  • Biorhythmology and weight

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    VM Dilman noted that the increase in weight with aging is "jerking".We have established the existence in humans of perennial biological rhythms: in men it is a 3-year cycle, and in women it is a 2-year cycle.

    Men periodically experience an increase in higher functionality, and in women - in a year( in 18, 20, 22, 24, etc.).

    Young people in 17,20,23,2,2 years old and so on increase metabolic processes, reduce immune capacity, and in women it occurs in a year.

    As shown by the cytochemical studies of blood cells( in the Research Institute of Pediatrics), conducted by scientists under the guidance of RP Nartsissova, in such periods the body becomes less viable.

    During these periods, the desire to increase the volume of motor activity decreases. As the famous sportsman of our country Valery Borzov said: "You start to force yourself to train, attach more importance to shoes, etc.".

    In these periods, young people( at 17, 20 years old mainly) have a growth in muscle mass, and at 14, 16, 18 years, the girls gain weight.

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    Such periods of increased intensity of metabolic processes are also present in adults. In some cases, sportsmen stabilize or even worsen sports results.

    The most vividly 2-year and 3-year periods are manifested with exacerbation of diseases.

    For example, VR Levin discovered this dependence on relapses of tuberculosis - even after special treatment relapse nevertheless occurs two years later on the third.

    Periodic increase and weight stabilization occur during multi-day biorhythms. This was clearly demonstrated in animals by SG Sipachev.

    Conducting daily measurements of weight gain in various domestic animals, he determined that it is natural at regular intervals to increase weight, and then stabilize it.

    Daily weighing will determine the patterns of fluctuations in its weight.

    NN Lebedev's monograph "Biorhythms of the digestive system" details the results of studies relating to the rhythm of the work of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract.

    The most interesting is that the scientist discovered the coincidence of the rhythms of the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system with a frequency of 7.0-7.3 cycles in 12 hours.

    The person found 90-100-minute biorhythms. Similar biorhythms were previously described by American scientists as "cycles of oral behavior" with an average period of 90 minutes.

    In specially set experiments it was established that every 90 minutes a person puts in his mouth a food or a cigarette or even a pencil, etc.

    Special sensors glued to the head areas in the eye area that the German scientist D. F. Kripke designed,allowed to fix periodically repeated rapid movements of the eyes, which also repeated with a 90-minute periodicity.

    The same periods were obtained in the experiments on volunteers, who during the day every 5 minutes recorded on the tape recorder arising during these intervals of thought.

    And the processing gave a similar result - 90-minute rhythms of the "flight of the imagination" were received, ie every 90 minutes a person as if sends on the move, despite the distracting circumstances of everyday life.

    The connection between the state of the central nervous system of man and changes in appetite was also written by VM Dilman. The scientist noted that with negative emotions, weight loss occurs, associated largely with loss of appetite.

    But there are other cases - with prolonged negative emotions, the appetite rises. Many probably know from their own experience that when watching on the TV of some "action movie" you want to eat, chew cookies or something else.

    There is an interrelated situation: the appetite depends on the mood, and the mood depends on the appetite.

    VM Dilman believes that an increase in appetite in response to excitement is an indicator of a certain unfortunate, degree of intensity of age-related disorders.

    The discovery of 90-100-minute biorhythms of the stomach served as a basis for the study of its function. Japanese scientist Tomi Vada placed a special balloon in the stomach on a flexible cable and found that every 90-100 minutes, the walls of the stomach contract.

    More than 80 years ago in the laboratory IP Pavlov received information about the rhythmic activity of the stomach, and later other scientists showed that in 90-minute cycles there are 20-30-minute cycles of secretory activity. And this means that the most expedient is the intake of food precisely in such periods, because only then is the complete processing of incoming food provided.

    Nowadays in many countries, including ours, people began to switch to 5 meals a day.

    This does not mean that every 3 hours you have to eat up, but every 3 hours you need to give your stomach a certain momentum, to support its rhythmic work.

    The well-known scientist DS Sarkisov believes that eating at strictly defined intervals is one of the reliable keys for the "plant" of his biological clock.

    Recently in the press there was a message about the "second heart", located in our stomach.

    If a person takes food in sufficient volume, but without some kind of regime, then the food is processed sluggishly, it is stored up, the state of health worsens, lethargy, drowsiness appears.

    If you miss a stomach signal, then you lose your appetite, make you feel worse, work.

    At present, atherosclerosis has become a "fashionable" disease even in relatively young people. Scientists have conducted studies on animals and found that the cause of this disease is a violation of diet.

    Of the 2 groups of rabbits, one was fed at strictly defined hours, and the other when hit, and the volume, quality and calorie content of the food were the same. It turned out that soon the second group of rabbits began to show signs of sclerosis.

    Similar experiments were conducted on dogs - the result was the same as in the first case. Hence, unsystematic nutrition creates conditions for the appearance of atherosclerosis.

    Often we hear from doctors: "Your ulcer is nervous."This is indeed quite possible, it is proved that there is an interconnection.

    In order for food to give the body the necessary energy, it is necessary to pay enough attention to ensure that it is digested in a timely manner.