugs and medications can penetrate into the blood, getting through the placental barrier to the baby.

    That's why the best solution to eliminate the problem is ointment from hemorrhoids during pregnancy. The treatment of hemorrhoids becomes actual precisely before the birth, as during the birth the woman will have to push, and the hemorrhoidal knot can become trapped.

    For internal and external hemorrhoids, conservative methods of treatment are mainly used. And the main task in therapy is to help the pregnant woman and not to harm the baby. Hence, local remedies, such as suppositories and ointments from hemorrhoids, should do their job well, and the components should be harmless.

    Candles and ointments for hemorrhoids for pregnant women

    • The best ointment against hemorrhoids and most commonly used by all those who have problems is heparin. It is good because it has no contraindication for use during pregnancy and after childbirth. In its composition there is an anticoagulant heparin, which quickly eliminates the inflammatory process, and also resolves blood clots very well. In the composition of the ointment there is also an anesthetic component of benzocaine, thanks to which there comes a rapid anesthesia.
    • One of the means that solves the problem well is hemorrhoids ointment during pregnancy Gepatrombin G. Its main advantages are anti-inflammatory, analgesic and relieving edema and itching properties. But one of the advantages of this remedy is that it dissolves blood clots, which is the cause of inflammation.
    • Also solves all problems ointment for pregnant women from hemorrhoids called Relief containing shark liver oil. Has all the useful properties and has virtually no contraindications.
    • Ointment troxevasin from hemorrhoids well reduces itching, puffiness, the walls of blood vessels strengthen. An excellent anti-inflammatory effect is noted, which manifests itself during the first days after application. Troxevasin is the best remedy, which is used for wet, inflamed, long-term healing nodes.
    • Vishnevsky ointment is used in cases where external nodes become inflamed. This is the best remedy for inflamed and suppurating external nodes. Ointment from hemorrhoids after delivery is used without fear and fear that its components will harm the milk and the baby.
    • Ointment from hemorrhoids during pregnancy - posterized, which is the best remedy with reduced immunity. It has a good regenerating effect, and also relieves pain and inflammation.
    • The biggest problem with hemorrhoids is to relieve pain, especially with the act of defecation. With this task, anesthetizing ointments for hemorrhoids, such as Emla and Luan, work well.
    • Fleming ointment has established itself as the best remedy for hemorrhoids in pregnancy, as it is a homeopathic preparation that makes it possible to use it even after childbirth. It has no contraindications to the use, since it contains homeopathic medicinal doses in its composition.

    Instructions for the use of

    ointments In order to carry out treatment, carefully before use, read the instructions for the use of ointments for pregnant women from hemorrhoids. For external nodes, it is sufficient to apply the product several times a day after hygienic procedures.

    Candles are intended for internal use only and are inserted after hygienic procedures in the rectum, preferably at night. Apply candles enough once a day. In case of complicated cases candles can be inserted 2 times a day.

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