  • Enterocolitis: symptoms and treatment in adults, causes

    Enterocolitis is a disease that affects both the mucous membranes of the thick and small intestines. It can be inflammatory and non-inflammatory.

    Enterocolitis is known to everyone under the name of "indigestion" or "poisoning with stale foods."

    Diseases are equally affected by women and men of different ages, as well as children. Very often, enterocolitis develops in conjunction with other diseases of the gastrointestinal system.

    Symptoms of Enterocolitis

    There are 2 forms of the disease course in adults, which differ in the degree of mucosal involvement. Enterocolitis can be acute or chronic.

    The acute form of enterocolitis affects only the mucosa. With chronic form, inflammation of submucous layers occurs. If acute enterocolitis is not treated, then it can go to chronic.

    Acute form of the disease occurs unexpectedly and is accompanied by well-marked symptoms:

    • with a cutting pain;
    • grumbling in the abdomen;
    • flatulence;
    • with nausea;
    • with vomiting;
    • by the occurrence of a raid on the language;
    • diarrhea.
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    Children may also have loss of consciousness and convulsions due to rapid dehydration of the body. If enterocolitis is infectious, then

    • mucus, pus and blood in the feces are added to the above symptoms;
    • stench of stool;
    • temperature increase;
    • chills;
    • weakness;
    • drowsiness;
    • headache;
    • muscle aches.
    The course of the chronic form may be inconspicuous, and may be accompanied by well-visible signs that pose a danger to life. Determine chronic enterocolitis can be due to the presence of such symptoms:

    • abdominal pain;
    • violation of the defecation process: the manifestation of constipation, diarrhea, or alternation;
    • flatulence;
    • dyspeptic syndrome - digestive disorders( digestion of food can be accompanied by fermenting and putrefactive processes);
    • asthenovegetative syndrome: the emergence of weakness, lethargy, rapid fatigue, predisposition to apathy, loss of attention and memory;
    • to reduce body weight;
    • pale-grayish skin color;
    • nail brittleness;
    • of hair dullness.

    Diagnostics of Enterocolitis

    Diagnosing the acute form of the disease is quite easy with the help of data obtained from the patient about consumed food, and by the presence of well-defined characteristic symptoms.

    Confirm the diagnosis will help coprogram and the results of bacteriological examination of feces. Sometimes they perform rectoscopy.

    For the diagnosis of a chronic form, you need to collect anamnestic information, conduct a physical examination, laboratory tests and instrumental diagnostics, analyze the results of colonoscopy and radiology. The most information is provided by a colonoscopy that detects inflamed parts of the mucous membrane, erosion, ulcers.

    Treatment of enterocolitis

    Therapy of acute and chronic enterocolitis varies. To treat the acute form of enterocolitis, adults are prescribed a diet consisting of water and tea. If necessary, rinse the stomach.

    If a patient has severe diarrhea and vomiting, he is prescribed antidiarrhoea( imodium or smectic) and regidron to prevent dehydration. It is recommended to use rice decoction and porridge, cooked on the water.

    To relieve pain, the doctor ascribes antispasmodics. It is possible to use detoxification therapy with the help of droppers. Effective result is provided by microclysters prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs. With diarrhea, a decoction of oak bark, St. John's wort, bird cherry, and with bloating - a decoction of chamomile. If the disease is accompanied by constipation, then enemas are made from sea buckthorn oil.

    When infectious enterocolitis treatment is supplemented with antibacterial or antiparasitic agents. The patient is prescribed antibiotics and sulfonamide preparations. To prevent the development of dysbiosis, the use of drugs that restore the intestinal microflora( lactobacterin, bifidum) is recommended. If you start treatment in time, you can get rid of acute enterocolitis in 3-6 days.

    Treatment of chronic enterocolitis

    Therapy of the chronic form of enterocolitis must be carried out in a complex manner. To cure chronic enterocolitis, you must first eliminate the cause of the disease. To this end:

    • restore power mode;
    • abolish drugs that disrupt intestinal activity;
    • eliminates bacterial or parasitic infection;
    • treat diseases of the digestive system( gastritis, duodenitis, etc.).
    After the immediate causes of the disease are eliminated, they begin to treat digestive disorders, motor and dysbiosis.

    Traditional therapy involves the reception of:

    • antibacterial agents that inhibit pathological flora( furazolidone, enterofurin);
    • enzyme-containing products that restore normal digestion of food( pancinitrat, creona, mezim forte, pancreatin);
    • probiotics and prebiotics, which renew the intestinal microflora( bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, enterobacteria, biovestin, linex, lactovite, bifikol);
    • means, normalizing intestinal motility( trimebutin, loperamide, mebeverin, methacin, papaverine, no-shpa).
    If the above medicines do not help, the doctor ascribes sorbents.

    Get rid of erosion and ulcers, stop bleeding will help vinylin. In , periods of exacerbations of are well influenced by the adoption of phthalazole, phtazine, etazol.

    Patients must always follow a diet. It is necessary to abandon the products that strengthen intestinal peristalsis: coarse plant fiber and sweets. During the remission, diet No. 2 is prescribed. If the disease is accompanied by constipation, then diet No. 3 is prescribed, and if diarrhea is diet No. 4.

    If the patient has a pronounced dyspeptic syndrome, it is recommended to limit the consumption of individual foods. When putrefactive dyspepsia should be abandoned sour-milk products, products consisting of complex proteins and coarse fiber. If the patient is experiencing fermental dyspepsia, then it is necessary to remove whole milk, rye bread, cabbage, sugar-containing foods from the diet.

    During the treatment of chronic enterocolitis, physiotherapeutic procedures are successfully used:

    • amplipulse therapy - AC treatment;
    • reflexotherapy;
    • magnetotherapy;
    • balneology;
    • LFK.
    Sports activities normalize digestion and the activities of all systems, improve mood. In case of apathy, it is recommended to consult a psychotherapist. In some cases it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention.

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