  • Vitamins in milk

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    Among other things, milk contains a lot of vitamins. Vitamins are substances of organic nature that regulate metabolic processes in the body. They, as a rule, are not produced by living organisms( with the exception of cases of their formation as a result of the activity of the intestinal microflora) and enter.the body through food. The lack of vitamins, as a rule, leads to avitaminosis, which is expressed in weakness, fatigue, lowering the body's immunity to infections.

    Vitamin A is responsible for the development of growth, the normal state of skin and mucous membranes, and vision. Lack of vitamin leads to "chicken blindness", inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eyes. In children, vitamin A deficiency is expressed in growth retardation. Since the vitamin is fat-soluble, it is in sufficient quantity contained in cow's milk and butter.

    Vitamin B, is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates( an intermediate in the oxidation of glucose).We already know that

    in milk from carbohydrates contains only a small amount of milk sugar, respectively, and the content of this vitamin is small. Lack B leads to food polyneuritis( multiple inflammation of the nerve trunks), muscle weakness, disturbances in tissue metabolism, accompanied by pain. The lack of this vitamin is easily replenished with bread and cereals.

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    Vitamin B2, responsible for breathing tissues and energy production by the body, is necessary for children. Its insufficiency is expressed in the skin peeling, irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, affects the eyesight. Milk, cottage cheese and cheese are the main sources of this vitamin.

    Nicotinic acid( vitamin PP) is involved in the composition of enzymes that produce oxidative processes in the body. The lack of it leads to weakness, insomnia, rapid fatigue, as well as inflammation of the skin( pellagra).This vitamin is found in many foods, including milk. Among other things, milk contains such an essential amino acid as tryptophan, which is important, since the body can synthesize from it nicotinic acid.

    Vitamin D, involved in the exchange of calcium and phosphorus, is responsible for the growth of the child, as well as for the health of bones and teeth. Lack of vitamin leads to weakening of the bone apparatus, its deformation( during growth), immunity suffers. The result of hypovitaminosis may be rickets. Milk does not contain vitamin D, because its synthesis in the body occurs under the influence of sunlight and is a photochemical skin process. In this case, milk can be considered as a source of provitamins involved in the synthesis.

    In addition to the vitamins listed above, there are also some, the lack of which is due to the digestibility of their body. These are vitamins B6, B] 2, E, folic acid. Since the need for an organism in these vitamins is low and they are contained in many foods, including milk( B12, B6), hypovitaminosis occurs only as a result of malfunction of the gastric mucosa( B12), alcohol abuse( folic acid), microflora disordersintestines( B6), the functions of the sexual glands( E).

    Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude: milk is a very nutritious product. It contains a sufficient number of proteins, including essential amino acids, fats, mineral salts and vitamins. Regular use of milk will positively affect the state of your health, prevent the occurrence of many diseases.

    The only substance, the excess of which is poorly tolerated by the body - carbohydrates( hyperglycemia, obesity), is absent in milk, which allows it to be an indispensable product in the treatment of such a serious illness as diabetes.