  • Stone oil

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    Before discussing in more detail how and in what cases it is necessary to use stone oil for specific diseases, I will dwell on one more important topic. Let's talk about the peculiarities of using stone oil in official and alternative medicine.

    Traditional medicine is often called "non-traditional".It is opposed to official, scientific medicine. Doctors often speak of "healers" skeptically, and the latter reproach doctors with conservatism and superficiality.

    Let's try to figure out whether the gulf between these two "medicine" is really deep now.

    Both folk and traditional medicine, in fact, have much in common. Their goal is the same: the return of a person's health. On the side of traditional methods of treatment - nature itself, its wealth and a thousand-year practice of their use.

    On the side of traditional methods - science, experimental development, modern technology.

    What is the difference, advantages and disadvantages of these two branches of the unified health theory? Someone will not argue with the fact that the official medicine has achieved a lot. The effectiveness of its methods is extremely high, but we all know that they are often aggressive. What I mean? The fact is that traditional medicine, using its entire arsenal in the fight against a specific disease, does not always pay attention to what consequences a person may have after the use of chemotherapy drugs, as this will affect his further health. Often after a course of treatment, a patient who is spared from one ailment gets a whole bunch of new ones in return. This can not happen if you are treated with natural natural remedies. Vegetable preparations have practically no contraindications, and they do not just heal from a single disease, but have a general strengthening effect on the whole organism.

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    Recently, traditional medicine often resorts to "non-traditional" methods, such as phytotherapy, manual therapy, etc. We have already said that the healing properties of the stone oil were interested in time by Kazakh scientists. They conducted a series of studies, during which they observed how stone oil affects the body of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Usually in hospitals, pulmonary tuberculosis is treated with chemotherapy. Such treatment takes a long time. And do I have to say how hard it is tolerated by the sick?

    In search of new approaches, doctors turned to the use of complex therapy: in addition to conventional drugs, patients were offered stone oil and some essential oils. The effect surpassed all expectations: studies have shown that stone oil significantly strengthens the immune system, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. In patients taking stony oil, the growth of bacteria was stopped 1.5-2 times faster than those who were treated only by traditional methods.

    On guinea pigs and rats, experiments on the treatment of various kinds of wounds with stone oil were performed. The experiments showed that the wounds treated with stone oil were healed for 2 days. In addition, an experiment was conducted to treat inflammatory diseases of gums in animals. It turned out that a solution of rock oil with glycerin - a tool much more effective than drugs used in dentistry( for example, maraslavin).

    For several decades, the modification version of rock oil( gromashun) "Geomalin" is very effectively used in the prevention and treatment of cancer. The drug is approved for use in the territory of Ros

    since 1971, and is also recommended for use as a food additive. I will say a few words about this medicine.

    The effectiveness of the drug is very high: an analysis of 237 clinical cases showed that it exceeds 85%.

    The scope of medical use of this preparation is as follows:

    • liver disease( including viral and intoxicant hepatitis);

    • gastrointestinal diseases( colitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer disease);

    • therapy for burns and wounds;

    • trophic ulcers;

    • Oncology;

    • endocrinology( in particular, pancreatic disease);

    • gerontology( prolongation of physiological activity in general and sexual activity in particular).

    According to the pre-clinical tests of the drug in the amount of the program of the Russian pharmaceutical committee, it was found that this drug:

    • is non-toxic;

    • is not mutagenic;

    • not teratogenic;

    • has a pronounced hepatoprotective, wound healing, antibacterial, antitumor and antimetastatic activity.

    There is no doubt that this drug is truly unique. But he has a number of contraindications.

    So, "Geomaline" can not be used for mechanical jaundice: it has a pronounced choleretic activity.

    The agent may cause a number of adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract. In particular, at maximum concentrations( 0.3%), Geomalin promotes the formation of constipation. In this case, it is necessary to take appropriate measures( diet, laxatives, enemas) to ensure a daily stool.

    "Geomalin" has established itself as a powerful medicinal product with a wide range of therapeutic effects. And, although it has a number of contraindications, practice shows that with the skillful and competent application of this remedy, side effects can easily be avoided.

