Sexual sensations during lactation
The same hormones that stimulate the production of milk and cause maternal feelings in women( pro-lactin and oxytocin) are also responsible for female sexuality. They cause a sense of relaxation and pleasure and help the mother to become attached to the child. Breastfeeding is originally designed to give pleasure. Humanity would not survive if breastfeeding were unpleasant.
Some women are disturbed by an officer. I like doing our daughter when my wife is at work. I take off my shirt and press her against my fluffy chest. Then I take the bottle and clamp it under my arm, as I used to hold the lantern while going around my area. I hold the child almost the same way my wife holds it by the chest, and the child drinks from the bottle under my arm. It seems that both of us benefit from this innovation. "One point in favor of paternal intuition.
If you have already used the recommendations for feeding from a bottle of an infant, and the child still refuses to take a bottle, calm down: there are other strategies. Try to feed your child from plastic utensils of small diameter, for example from cups for juice, medical cups or from a shallow, flexible bowl with a rim. If you tilt a cup or
the intensity of the sensations that occur when the baby sucks in the chest. Especially when the child becomes older, women are worried about whether these sensations are normal. Of course yes! Here is what La Leche League International thinks about this: "Women really experience physical sensations during breastfeeding. Depending on time and situation, these sensations can be defined differently - like physical arousal, as a general feeling of bliss or as warm and loving feelings towards the child. All this is a natural part of a woman's life and her relationship with a child. "
bowl so that its edge coincides with the contour of the baby's lips, it is usually more acceptable for the baby and newer than the nipples. Pour a little milk into the baby's mouth and wait for it to swallow. Be prepared for the fact that some of the milk will firstly flow by while the child takes possession of this new skill. Patiently let the baby lap the milk until he gets used to a new type of sucking-swallowing movements. If the child likes to sip milk, try using a training mug with a bump on top instead of a nipple. Avoid cups with a spout.
Fortunately, all these troubles have one thing in common - they quickly pass. Then the child grows up and becomes more developed, and your happy share is given away by new worries. But those are the children.