  • What products are used to clean the liver at home?

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    Dysfunction of the liver is not difficult to detect. They are manifested by pain, nausea after eating, fatigue, drowsiness or, conversely, sleep disorders, skin problems. Serious signs require the intervention of doctors, and you should not risk self-medication, especially if you have liver problems. Permanent cleaning of the liver at home is an easy way to maintain health. Such a procedure will help to prevent trouble - slags, plugs from cholesterol, improper metabolism, excess body weight.

    Cleansing the liver with folk remedies is a step towards maintaining good health. Initially, it is required to clean the intestines and for this it is necessary to switch to vegetarian food in order to prepare the liver for easy cleansing. In addition, you will need to stop using alcoholic beverages and taking medicines.

    Cleaning the liver with beets

    Among the various recipes of traditional medicine for purifying the liver, beet purification can be considered the most sparing. By itself, this vegetable is very useful, so even with its use it helps to significantly improve well-being.

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    Simple beet cleansing also requires preparatory measures, as well as other techniques.

    The procedure requires a medium-sized root crop. It should be washed thoroughly, leaving a peel and a tail, put in a pan and pour 1 liter of water. It is important to strictly observe the volume of liquid used, since then you need to add another 2 liters and boil the beets until only a liter of broth remains in the pan. Next, the vegetable is cleaned and rubbed on a fine grater, added to the remaining broth and boiled for another twenty minutes.

    After the beet is ready, the beet mass is filtered and divided into four equal parts. Take the broth after every four hours, and immediately after taking it is recommended to lie down, putting a warm water bottle on its side on the right side.

    Cleansing the liver with olive oil

    Cleansing the liver with olive oil is a classic recipe. It is this ingredient that is the basis of most of the techniques, for which no complex manipulation is required.

    The most gentle method of cleaning the liver and intestines requires daily intake of quality olive oil every morning before eating one teaspoonful. Olive oil is rich in vitamins, contains oleic acid, necessary for the body for proper metabolic processes. With the constant addition of olive oil, no strict diet, complex cleansing or liposuction will be required. In addition, oil prevents the accumulation of excess body weight, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and reduces the concentration of cholesterol.

    Liver cleansing with milk thistle

    Liver thistle cleaning in folk medicine is used to treat a variety of liver, kidney and gallbladder pathologies. Infusions, decoctions of this herb make it possible to relieve the condition even with severe lesions, such as cirrhosis or viral hepatitis. This cleansing gives positive results and with varicose veins or spleen disease, protects the liver from the effects of poisons on it.

    The thistle is cleaned by seeds of the plant, which contain a large amount of organic acids, vitamin K, alkaloids, proteins and vegetable oil. Root and leaves of milk thistle are also characterized by a curative effect. It is recommended to collect them in September, rinse with cold water and dry under hot air flow. The easiest recipe for cooking a decoction is as follows:

    1. Two teaspoons of plant seeds should be poured in half a liter of water and boiled over low heat until the volume of the liquid is reduced by half.
    2. The broth is required to strain and take one tablespoon one hour after eating.
    3. The duration of the course of liver cleansing is one month.
    4. You can also realize the cleansing of the liver with powder from milk thistle - this is one teaspoon of four to five times before eating.

    Purification of the liver with the help of sorbitol

    Before starting to cleanse the liver with sorbitol, one needs at least a day to eat only vegetarian food. Cleaning the body at home using sorbitol is best organized in the evenings, after taking a warm bath and always on an empty stomach.

    For the purification, you need to prepare a special solution. In a glass of water, dissolve four spoons of medical sugar, sold in any pharmacy. The patient should lie on his right side and put a heating pad under the ribs. In this position, and you need to drink sorbitol solution - slowly and in small sips. After drinking all the sorbitol, in the pose on the side, lie down for about another thirty minutes, and then drink a previously prepared herbal solution to remove bile in a volume of 50 ml.

    The cholagogue solution is prepared from the following components: burdock root, tansy, dandelion. You can also buy a ready-made product in the pharmacy. Do not remove the heating pad from the side, it will take about two hours, and then go to the toilet.

    Purification of the liver by Moritz

    Cleansing the liver by Moritz is a special method that helps restore the health of the organ. Before the procedure it is important to make sure that there are no stones in the gallbladder and clean the intestines. Pregnant women such cleansing is strictly prohibited.

    With regard to the cleansing of the intestine, it can be carried out through enemas and products that have a laxative effect.

    It is necessary to consume large amounts of water and refuse to eat in those days when it is planned to clean Moritz.

    Regarding the implementation time of the procedures, it is best to conduct it:

    • For 16 to 20 hours.
    • Preparation for the procedure should last at least six days.
    • The final stage of the procedure should be organized on weekends.

    The main dietary recommendations for cleansing according to Moritz are:

    • Refuse cold drinks before meals and any other foods that may interfere with liver cleansing.
    • Any food before using it should be warmed to room temperature.
    • It is prohibited to include in the diet fried, dairy products and dishes, as well as any products of animal origin. Otherwise, a person may feel very bad.
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