
Useful and medicinal properties of hare-lingers intoxicating

  • Useful and medicinal properties of hare-lingers intoxicating

    ( lagahilus)

    Perennial herbaceous plant of the family labialose with branching stems, lignified at the base, up to 60 cm high. Leaves on petioles, slightly leathery, three-five-sectioned or lobate. Flowers bilabiate, pale pink, collected on 4-6 in the axils of leaves, with bowls, equipped with spines, which is why the whole plant is very prickly. The fetus, as in all labiate, breaks up into 4 small triangular brown nutlets. The flowering period is extended, individual bushes bloom in May-June, July and even in August and September;accordingly, the fruits are maturing at the same time.

    grows on semi-desert and desert plains, in foothills and pebbles, along the channels of temporary drainage. Especially often found in the Samarkand region. Zaytsegub intoxicating has a small area of ​​distribution. It is found only in Uzbekistan and Northern Tajikistan, i.e., does not go beyond the borders of Central Asia.

    For medical use, some other kinds of hare-lings, which grow in Central Asia and Southern Kazakhstan, are suitable, in particular, hare-like bristly, hare-lipped plaster, etc.

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    In medical practice, flowers and leaves of the hare are used. They prepare raw materials during the whole period of flowering, from May to October. Because the plant is prickly, it is cut down by the ketmen. Dry in the shade, in attics and threshed with sticks. Collect the remaining leaves and flowers. Raw materials contain tetrahydric alcohol lagohimin( 0.6-2%), tannins( up to 14%), essential oil, carotene

    ( 7-14 mg%), ascorbic acid( 77-100 mg%), vitamin K, calcium salts, organic acids.

    Luncheon preparations due to the action of lagahilin in the presence of calcium salts, as well as tannins and vitamin K accelerate blood clotting and reduce vascular permeability. In addition, they have a calming effect and somewhat lower blood pressure. Tincture and infusion of flowers and leaves of the hare are a good hemostatic. They are used for all kinds of internal and external bleeding( traumatic, uterine, hemorrhoidal, pulmonary, nasal, etc.), as well as for the prevention of bleeding during surgical operations and heavy menstruation, with glaucoma.

    Application of

    Infusion: 10 g of flowers and leaves( or 3 tablespoons of flowers) into a glass of boiling water. Infuse is recommended 6-8 hours, take up to 6 times a day for 1 teaspoon, diluted 1/4 cup water. Treatment of rabies can continue without interruption for 2-3 months.

    Sometimes hare-lipid preparations are prescribed simultaneously and as a sedative. When glaucoma infusion is prepared at a rate of 1:20 and take 2 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day.

    Infusion, externally: gauze or cotton balls moistened with infusion( 1:10) and for 2-5 minutes applied to bleeding tissues.

    Note. In some patients, the infusion taken internally, has a laxative effect or causes an increase in heart rate. In such cases, the single dose should be reduced by 2-3 times. Tea or infusion hare is used to quickly relieve fatigue after strenuous physical labor.