    Stone oil is a real storehouse of minerals. Despite its unique properties, it is not so easy to treat it( as well as any other medicinal plant): you will need a lot of patience, work, faith. .. Brakshun, as this substance is called in Central Asia, is not an antibiotic, the effect of which becomes noticeableimmediately after taking one tablet. But, I assure you, if you have the patience and faith in successful treatment, then the stone oil will not only save you from the disease, but also have a lasting beneficial effect on the entire body.

    What is required for the treatment with the stone oil to give the desired results?

    First of all, know and observe three simple rules. I write about these elementary rules in each of my books. But, unfortunately, I still face the fact that due to neglect to them, treatment does not bring benefits, and sometimes it turns out to be harmful. As a result, the patient becomes disillusioned with natural remedies, and sometimes even loses hope for recovery. And what!can be worse than this?

    So, rule one: you need to put the right diagnosis. You must know exactly what kind of ailment you are going to fight. And believe me, for an accurate diagnosis you need the knowledge of a specialist doctor. Most likely, you will need to pass some tests.

    This rule seems so simple and straightforward! Nevertheless, many people, if they are concerned about anything, do not go to the doctor, but prefer to consult their friends, and what is most sad, follow the advice of ignorant people. Do not do this at all! The experience of friends and relatives in curing ailments is, without doubt, important, but only when the cause of the disease is accurately established, and for this it is necessary to consult a specialist, and preferably not one. Until the true cause of the ailments is clarified, resorting to any medications is quite dangerous. Why struggle with a disease that you have never had? This, as you can guess, can cause irreparable harm to health.

    From the first rule follows the second: if you decide to be treated with a stone oil, do not forget to consult a specialist before. Brakshun is a potent remedy, and one must apply it carefully. The specialist will help you choose the right treatment regimen and give additional recommendations.

    Let's say you stopped on some specific scheme of treatment with stone oil. Then follow rule three: be precise and disciplined! Do not violate the prescribed dose of the drug, just follow the dosage.

    This also applies to the recipes given in this book. The principle of "the more, the better" is not applicable in the treatment of natural remedies, in particular of stone oil. Remember that sometimes a 0.1% solution is more effective than 10% solution.

    Try to use the stone oil with the mind, so that it brings the maximum benefit.

    Compliance with these simple rules will help you achieve your desired goal faster.

    Preparation of stone oil for use is an important part of the treatment. Let's talk about the nid in which this substance should be used.

    Both cleared and unrefined stone oil are on sale. Usually, purified stone oil has a yellowish tinge( color from white-yellow to green) and is sold in the form of amorphous pieces, small pebbles or powder.

    The operation to clean the stone oil is not easy, especially at home, so it's better to buy the already purified product.

    And for those who have had the opportunity to buy raw stone oil( or collect it in the mountains on their own), I'll give you a cleaning procedure.

    Stone oil is easily soluble in water and moderately or weakly - in other liquids. Here on this property - good solubility in water - and the method of clarification of stone oil is based.

    The collected raw materials are covered in enameled dishes and poured with warm water( temperature up to 60 ° С) with water. Then he is insisted for 10-20 hours, occasionally stirring. Then the first portion of the solution is poured through a sieve into a glass or enameled container, and water is added to the residue of the thick, which is drained off in the same way in 10 hours.

    The first and second solutions differ only in the concentration of rock oil and the content of calcareous dust: in the second solution, it is larger. You can pour the thicket and the third time, but do not stretch the process of dissolution in time: the "empty rock" quickly ferments, spreading an unpleasant smell.

    The next stage of purification is to separate the solution from insoluble impurities. For this, filtering is used. The simplest, but very long way is upholding. Fine dust does not hurry to settle on the bottom, so cleaning the solution with sedimentation stretches for months. When the solution is cleaned of sand, small pieces of rock, etc., it is evaporated.

    Water from the solution is evaporated as follows. Take two pelvis, one less than the other. In a large basin pour water, in a smaller one - a solution of rock oil. This design is put on a slow fire and a fan is placed side by side. It is important that the jet of air is directed to the surface of the solution. The heated solution should be stirred all the time and the temperature is checked - the rock oil loses its quality when heated to a temperature above 60 ° C.Control is easy to do - dip your finger into the liquid: the skin is a good indicator.

    The most tiring stage of dehydration of rock oil begins from the moment when it acquires the consistency of sour cream. At this time, the danger of overheating of the extract increases, mixing of the contents is constant and quite intense, because a layer of thicker extract forms on the surface, which prevents evaporation of moisture.

