  • Word treatment

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    An old saying says "The doctor treats herbs, minerals, knife and word".The good word said in time is a very effective medicine, it can only "work" differently.

    In Russia, from time immemorial, conspiracies have been used for treatment. With the help of magic words from ancient times to the present day, a variety of diseases are cured, including those before which official medicine recedes.

    Conspiracies were widely used by healers, whisperers, sorcerers, who knew a lot of curative slander, combining with other, more familiar methods of treatment( for example, using herbs).

    Many conspiracies take the form of prayer, and then they contain a request for intercession addressed to the supreme divine forces that patronize people. Wizards have long sought the help of the Holy Trinity, Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, saints and miracle workers. However, from pagan times, the forces of nature are the helpers of the guides and the culprit - plants, flowing water, sacred stones, etc. It's no coincidence: nature is a powerful, life-giving force, and who, like her, should ask that she withdraw the twig?

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    Banishing from a person an ailment, it is usually directed to something else. Since ancient times, it has been customary to direct the sickness to aspen( a tree from Christian times was considered damned after it, according to legend, Judas hanged himself), an animal( black cat, pig or cock).

    Many ancient conspiracies contain an appeal to the most ailment. In this case, the medicine man as it were negotiating with him, asking to leave the patient's body and move to another place. It was forbidden to send a disease to another person, whatever it was. Violation of this rule threatened with terrible punishment and retribution for any harm caused not only to the healer himself and to the sick, but also to their families and descendants up to the seventh tribe.

    The word of the doctor gives hope, the word of the priest brings comfort, the word of the medicine man is able to heal the person, overcome by physical and mental ailments.

    It is believed that the conspiracy will be effective only if the intentions of a person who slanders him are clear, and the belief in healing in the patient himself is unquestionable. At the same time, it is necessary to pronounce magic words in strict accordance with the basic principle of therapy - each person is individual.

    Plots are being made not only by sorcerers, wizards and fortune-tellers, everyone can protect themselves by calling for the help of their guardian angel.

    According to Christian beliefs, each person has his invisible defender, protecting him from a variety of ills and upheavals. He will help, help, support and help a person who is on the verge of despair, but only if you are pure and righteous in thoughts, are kind in deeds. To call him, it's enough to whisper mentally:

    - My Angel, my Keeper,

    My Savior!

    Save me, save, save

    From any disease,

    Sorrow, from enemy-adversaries.

    Save me at home, on the road, on the road.

    Amen. Amen. Amen.