  • Duodenitis: symptoms and treatment in adults, prevention

    Duodenitis is a disease of the duodenum, which is expressed in the inflammation of its mucous membrane.

    Duodenitis is a fairly common disease, with men suffering from it being twice as many women. The development of inflammation of the duodenum affects a variety of causes, among which there are both external and internal factors.

    The most voluminous classification of duodenitis implies its division into an acute and chronic form, which vary greatly in clinical manifestations.

    Causes of duodenitis

    Why does duodenitis develop, and what is it? The duodenum is the initial section of the small intestine. Its size is about 11-15 cm. It is in it that intestinal digestion begins. From the correct operation of the duodenum, the work of both the intestine and the stomach depends, so the diseases associated with it affect the entire gastrointestinal tract( GIT) in a negative way.

    Duodenitis is one such disease. It occurs as a result of the negative effect of gastric juice on the duodenum in the case when the acidity of the gastric juice is increased. There are many forms of duodent, but the most informative classification implies the division of this disease into acute and chronic form.
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    The acute form of duodenitis is characterized by a sudden appearance with pronounced symptoms, the causes of development are poisoning with toxic substances, alcohol and tobacco abuse, infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori with subsequent intoxication of the body, and the intake of very spicy foods that strongly irritate the mucosa and spur acidificationof gastric juice.

    Acute form in most cases occurs in people who were previously unacquainted with the disease. If the attacks of acute inflammation are repeated, then the development of the chronic form of the disease is possible.

    Chronic duodenitis is characterized by a less pronounced manifestation of symptoms. Sometimes people can not even guess about their condition, since the disease has a paroxysmal character, and the symptoms can be quite light. Chronic duodenitis then appears, then disappears again. Its development is facilitated by:

    • the presence of GIT diseases( gastritis, ulcer, pancreatitis, colitis, hepatitis, etc.);
    • alcohol abuse;
    • a habit of eating too much food;
    • irregular diet, which implies too long intervals between meals;
    • reception of hormonal preparations, and also other medicines;
    • stress.
    In addition to the above classification, duodenitis can be divided into primary and secondary. Cases of primary duodenitis are rare and are associated with alcohol abuse, malnutrition, poisoning, etc. Secondary duodenitis is a consequence of the development of various gastrointestinal diseases.

    Symptoms of duodenitis in adults

    Symptoms of acute and chronic duodenitis in adults are different.

    Acute inflammation of the duodenum proceeds with a marked pain syndrome of an episodic nature, and the intensity and place of pain depends on the affected area. In addition, a person will suffer from nausea, vomiting, fever and general weakness.

    Chronic duodenitis proceeds much more easily. The pain in this case is constant, but not as severe as in the case of acute duodenitis. Nausea may occur, rarely vomiting. A characteristic symptom is a feeling of raspiraniya in the upper abdomen, which is especially evident after eating.

    With chronic duodenitis, appetite is significantly reduced, which can lead to weight loss, weakness, headaches and dizziness. Since chronic duodenitis manifests itself in combination with another gastrointestinal disease, the above symptoms can be supplemented with manifestations of the underlying disease.

    Thus, it is possible to distinguish common signs of duodenitis:

    • pain in the epigastric region of varying severity;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • intestinal disorders;
    • headache, dizziness;
    • temperature increase;
    • decreased appetite.

    Diagnosis of duodenitis

    A reliable diagnosis of duodenitis is essential for establishing an accurate diagnosis and prescribing further effective treatment.

    A doctor may suspect a duodenitis during a primary examination of a patient. But taking into account the fact that there are many forms of diseases, and there are no specific symptoms, it is necessary to conduct instrumental diagnostic methods. So, very often use the method of gastroscopy, with which you can examine the esophagus, the cavity of the stomach and duodenum.

    In the process of gastroscopy, a biopsy can be performed that will show the degree of inflammation. Also, an ultrasound( ultrasound) is performed, which allows to determine the condition of internal organs and to reveal pathologies.

    Sometimes a study of gastric juice is designed to determine the level of its acidity and composition, since increased acidity is one of the causes of duodenitis.

    Given that duodenitis often occurs due to the development of gastrointestinal diseases, the diagnosis of other internal organs should be performed to identify the cause of inflammation of the duodenum. A biochemical blood test is mandatory.

    Treatment of duodenitis

    Therapy of a disease depends on the form and causes of its occurrence. But the general scheme or plan of treatment of a duodenitis at adults is directed on:

    1. 1) Decrease or full liquidation of influence of the causal factor.
    2. 2) Protection of the mucous membrane by reducing the acidity of gastric juice( presumes medications and diet).
    3. 3) Restoration of normal functions of the duodenum.
    4. 4) Preventive actions.
    A big role in the treatment of duodenitis is assigned to a diet. A person should for a time give up heavy, spicy and fatty foods in order not to load a stomach. Contraindicated in any amount of alcohol, should also limit smoking. Of the drugs used are those that bind the secretion of bile and regulate intestinal motility. Often, vitamin complexes are prescribed to support the healing processes of the mucosa in case of erosion.

    In severe cases, when the formation of adhesions, obstructions, functional obstruction, which can not be treated with drug treatment is noted, the application of surgical treatment will be an adequate action.

    Prognosis and prophylaxis of duodenitis

    The prognosis of duodenitis with proper treatment is favorable in most cases. Inflammation passes, the functions of the duodenum are restored, which can be talked about as a cure.

    Prophylactic measures against duodenitis in adults are extremely necessary, as they allow to avoid repeated attacks, as well as the development of complications. To preventive measures include:

    • adherence to the principles of a balanced diet;
    • refusal from spicy food;
    • rejection of alcohol in any quantities.
    Since duodenitis often occurs in combination with another disease, the timely treatment and prevention of GIT diseases will also be included in the prevention. The above measures will allow each person to reduce the risk of inflammatory processes in the duodenum.

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