  • Stone oil and mummy

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    In the mountain caves and clefts of rocks are hidden precious treasures. Many seekers conquer the peaks and then descend into the depths of the caves to find them. .. If you think that we are talking about gold and silver coins, then you are mistaken: I'm talking about the most valuable medicinal raw material - stone oil and, of course, the mummy. Ask, what does the mummy have to do with it?

    The fact is that when talking about stone oil, you can not leave aside the second substance. Very many confuse them. This is apparently due to the fact that both stone oil and mummies are complex mineral-organic compounds of natural origin, and it is really difficult to distinguish them.

    Both are mined in the mountains, they have long been used for medicinal purposes, and once the mummies were called "stone" or "mountain" oil, and stone oil - "white mummy".Until now, some people are sure that the stone oil - this

    is a mummy. So that we do not have such confusion, we'll talk separately about the mummy and the stone oil.

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    The richest deposits of mummies are found in the mountains of Central Asia and the Caucasus. There are many versions of the origin of this curative substance, but in each of them there are some flaws. Here is what the biologist L. Rybchenko tells in the newspaper Far-Eastern Scientist( No. 27 of 1991): "What is the mummy? It is a mineral organic substance formed in the places of faults of the earth's crust. Its origin is directly connected with the mantle of the Earth, and in the old days the mummy was often called "mountain oil."

    It seems that everything is clear and concise, but the question remains: how to determine what mountain formation is a mummy and which is not.

    To understand these two unique tools, knowledge of where they are extracted and what is in their composition will help.

    Many scientists claim that all kinds of mummies are of organic origin, and the materialfor hisThe present healing mummy is found in the mountains where limestone deposits occur in large numbers, in caves, grottoes - in a word, where

    does not penetrate the atmospheric and thawed waters.the mummy is formed at an altitude of 2000 m above sea level

    When searching for this substance, preference is given to the southern, south-western or south-eastern mountain slopes. Another condition for the formation of high-quality mummies is growth on the slopes of archa, the local species of mulberry. In the caves, the mummy is found in the form of streaks on stones, icicles;Sometimes the mummy covers the cave roof, like a shiny black glaze.

    When you get into a cave where there is a mummy, you immediately pay attention to a specific smell that is difficult to confuse with anything else. But the most convenient place for the extraction of mummies is a congestion( I beg your pardon for naturalism!) Of the litter of local rodents-food. By itself, the litter - overdried in a porous weightless mass - does not have anything to do with the mummy, but during its formation, the thick solution of mummy, emerging from the rock, is absorbed, like a sponge, into the pellets of manure, and, finally losing its moisture, freezes for all time. Such balls containing mummies are easily recognized by their appearance and weight;they can often be found on a steep rock, under a rocky ledge.

    It is known that the main condition for long-term storage of mummies in nature is a dry mountain climate. Such places are characterized by a lack of oxygen, increased ultraviolet radiation, sharp fluctuations in daily temperatures. This promotes mummification, polymerization and long-term preservation of organic matter. The oldest of the found mummies, determined by the radiocarbon method, is 15 thousand years old.

    Apparently, therefore, the price of a mummy in the world market is fantastic - about $ 9 per 1 year.