    When the solution resembles a thick syrup, the heating stops, and the stone oil cools onto a strong polyethylene laid in a cup-like shape. Now your task is to protect the stone oil from moisture, so that the drying will continue.

    Stone oil can be stored indefinitely. It is best to store it in a container wrapped in foil.

    Recipes for the application of stone oil there is not so much already. In its pure form, this substance is used rarely, mainly in the form of solutions of varying concentrations. Sometimes in such a solution add infusions or decoctions of herbs.

    Before using stone oil as a medicine, it must be properly prepared.

    As a rule, the peeled shampoo is poured with boiled water at room temperature. After 2-3 days, the liquid is drained off. Sediment can be used for compresses and lotions. The solution is made from the calculation of 3 g of funds for 3 liters of water, taking into account the state of health of the patient.

    Before treatment it is necessary to find out the reaction of the body to the stone oil( for any diseases), for which it is better to apply it in small doses( 1 cup per day) and weak concentration( 1 g per 3 liters of water) several days after the meal. Then drink before meals, constantly increasing the dose and concentration of the solution. Such procedures as compresses, tamponing, microclysters, and douching, speed up the treatment and save the consumption of stone oil.

    People with cancer in this case form a special group of patients. They can immediately prescribe the drug in a higher concentration, but not higher than 3 g per 500 ml of water.

    Stone oil is applied inside, outwardly and in combination with other medicines. It effectively treats diseases such as diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, neuralgia, mastopathy, inflammation of the appendages, infertility, colitis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Brakshun is also used for headache, osteochondrosis, joint diseases and thrombophlebitis. Very effective stone mask in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.

    There is evidence that taking stony oil increases the potency. After all, it contains zinc, the lack of which often leads to the loss of "male power".

    Aqueous solutions with the addition of glycerol are used to treat inflammatory diseases of the gums with their bleeding. In addition, the stone oil has a positive effect on the entire body, which means that the work of all its functions improves.

    This is not a complete list of diseases that serve as an indication for the use of stone oil. We will gradually expand and supplement it in the pages of this book.

    What does the Mendeleyev table have to do with? The fact is that in the late 80-ies in the Institute of Chemical Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR was carried out a spectral analysis of rock oil. The study showed that the stone oil contains 49 microelements, that is, almost half of Mendeleyev's table. Unbelievable but true.

    Thanks to the research of scientists from Almaty, who discovered the healing power of stone oil for the first time, we know that this substance owes its phenomenal properties to the microelements contained in it, the properties of which are reinforced by each other.

    Both their composition and high concentration are unique. This explains their effective influence on the work of the human body, its individual systems and organs, up to the cellular level. These substances are able to fight with various kinds of infections, stimulate metabolic processes, strengthen the circulatory system and immunity, promote the removal of toxins from the body, provide analgesic, wound healing and even antitumor effect.

    Thanks to the high content of potassium, the stone oil is able to normalize the activity of the heart and regulate the water balance of the cells. If the body lacks potassium, then dry skin increases, and acne develops. There are frequent colds, mental activity worsens, nervousness, insomnia, depression. The lack of this microelement can affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract: constipation, diarrhea, as well as unquenchable thirst, nausea and vomiting - all these are symptoms of a shortage in the body of potassium. Muscle fatigue, weakness, periodic headaches, pain in the heart area can also be caused by a lack of this trace element.

    Sodium contained in the stone oil, maintains the acid-base balance in the body and normal blood pressure, and also protects the body from moisture loss.

    Stone oil contains calcium, which is necessary for the formation of bones and teeth. It is the high content of this chemical element that explains why, when taking stone oil, bone fractures are much quicker to heal. Calcium is also necessary for the prevention of joint diseases. A deficiency of this substance can cause skin diseases, for example eczema. Calcium ions participate in the metabolism, they maintain blood clotting in the norm.

    In stone oil, there is also phosphorus, which is necessary for cell regeneration and transmission of nerve impulses.

    Silicon is also part of the "tears of the mountains."Thanks to this element, stone oil is an excellent cosmetic means: silicon is necessary for the normal functioning of the surface layer of the skin and mucous membrane. In addition, this microelement gives elasticity to the blood vessels and prevents heart disease.

