  • Physiotherapy

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    In the general complex of rehabilitation treatment( rehabilitation) the role belongs to medical physical culture, which is a necessary link in the treatment process for various diseases, domestic, industrial and other injuries. The main tasks of therapeutic physical culture are: restoration of the functions of the affected organs and systems;prevention of disease progression and elimination of functional disorders of the body associated with immobilization;activation of the cardiovascular system and improvement of blood supply to organs and tissues;stimulation of respiration, metabolic processes and an increase in the general tone of the body.

    The treatment exercises are shown to virtually all patients during the rehabilitative treatment stages.

    General contraindications to the appointment of therapeutic exercise are: acute stages of the disease, bleeding, acute injuries and high body temperature( above 38 PC).

    For effective influence of physical exercises on health, it is important not only the total dose of physical activity, but also the correct selection of physical exercises, their repeatability, consistency and the necessary arrangement of the strength of physical exertion during one physical education or during long training. All these issues are decided by the doctor, based on the characteristics of the disease, the stage of rehabilitation, the state of the body and many other criteria. At the same time caring for sick persons, and even for the patients themselves, it is necessary to know the main methodological principles of physical training, which are the basis of therapeutic physical education.

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    1. Multiplicity of repetition of each exercise and regularity of classes during the day, week, month, year and all life - an indispensable condition for increasingly complex motor skills and the growth of physical performance. Physiological changes occurring in the body during physical exercises with repeated repetition lead to a permanent improvement in the functional state of the exercised organs and systems, and the restoration and strengthening of health.

    2. Gradual increase in physical activity helps the body cope with increasing demands for metabolic and energy supply systems, avoid overstraining in the work of various organs and systems, prepare them for maximum loads.

    3. Comprehensive impact on the body. The variety of physical exercises and the participation of various muscle groups in them meet the tasks of nonspecific therapy and general training of patients.

    4. The availability of exercises and an individual approach to the patient or the victim provide for the implementation of light physical exercises first, and then the inclusion of more complex exercises for coordination of movements, the coverage of muscle groups, the degree of muscle effort.

    Counting on the effectiveness of the action of physical exercises, the doctor takes into account the nature of the patient's illness, the peculiarity of the clinical course of the pathological process, the phase and stage of the disease, the physical preparedness of the patient and age. In this regard, it should be borne in mind that the degree of development of physical exercises and the severity of physiological reactions during physical exertion depend on the age of the patient or the victim.

    In the elderly, the physiological reactions of the body during exercise are characterized by slow adaptation to the load, a decrease in the ability to mobilize functions, a longer recovery period after physical exertion. These features determine a lower intensity of physical exercise and a longer period of development of movements in old age.

    Therapeutic physical training has a huge set of physical exercises and various methodical techniques, depending on the tasks of treatment and rehabilitation of the sick or injured. A certain selection of gymnastic exercises can have both a general health effect on the body, and a specific effect on one or another disturbed function and the affected organ. So, for example, with lung diseases, special breathing exercises that develop the mobility of the chest, increasing the vital capacity of the lungs, improving sputum discharge, etc.; with diseases of the digestive system - exercises for the muscles of the abdominal press, actively affecting the motor and secretory functions of the stomach and intestines;with injuries of tubular bones or arthritis - exercises to improve the mobility of the affected joints and strengthen the muscles;with a violation of posture and curvature of the spine

    - exercises to correct these pathological conditions( corrective), etc.

    Most of the exercises currently used in modern exercise therapy can be recommended in a complex of outpatient( home and polyclinic) treatment of patients.

    Physical exercises recommended for independent use by patients at home, distinguish:

    - according to the anatomical sign( according to the structure of the human body): for the arms and muscles of the shoulder girdle, legs, back, abdomen, etc.;

    - by the nature of the movement( developing coordination, balance): corrective, breathing, throwing the ball into the goal, jumping, jumping;

    - the degree of activity of the patient and the degree of effort of working muscles;the same exercise can be performed with varying degrees of active muscle effort, that is, the effort of the patient himself;in this case they speak of exercises without effort( free) and with effort of muscles;

    - gymnastics without objects;

    -gemonastic with objects( balls, dumbbells, maces, hoops, gymnastic sticks, etc.) and on furniture, replacing gymnastic projectiles( chair, bench, home simulators, etc.);

    - sports and applied, including in nature( walking, running, skiing, rowing, swimming, etc.);

    - sports( volleyball, badminton, tennis, small towns) and other inactive


    The task of not only medical personnel( a local physician, instructors in physiotherapy exercises, nurses of the department of hospital care of a polyclinic, etc.), but also of all surrounding sick persons is the all-round development and maintenance of the patient's interest in physical education through conversations, acquaintance and studyspecial literature, as well as with the help of emotional and diverse in form and content procedures( avoiding fatigue and monotony when doing exercises, adding elements sorenovatelnosti, interest in receiving any prizes and m. p.).In this regard, periodically the complexes of exercises are updated, and in the conduct of a number of sessions it is advisable to use musical accompaniment.

    The motor mode( motion mode) is one of the means of therapeutic physical training, with the correct organization of which it is possible to influence all the physical activity and mental mood of the patient or the victim, directing and controlling them in the interests of proper treatment. In the home treatment of patients, as well as in medical institutions, the following regimes of locomotor activity of patients are applied: strictly bed, bed, half-bed, general "A"( in hospitals - ward), general "B"( in hospitals - general).The motor mode is an integral part of the complex of medical measures and rehabilitation of patients. For recumbent patients, rest and movement should not be opposed to each other, since movement and rest are elements of functional therapy.

    In the organization and implementation of outpatient treatment should be provided the following forms of physical therapy:

    a) therapeutic gymnastics;B) morning hygienic gymnastics;c) occupational therapy.