  • Milk processing products

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    Cream is obtained by separation, resulting in the formation of skim milk and fat fraction - cream. The dairy industry produces pasteurized cream with different fat content - 10, 20, 35%.The value of cream lies in the fact that fat is contained in them in the form of fat globules, each of which has a shell, and it contains substances that favorably act on the cardiovascular system of man. Cream is also used for diseases of the mouth, esophagus, stomach with increased secretion of gastric juice.

    Buttermilk is a dietary lactic acid product obtained from the production of oil. Valued buttermilk for the fact that it contains an antisclerotic substance - lecithin, which during processing passes from milk to buttermilk almost entirely. In addition, the buttermilk is highly dispersed protein and fat, which contributes to their better digestibility. That is why buttermilk is very useful for older people.

    Serum is a dairy product formed during the production of cottage cheese, casein and cheese. The amount of fats in it is reduced to a minimum, there are not enough proteins, but it is the source of lactose, which is necessary for us to develop beneficial microbes in the intestine. Thanks to the composition of trace elements, it is useful to use it to combat atherosclerosis. Serum from under yogurt gives positive results for cholelithiasis and cholecystitis.

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    There have been reports that milk casein increases cholesterol in the blood, and this can lead to atherosclerosis. Therefore, it is not necessary to abuse dairy products, and in particular fat-free cottage cheese, consisting almost of pure casein.

    The use of fermented, medicinal products

    Modern medicine, following the distinguished scientist-microbiologist II Mechnikov, asserts that the regular use of fermented milk products strengthens health and prolongs life. All fermented milk products( kefir, fermented milk, boiled milk, curdled milk, acidophilus milk, koumiss, chal, yoghurt) improve appetite, have a relaxing effect, remove radionuclides, heavy metal salts, toxins and slags.

    Kefir is the oldest fermented milk product. Its name was derived from the word "kef", which means "health".It is a drink of mixed fermentation - lactic acid and alcohol. It is prepared on kefir fungi, a symbiosis of lactobacillus streptococci, lactobacillus and yeast.

    It is easily digested, does not become boring, quickly gives saturation effect, refreshes and slightly excites due to a small amount of alcohol( 0,2-0,6%).

    Especially useful is kefir with anemia and reduced appetite. Especially it concerns elderly people, whose digestion processes are more sluggish, and also during rehabilitation after serious diseases. Since kefir increases the excretion of fluid from the body, it is useful to people who are overweight, as well as suffering from diabetes, kidney and heart disease, accompanied by swelling. Kefir treatment gives in to hypertension, and Japanese doctors claim that kefir fungi can kill cancer cells.

    Restrict the use of kefir, doctors advise only with increased secretion of the stomach, especially with ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. However, for the treatment of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, Academician MA Samsonov proposed using fresh kefir with unrefined sunflower oil( a glass of kefir with 1 tbsp butter for an appointment).The ulcer heals with the systematic application of this cocktail for 1.5-3 months. Many doctors believe that not only kefir, but also fermented baked milk, curdled milk, acidophilus in combination with vegetable unrefined oil contribute to the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis of the arteries and aorta.

    With constant use of sour-milk products destroy the putrefactive flora of the intestine and fungal parasites, heal it and normalize the intestinal microflora.

    Kumis is the oldest sour-milk product. It is prepared, as a rule, from mare's milk and is called the drink of the heroes. Kumys is used for the treatment of tuberculosis, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal diseases. It is prescribed for avitaminosis, metabolic disorders, neuroses and neurasthenia.

    Prostokvasha - naturally sour milk. Prostokvasha-guslyanka, which is prepared by adding 1 liter of milk to 1 tbsp.a spoonful of sour cream, improves overall well-being, normalizes the work of the intestine, removes constipation, cures chronic flu, chronic bronchitis and lung catarrh, dilates blood vessels.

    Acidophilic milk - pasteurized milk, fermented with the help of special acidophilic rods, which, after entering the intestine, suppress the vital activity of harmful bacteria that cause decay. In addition, using a combined starter from acidophilus bacillus, acid-milk streptococci and yeast, acidophilic yogurt and buttermilk are also obtained. All these products are used for dysentery, inflammation of the stomach with low acidity, liver, kidney, pancreas and typhoid fever.

    Other fermented milk products - ryazhenka, yoghurt, chal, katyk, ayran, matsoni - are also used for treatment. Their use contributes to the restoration of strength, quenches the body's needs for vital substances, improves well-being and assists in curing many diseases.