
Chlamydia in women: symptoms, treatment, drugs, photos

  • Chlamydia in women: symptoms, treatment, drugs, photos

    Chlamydia in women refers to sexually transmitted diseases.

    This means that the main way of infection with this infection is sexual.

    This disease is widespread among both women of reproductive age and among adolescents in all countries.

    However, there is no evidence of a true occurrence of chlamydial infection. This is due to the fact that it is not possible to take into account asymptomatic forms of the disease.

    The data presented have a wide range - from 15 to 35%, but in the case of chronic inflammatory processes of the uterus and its appendages, this infection is detected in 50%.

    Causes of chlamydia in women

    The main cause of chlamydia infection is infection with chlamydia, which are representatives of Chlamidia trachomatis.

    There are several serotypes of this bacterium that can lead to different reactions from the human body. Recently, a combination of chlamydia with such diseases as gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and nonspecific inflammatory processes of the genito-urinary organs is often observed.
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    Chlamydia infection, as a rule, occurs sexually. Sources of infection can be both healthy carriers, and people with clinical manifestations.

    Cases of contact and domestic infection, as well as intrauterine infection, are rare. That is why this infection belongs to the group of sexually transmitted diseases. Infection can spread from the underlying parts of the genitourinary system to the upper, which leads to new damage and the development of complications.

    Symptoms of chlamydia in women

    There are no pathognomonic clinical signs of chlamydia in women, which leads to various diagnostic errors.

    The structure of the pathogen and the peculiarities of the response of a non-immune system to it lead to the fact that the disease begins imperceptibly and for a long time can be completely asymptomatic. The nature and severity of clinical manifestations, which develop later, completely depend on the topography of the inflammatory process.

    Endocervicitis often develops, characterized by such signs as:

    • mucopurulent discharge from the vagina
    • contact bleeding from the genital tract
    • the presence of an erosion surface( pseudo-erosion) on the cervix, which is determined by examination in mirrors and colposcopy.
    Pseudo-erosion in chlamydia has such features as:

    • bright red area on the cervix of the uterus
    • The smooth edges of the
    • are symmetrically located relative to the external throat.
    There may also be a urethral infection with the development of urethritis( see symptoms of urethritis in women).It manifests itself by such signs as:

    • frequent urination
    • pain and eruptions occurring at this time
    • appearance of leukocytes in large quantities in the urine.
    When the pathological process spreads to the internal genitalia, the following diseases develop:

    • endometritis - inflammation of the inner shell of the uterus( mucous layer)
    • salpingitis - inflammation of the fallopian tubes
    • salpingo-oophoritis - inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries that often accompany each other
    • pelvic peritonitis - peritoneal inflammationorgans of the small pelvis.
    Given the polymorphism of the clinical forms of chlamydia, this disease is implied and requires exclusion or confirmation in the presence of the following symptoms:

    1. 1) Itching in the perineum and genitals
    2. 2) Increased secretions from the genitals of the mucous nature
    3. 3) Pain in the lower abdomen that occur periodically
    4. 4) Dysuria - frequent urination, pain, accompanying, nocturnal acts of urination( before2 times per night is regarded as a norm, a greater number is a sign of pathology)
    5. 5) Disturbances of the ovarian-menstrual cycle in the form of delays in menstruation, profuse monthly, intermenstrual bleeding, etc.
    6. 6) Infertility - the inability to become pregnant within one year if the woman has a regular sexual life and does not use any methods of contraception
    7. 7) Habitual miscarriage, that is, her interruption twice or more in a row up to 37 full weeks
    8. 8) Undevelopedpregnancy and fetal death of the fetus
    9. 9) Objective signs of threatening miscarriage or threatening premature birth( shortening of the cervix and opening of the cervical canal according to ultrasound)
    10. 10) Early toxicosis.
    Also women who have a sexual partner:

    1. 1) Has clinical signs of urethritis or prostatitis
    2. 2) Has laboratory confirmed chlamydia, even without clinical manifestations in case of unprotected intercourse.
    See also how clamidiosis manifests in men

    Diagnosis of chlamydia

    Additional diagnostic methods are needed to establish the correct diagnosis.

    Diagnosis of chlamydia includes:

    1. 1) Serological study - determination of antibodies to chlamydia
    2. in the blood 2) Polymerase chain reaction, which allows detecting DNA sequences that are characteristic for these microorganisms. This method is recognized as the "gold" diagnostic standard, since it has high sensitivity and specificity.
    Due to the fact that the disease is asymptomatic for a long time, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

    1. 1) Conduct an infectious disease examination once a year by one of the above-described methods of
    2. 2) Girls who have sex life, as well as young women agedfrom 20 to 24 years, especially with frequent changes in sexual partners and in the absence of condom use.

    Complications of

    Chlamydia often leads to some complications. The main ones are:

    1. 1) Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs
    2. 2) Ectopic pregnancy - situations in which the fetal egg is located outside the uterine cavity
    3. 3) Infertility
    4. 4) Fitz-Hyuga-Curtis syndrome is a generalized infection in whichsimultaneous development of acute peritonitis and inflammation of the liver capsule( perihepatitis)
    5. 5) Reiter's syndrome is a generalized infection, in which not only urogenital organs are affected, but also the damage to the eyes and joints.

    Treatment of chlamydia in women

    Treatment of chlamydia is a rather difficult task, as chlamydia have a complex and long cycle of reproduction.

    Timely treatment of the sexual partner will prevent the infection of another sexual partner and, as a consequence, the development of a number of complications.

    The main drugs that are used in such patients are antibiotics that penetrate well into the cell, where chlamydia multiply.

    These medicines include:

    • azithromycin( sufficient single dose)
    • doxycycline( used for a week and at a fairly low cost)
    • erythromycin and Ofloxacin are alternative drugs, as they are less effective and often lead to side effects.
    After a course of antibiotic therapy, sexual activity is limited to one week after the last pill or after a single dose of Azithromycin. The possibility of its beginning is also the absence of infection of another sexual partner.

    No need for a second examination after the therapy. This is due to the high effectiveness of the recommended antibacterial drugs( Azithromycin and Doxycycline).An exception to this rule is the presence of signs of infection after treatment or if reinfection is suspected.

    After the administration of Erythromycin, cure control is mandatory, as the effectiveness of this drug is lower than others. A laboratory examination for this purpose is possible only after 3 weeks, since otherwise false positive results can be obtained.

    It should be noted again that chlamydia is transmitted sexually. Therefore, the treatment of another sexual partner is necessary, since he is a priori infected, even if there is at least one sexual intercourse without the use of condoms.

    In addition, sex is not allowed within a week after taking the last antibacterial tablet.

    Prevention of

    Preventive measures for chlamydia in women are:

    1. 1) Regular( annual) laboratory examination for infection with chlamydia
    2. 2) Sex with a single partner who has been tested and also has only one sexual partner.

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