  • Urticaria: photos, symptoms and treatment. How to treat urticaria

    Urticaria is a common progressive dermatological disease, which is expressed by local edema of the papillary gland of the dermis or itchy blisters with varying degrees of severity and hyperemia.

    The disease occurs both among the adult population and among children and is an important medical and social problem.

    Classification of the disease

    There is no universally recognized classification of urticaria, therefore the symptoms and treatment will depend on the form of the ailment. Concerning the degree of severity, hives are acute and chronic. The first form is due to the immediate reaction of the body in response to the interaction with the allergen.

    Often occurs in young people and children, lasts several days or weeks, whereas a chronic form can occur over many years. In most cases, it is not associated with allergies.

    There are such types of chronic urticaria:

    1) Hives caused by physical factors:

    • solar;
    • cholinergic;
    • aquatic;
    • cold;
    • vibrating;
    • dermographic;
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    2) Medicated;

    3) Immunological:

    • is allergic;
    • is an autoimmune;
    4) Persistent papular;

    5) Idiopathic.

    In half of cases, urticaria with a prolonged course is accompanied by angioedema( Quincke's edema), which differs from it by the depth of the skin lesion. External swelling of the tissues evokes the clinical symptoms of urticaria, and a more serious swelling of the skin and fiber leads to the edema of Quincke. In the latter case, it is also possible to damage the mucous membranes of different organs and systems.

    Causes of urticaria

    Sources of urticaria in children and adults can be different and only 5% of the causes are actually allergic. In acute hives, the determining factor most often is food( nuts, seafood, eggs) and medicines, which include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs, acetylsalicylic acid.

    Other reasons include:

    • viral infections;
    • insect bites;
    • radiopaque substances;
    • blood transfusion;
    • worm
    • aeroallergens;
    • latex.
    If the provokers of acute urticaria understand everything, then the diagnosis of the underlying cause of chronic urticaria causes difficulty in allergists and dermatologists. Sometimes the cause is not detected at all, as it is difficult to understand what mechanisms the disease is taking, what conditions and pathological conditions lead to its development.

    Causes of urticaria, provoked by physical factors:

    1. 1) Cholinergic or thermal - can be caused by stress, heavy physical exertion, perspiration and even taking a hot shower. Appears immediately or during the shielded minutes after heat exposure.
    2. 2) Cold - it is congenital and acquired. Occurs when it comes in contact with the cold most often against the background of major diseases( viral hepatitis).
    3. 3) Solar - occurs under the influence of ultraviolet in the spring-summer season on skin areas that were open during the stay in the sun.
    4. 4) Aquatic - is diagnosed after contact with water at any temperature. It is extremely rare in people with weakened immunity, chronic liver and kidney diseases.
    5. 5) Vibrating - develops within 6 hours after mechanical vibration( working with a jackhammer, mixer).Symptoms can last about a day.
    6. 6) Dermographic - manifests itself clinically with mechanical irritation of the skin( squeezing clothes, contact with woolen things, insect bites, combing).The causes are not clear to the end, but diseases of internal organs, low temperatures, emotional stress, parasitic diseases and intestinal dysbacteria predispose to this pathology.
    7. 7) Allergic - is due to a violation of the immune response. It is caused by food, poison of insects and medicines.
    8. 8) Autoimmune - is allergic in nature. It is based on the accumulation of IgG autoantibodies to the mGe receptors of mast cells.
    9. 9) Persistent papular - develops as a result of the attachment of polymorphic cellular infiltration to interstitial edema. It is extremely rare in individuals with impaired functioning of endocrine glands and neuropsychic disorders. The inclusion of this dermatosis in the concept of "urticaria" is currently being challenged.
    10. 10) The causes of idiopathic urticaria are currently unclear. It is assumed that it is of an autoimmune nature, but it is not possible to detect the etiologic factor in about 90% of cases.
    Urticaria in adults can be not only a separate nosological form, but also a symptom of a chain of diseases. It can be provoked by:

    • bacterial, viral or fungal diseases;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • of the GI tract;
    • malignant neoplasms;
    • collagenoses;
    • helminthic invasion;
    • hormonal disorders;
    • amyloidosis;
    • serum sickness.

    Symptoms of urticaria

    Urticaria, and its symptoms in adults are manifested after contact with the allergen in the form of rashes that are accompanied by itching, characterized by a full resolution within 24 hours and can occur on any part of the body( see photo).

    Traces on the skin after the disappearance of blisters do not remain, but cyclical relapses are possible. In women, this is often associated with the menstrual cycle.

