  • Mixed glaucoma: treatment and clinical manifestations

    Glaucoma is a disease of the eye, in which there is an increase in intraocular pressure, leading to a narrowing of the visual fields and blindness due to optic atrophy. It happens to be a closed-angle and open-angle shape. With mixed glaucoma, there is a combination of signs of closed-angle and open-angle glaucoma.

    Why can intraocular pressure( IOP) increase?

    The increase in IOP may be due to what happens:

    • Excessive formation of intraocular fluid.
    • Disturbance of outflow of intraocular fluid through the drainage system of the eye.

    All these violations can be caused by various reasons. Injuries to the head and eyes, tumors, hypertension, endocrine, cardiovascular, intoxication, long-term use of hormonal drugs and certain groups of drugs - all this is not a complete list of causes of mixed glaucoma.

    For this disease, the following symptoms are characteristic:

    1. increase in IOP;
    2. narrowing of the fields of vision;
    3. changes the optic nerve.

    If the time is not taken to reduce IOP, ultimately, irreversible effects can occur in the form of optic nerve atrophy, after which the process of restoring vision is impossible.

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    What changes occur with mixed glaucoma

    The vision organ is designed in such a way that a special liquid( watery moisture) is constantly formed inside it. This moisture is collected in the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye. The anterior chamber is between the cornea and the iris. Rear - between the iris and the lens.

    The drainage system located in the corner of the anterior chamber ensures the outflow of fluid from the eye into the blood. The balance between formation and outflow of watery moisture is determined by the very concept of IOP.This is the pressure that turns out to be the contents of the eyeball on its walls. The normal indicator of a healthy person is 16-22 mm.gt;Art.

    When glaucoma occurs, there is a disruption in the circulation of fluid within the eye. Accumulation of this moisture leads to an increase in IOP.This, in turn, leads to the fact that the eyeball begins to exert pressure on the optic nerve, which leads to its damage and disruption of functions.

    If you ignore these changes, then the final loss of vision due to optic atrophy is possible.

    With angle-closure glaucoma, the angle of the anterior chamber of the eye is covered by the iris, resulting in the accumulation of an intraocular fluid that can not enter the drainage system. With the open-angle form, a violation is noted in the drainage system, although access to the outflow of liquid is open.

    With combined or mixed glaucoma, there are changes characteristic of these two forms, bearing signs of disturbed outflow or accumulation of intraocular fluid. There is also glaucoma with normal IOP, when there is a violation of blood circulation in the optic nerve.

    Manifestation of the disease

    Mixed glaucoma is characterized by a combination of symptoms characteristic of open-angle and closed-angle forms. The disease may not manifest itself for a long time, when at times there is a headache in the brow or temporal areas, often reminiscent of a migraine.

    There may also be a periodic blurring of vision, narrowing of its fields. There are also rainbow circles in front of the eyes or halos around the light source. Sometimes the disease can manifest itself as a sharp attack of pain and blurred vision, after which even the onset of complete blindness occurs. An acute attack of mixed glaucoma can be accompanied by general weakness, nausea and even vomiting due to severe pain syndrome.

    Recommendations for patients with mixed glaucoma

    With this disease it is necessary: ​​

    • Avoid physical and emotional overexertion.
    • Compulsory rest, sleep not less than 7-8 hours.
    • Try not to stay for a long time in a position where the blood rushes to the head( tilt, bend).
    • You can not lift weights.
    • Do not take too hot a bath, soak in a bath.
    • Limit fluid intake.
    • Strictly prohibited smoking and alcohol, strong coffee.
    • You can not watch TV in a dark room. Mandatory light illumination of the room with a lamp, night lamp.
    • Staying in dark rooms can lead to an increase in IOP due to dilated pupils.
    • It should be remembered that some medications, including atropine, with mixed glaucoma are contraindicated.

    Features of treatment

    In the treatment of mixed glaucoma, medical and surgical methods of treatment are used. With the medicamental method, drugs in the form of drops or tablets are used. Their action is aimed at reducing the production and increasing the outflow of intraocular fluid, as well as the narrowing of the pupil. When choosing the surgical method of treatment, laser surgery is widely used.

    Be sure to monitor blood pressure. Thus, with low blood pressure for patients with mixed glaucoma, the use of vasodilators is not recommended. The appointment of ascorbic acid inside within a month is shown.

    It is important to observe the regime of the day, work and rest. You need an active stay in the fresh air. There are special sets of exercises for the eyes that help strengthen the tone of the eye muscles. However, even the most innocuous exercises should be coordinated with the oculist.

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