    Absorption of mineral elements and vitamins by the body is impossible without magnesium. This microelement plays the role of a "conductor": it activates the work of enzymes, which provide assimilation of nutrients. The lack of magnesium often becomes the main cause of cardiovascular diseases: cardiac arrhythmia, hypertension, sudden cardiac arrest. Asthma, chronic fatigue, chronic pain syndrome, depression, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome and lung diseases - all this also applies to the effects of a shortage in the body of magnesium.

    The composition of the stone oil includes iron compounds. The main function of iron in the body is participation in the transfer of oxygen. With its deficiency, hemoglobin synthesis is disrupted, fatigue occurs, hair grows gray, nails become brittle.

    A lack of copper in the body can lead to osteoporosis. Without enough copper, the skin begins to peel off, and the hair becomes dull. Stone oil contains copper, so taking drugs prepared from it will help prevent these unpleasant phenomena.

    Stone oil also includes such an irreplaceable for the body element, like iodine. It is necessary for normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Lack of iodine leads to disruption of the endocrine system and can cause many serious diseases. At present, the relationship between iodine deficiency and breast cancer has already been established. If this microelement is not enough, stamina, resistance of the organism to infections decrease, and unwanted fat stores accumulate.

    The composition of the stone oil includes precious metals: gold, silver and platinum. Of course, their content is so small that it is pointless to try to extract these elements from rock oil. The fact that the absence of these elements in the body can lead to the consequences is still very little known. But all three elements play a very significant role for health. There is a whole trend in non-traditional therapy, called metal therapy. Vesya Ozerova's book "Treatment with copper, silver, gold was published in Ves Publishing House. Healing power of metals. "I recommend that you read this book to all those interested in folk methods. I assure you, you will get a lot of interesting information about what has always been considered habitual and does not contain any secrets.

    In a word, miraculous useful properties of stone oil are many. Only, running a little forward, I want to warn you in advance: the treatment with stony oil will require from you not only knowledge of the properties of a unique drug, but also patience and discipline. But the result of treatment with stone oil will surpass all expectations!

    Numerous studies of scientists and physicians abroad and in Kazakhstan have confirmed the conclusion that the action of rock oil begins with an action on a living cell, as a result of which intercellular adhesion increases, and cells begin to work and live normally. Here is just one example from practice. The control group of mice was given a simple clean water, and the other - a solution of the brachas. The second group of animals lived 20% longer! It turns out that the alchemists did not exaggerate so much when they tried to prepare an "elixir of immortality" with the help of rock oil.

    The antitumor effect of stone oil was experienced by the very founder of the production of rock oil in Kazakhstan - Viktor Borisov. At one time he had to struggle with a terrible illness for a long time to realize the vital necessity of stone oil for everyone. ..

    Most of Viktor's working life was related to work at the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site, where he was the head of the construction of underground structures. Borisov directly participated in the works preceding the launches( as experts call explosions) - during and after them."I will not hide," says Viktor Nikolaevich, "all this was exciting and interesting. But the finale was terrible: bladder cancer and the second group of disabilities. "

    In 1982, doctors directly told Borisov that he had no more than a year to live: the malignant tumor had grown, metastasis began. But Viktor Borisov, though chained to bed, began desperately to find a way out. The fate itself smiled at him: he met a man who, in a literal sense, gave him life. A new acquaintance said to the patient: "If you do not want to be ahead of time in the company of your ancestors, be sure to drink the marriage, drink a lot!"

    Victor remembered the intricate word "marriage" and inquired about this ancient Tibetan tool. And, weakening day by day, he began to drink an aqueous solution of rock oil. At the same time he recorded information about doses and changing health in a thin school notebook.

    Today, being a perfectly healthy person, a former nuclear warhead tester says that he drank a marriage, tormented by an irresistible urge to drink it. As a result, six months later Viktor Borisov could walk without help. They made an X-ray in an oncology clinic. Professor Igor Feigin gave an expert conclusion: "No apparent tumor is detected, metastasis has significantly decreased."Seen oncologists attributed the apparent improvement in the state of health of a hopeless patient not to the magical action of stone oil, but to the operation of the body's defenses. At the same doctors did not even think about what made these protective forces of the organism act exactly like a marriage.

    After his incredible healing Victor Borisov decided to make the greatest possible that the stone oil came out of the semi-legal arsenal of medicine men, became stronger and found proper application in traditional medicine( this we will discuss below).