    1. 1) Symptoms with cholinergic urticaria are generalized. Blisters in diameter up to 5 mm have a pale pink color, can be surrounded by erythema. In addition to the rash, systemic manifestations such as palpitations, weakness, dyspnea, and hot flashes are possible.
    2. 2) Cold urticaria symptoms manifest almost instantly after cold exposure and disappear completely within one hour. In most cases, the symptoms appear on the face and hands, are expressed by blisters or swelling of the skin, accompanied by burning and itching. The severity of the clinic depends on the size of the cooling area. If a significant part of the body surface is involved in the process, the reaction by type of anaphylaxis is not ruled out. Tachycardia, dyspnea, vomiting, dizziness against a background of hypotension can occur.
    3. 3) Dermographic urticaria is characterized by the appearance of urticar blisters of linear form due to mechanical irritation, as well as itching and burning at the site of scratching.
    4. 4) Solar urticaria is expressed by reddening of the skin, its itching and flaking. In some rare cases, there is a loss of consciousness and an increase in body temperature. The appearance of blisters is already evidence of a sunburn, since they are not typical for this type of hives.
    5. 5) Aquatic urticaria manifests itself in the form of very itchy small blisters surrounded by erythematous spots. The rash occurs after each contact with water and is localized on the neck, arms, back and stomach with time occupying an increasing area of ​​the body.
    6. 6) With allergic urticaria, there are numerous bright pink blisters with different sizes and shapes. Often they merge with each other, forming a sore area with a dense consistency, and are marked by severe itching. This form of the disease can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, which indicates irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. To allergic urticaria carry and angioedema. In typical cases, it occurs in places with developed subcutaneous tissue and affects the lips, eyelids, mucous membranes of the mouth, larynx. With the involvement of the respiratory tract there is noisy breathing, coughing, choking may occur.
    7. 7) Autoimmune urticaria is often accompanied by autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, vitiligo. Characterized by a prolonged chronic course.
    8. 8) Persistent papular urticaria is manifested by the formation of normal and papular reddish-brown blisters rising above the surface of the skin, which are located in the majority of cases near the folds of the skin( extensor surfaces of the extremities).In these places, there is hyperpigmentation. Skin covers coarsen and become rigid as a result of thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.
    9. 9) Idiopathic urticaria is characterized by the appearance of large bright red blisters with outlined borders that are accompanied by a very strong, sometimes intolerable itching, which intensifies towards evening. The disease lasts more than 6 weeks, can lead to sleep disorders and affect the quality of life.

    How does urticaria look like: photo

    To understand how the hives on the human body looks, we picked up the appropriate photos. As you can see, the clinical symptoms of hives can manifest themselves in different ways, depending on the type of disease.


    In the diagnosis of urticaria, a carefully collected history and a properly conducted clinical and immunological examination are very important. Diagnosis is based on:

    • assessing the nature of the rash, its size and localization;
    • subjective sensations of the patient( itching, burning);
    • assess the frequency and duration of rashes.
    Much attention is paid to finding out the causal factors and clarifying the family history. Laboratory diagnostics of urticaria includes:

    • general analysis of blood and urine;
    • skin tests with an allergen;
    • biochemical blood test;
    • study of stool for the presence of parasites;
    • X-ray examination of the paranasal sinuses.
    If there is a suspicion of dermographic urticaria, a skin test is performed for dermographism, which consists of an atraumatic stimulation of the back or forearm with a spatula. When carrying out the sample, you should apply the same pressure and use the same instrument. Cold urticaria is diagnosed by applying ice cubes to the skin of the forearm for 10 minutes.

    With cholinergic urticaria, provocation with hot water, dosed physical exertion is applied. In such tests, the clinic is reproduced almost 100%.A skin test with methacholine is also performed. After intradermal administration of the drug, the rash appears within 30 minutes in about a third of patients.

    Two days before the setting of any diagnostic tests, it is necessary to cancel all antihistamines.

    Treatment of urticaria

    For effective treatment of urticaria it is necessary to eliminate the allergen, but for most patients this is not possible, since the exact cause of urticaria is most often unknown.

    Among the drugs, the use of H1-histaminoblockers of the second generation( loratadine, cetirizine) is the first place, because it is known that allergic symptoms are mediated through H1-histamine-receptors. The choice of these drugs is due to their high efficiency, prolonged action and the absence of adverse reactions. In mild cases, antihistamines are used approximately one month.

    If therapy with H1-histaminoblockers does not bring results, then as an alternative, systemic glucocorticosteroids, anxiolytics, antidepressants are suggested. The last group of drugs is peculiar to block the action of histamine and other mediators of allergy. In parallel, the infusion therapy is carried out, that is, the patient is administered a drop by saline, calcium chloride and magnesium chloride for 3-4 days under the control of laboratory tests.

    Features of treatment in adults depend on the form of urticaria. So, for example, with idiopathic urticaria, in addition to the above, digestive enzymes( festal) are recommended, and with cold urticaria a course of hyposensitization by some refrigerant( ice cube) is performed to develop tolerance to cold exposure.

    How to treat hives with folk remedies

    Folk healers recommend treating nettle hives. The plant along with the roots should be washed and boiled for five minutes. Then this broth can be added to the bath while bathing. Such treatment is carried out several times a month. You can also brew fresh nettles, and use a decoction instead of tea.

    Affected areas of the skin can be wiped with freshly squeezed juice from the inflorescence of clover meadow. After a while after the procedure, the product should be washed off the skin. It should be remembered that folk medication can not be the main one and should only be carried out after consultation with the attending physician.

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