  • How and when are folk remedies applied to kidney stones?

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    Kidney stones are formed because of the development of urolithiasis, for the manifestation of which is known a large number of reasons, but most often it is heredity, lack of intake of fluid in the body or too much of its loss, infection of the urinary canals. Untimely treatment can provoke serious complications. But in this situation, people's remedies for kidney stones can help.

    This is important! Concrements are capable of clogging the urinary canals, disrupting the removal of urine from the body, thereby causing kidney failure. In this regard, even with the slightest signs of the disease, such as acute pain in the kidney, groin or lower abdomen, the appearance of blood in the urine, burning during urination is required urgently to visit a specialist.

    To combat the development of the disease, many methods of treatment are known - drug therapy, crushing with ultrasound, surgery and folk treatment of kidney stones.

    In folk recipes and in particular when using herbs from kidney stones, there are many advantages, for example, efficiency, simplicity and painlessness.

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    It is important to remember that realizing folk recipes, the effect does not appear very quickly and recovery will come gradually. Sometimes doctors prescribe such therapy as an adjuvant therapy to undergo treatment in a hospital setting.

    Reasons for the formation of kidney stones

    Kidney stones begin to form with the development of urolithiasis - a lesion of the urinary system. The main reasons for the appearance of stones and sand are the following:

    1. Wrong food, which includes harmful dyes and GMOs.
    2. The lack of a diet, abundant consumption of salty, sharp and acidic foods and dishes.
    3. Prevalence in the diet of fried foods.
    4. Genetic predisposition.
    5. Prolonged intake of certain medications.

    Herbal prescriptions for the treatment of urolithic pathology

    Treatment with herbs for kidney stones is most often organized using the following components:

    • Sorrel - used both as a wild and vegetable garden. It will be necessary to take the root of the plant and crush it, then add the wine to the gruel and insist. Tincture is taken regularly, it allows you to easily crush stones and remove them from the body.
    • Chernushka sowing - it prepares a decoction, which is mixed with honey before use.
    • Melon and watermelon - a great help in the treatment of urolithiasis, it is especially convenient to carry out such treatment in the summer.
    • Stigmas of corn - it will take two teaspoons of plants, which are poured into 200 ml of boiling water. The patient should take the broth in small sips every three hours. Even more effective this method becomes with the simultaneous use of decoctions from the stems of the pie and the roots of cocklebur. You need to brew in boiling water five tablespoons of a mixture of these plants and eat three times a day for 150 ml.

    This is important! With strict adherence to prescriptions and their dosage after a certain time, a person will notice a marked improvement in his health.

    Treatment with decoctions from medicinal plants

    A decoction prepared from the peel of potatoes, without pain and successfully destroys kidney stones. For cooking, two handfuls of peel should be filled with water and cook until softened. Decoction is indicated for reception twice a day for one glass.

    Will help get rid of urolithiasis pathology and sunflower, or rather, its roots. They are washed and poured with boiling water. Then the resulting mixture should be cooked on low heat for no longer than five minutes. The broth should be cooled, drained and consumed throughout the day. Roots can be brewed three times, after which they can be replaced with fresh ones. In this case, along with the urine from the body begins to stand out and sand.

    If the root of the dog rose from the stones in the kidneys, then different in composition stones begin to gradually break down. To prepare the broth, the roots must be thoroughly washed, finely chopped and poured with cold water. Next, you need to cook a very intense broth and eat it before eating in a volume of 50 ml. It is best to collect roots in the flowering period of dog rose, when their healing potential is greatest.

    Treatment of urolithiasis with


    To crush stones in the kidneys need to daily, eat fresh lemon juice, diluted with hot water. For one serving you need to take 1 lemon and 100 ml of boiling water. In addition, throughout the day should be consumed 100 ml of the mixture of the following juices - carrot, cucumber, beetroot and apple. As a rule, after a month and a half of such treatment even large stones begin to dissolve.

    Black radish juice also promotes the dissolution of kidney stones. You will need to mix in equal parts the root juice and honey. The resulting mixture should be taken one teaspoon three times a day, forty minutes before eating.

    This is important! No less effective means for treating pathology is tansy juice. For the preparation, only the inflorescence of the plant is required.50 drops of juice mixed with milk or with honey and taken three times a day.

    Teas that help to get rid of the disease

    To destroy small stones it is recommended to drink "karkade" tea, which is brewed five times a day. In addition, it cleans the blood vessels and cholesterol, strengthening their walls and regulating permeability.

    Also helps to get rid of kidney stones the following tea recipe - in a glass of boiling water just before use it is necessary to dissolve the powdered peel of apples to the consistency of the powder. Tea should be drunk after an hour and a half after eating, and the course of treatment is at least 4 months.

    Millet, as a means of removing stones

    Ordinary millet can be considered an affordable and very effective treatment for urolithiasis. It helps to calm the inflammatory process, get rid of blood clots in the ducts, dissolve stones and remove sand from the kidneys. Also millet has a lot of other useful properties.

    The most common prescription for removing stones with millet is the following:

    1. One glass of washed millet grains are covered in a 3-liter jar and filled with hot water. The bank needs to be wrapped and left to stand for the night. In the morning a white powder appears in the water.
    2. The liquid with the powder is drained, and the millet is infused with a new portion of water. This can be done several times until the taste of the liquid changes.
    3. Fused, muddy infusion should be drunk throughout the day at any time and in any volume, shaking before use. This approach causes the excretion of sand, small stones and removes the inflammatory process.

    Often millet infusion, diuretics and, herbs dissolving kidney stones, are applied simultaneously. Basically, it is birch buds, leaves of cranberries, etc. Removing stones with millet becomes possible even with the consumption of cereals for food.

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