Than the virus of herpes is dangerous
good immunity - the best prevention
herpes virus At the household level, people used to think that herpes - a common "cold" or "fever onlips, "but in fact everything is not so simple.
What is herpes ^
Herpes( from the Greek herpes - creeping) is a viral disease that affects the mucous membranes and the skin of a person.
It is known to mankind for a very long time and was described by Hippocrates, who gave this name to him because of the "creeping" nature of the spread of the disease.
Among the huge number of viral diseases, herpes takes a leading place, because, according to scientists, in a latent, that is, in a hidden, "sleeping" form, it affects about 90% of the world's population.
There are about 100 varieties of herpesvirus, but only 8 of them are capable of causing disease in humans, of which the most common are herpes of the first and second type.
Herpes simplex virus ^
Herpes simplex virus( HSV-1) is transmitted, like the flu, by airborne droplets - when coughing, sneezing and contacting the skin and mucous membranes of an infected person. In the people it is called a "cold on the lips", because, although it affects the whole body as a whole, it appears primarily on the lips and wings of the nose.
At the first ingress into the body, the first type of herpes virus does not manifest itself clinically, a person does not even guess that it is infected.
- Before the acute phase of the disease occurs a so-called incubation period lasting from 2 to 14 days, during which the virus actively multiplies and is introduced.
- When the virus starts to activate, very painful vesicles with fluid appear on the lips, severe itching, burning, swelling, often the body temperature rises and lymph nodes increase.
- Then the bubbles begin to burst, the wounds become crusted, which is also very painful and can last up to 10 days.
- After the healing of the wound, the virus again "hides" in the body and waits for a convenient case for a relapse, the timing of which can not be predicted.
Infection with the first type of virus first occurs, most often at the age of 3-4 years, and children of the first years of life almost never get herpes, because they have immunity from the mother, and by the age of 5, as a rule, already have in the bodyantibodies to it.
Antibodies to the genital virus most often appear in adolescence, about 15 years, and initially the infection penetrates not only through the genitals, but also through the mucous membranes of the mouth and skin.
Previously, it was traditionally believed that the virus of the first type affects the upper part of the trunk - the face, mouth, eyes and lips, and the second type virus - the lower half of the body, most often the genitals. But, at the present time this division is purely conditional, since there are cases of lesions of the genital organs by herpesvirus of the first type.
The second type of herpes virus ^
The second type of herpesvirus( HSV-2) is often called genital herpes, because, unlike the virus of the first type, it affects mainly the mucous membranes of the genitals. It is transmitted predominantly through the sexual route, but also cases of infection through saliva with orogenital contacts are possible.
Less common is household contamination through bed linens and personal care products, as well as through medical manipulations such as blood transfusions and organ transplants.
- When a person suffers from genital herpes, the incubation period lasts from 1 to 10 days.
- Then comes the acute phase, characterized by fever, malaise, weakness and an increase in inguinal lymph nodes, which is extremely painful.
- On the genitals appear painful blisters, itching and pain.
- Primary genital herpevirus can last very long and heal 3-5 weeks.
Genital herpesvirus is especially dangerous for pregnant women, because the child becomes infected with it either in the womb or in the process of delivery while passing through the infected birth canal. Infected newborns have an extremely high mortality rate - over 60%, and only 10% of surviving children subsequently develop normally. Very often neurological disorders, blindness and death.
In this regard, it is vital for women planning a pregnancy to be screened for the presence of viral infections before it occurs and, if necessary, to undergo treatment. Someone gets herpes every few years, and someone every few weeks, most often the virus affects the same areas.
And, if the herpes of the first type manifests itself quite rarely, mostly not more than three times a year, then the second type of herpes gives relapses every couple of months, and sometimes several times a month, delivering huge physiological, moral and social problems to the person.
According to the research, every second woman suffering from genital herpes virus is lonely and unsettled in her personal life, which often leads to depression and various neuropsychic disorders.
Herpes prevention ^
Herpes virus: prevention of
Despite the huge prevalence of herpes, most people are passive carriers of it and only 20% of people have clinical manifestations.
Scientists have found out that the whole family of herpesviruses is our constant companion throughout life - having penetrated into the body once, they never leave it. And only on the state of the immune system depends on how the virus behaves in the body - whether it will just quietly live, not letting itself know, or it will regularly remind itself of endless relapses.
From the primary site, the virus enters the lymph nodes and into the blood, and its further behavior depends entirely on the state of the human immune system:
- With good immunity, a local or local herpes form will develop.
- If the immunity is lowered, the virus penetrates into the body, affecting such important internal organs as the liver, kidneys, spleen, adrenals.
The virus accumulates in cells and under the influence of various provoking factors it will periodically cause permanent relapses. Activations of the herpes virus are facilitated by:
- undercooling,
- chronic fatigue,
- insufficient or unbalanced nutrition,
- excessive physical loads,
- stresses,
- alcohol,
- antibiotic intake.
Since medicine today does not have in its arsenal of medicines to completely cure herpes, it becomes clear that the task of preventing infections and general strengthening of immunity comes first.
Protect yourself from genital herpes, unlike herpes simplex, transmitted by airborne droplets, it is possible, following the rules of personal hygiene:
- do not use someone else's lipstick,
- do not smoke one cigarette for two,
- drink and eat only from your dishes,
- use condoms and in any case do not engage in oral sex, if your partner has herpes virus bottles on the lips.
In order not to allow the insidious virus of herpes to host in your body and overshadow your life, make every effort to maximize your immunity, and then no viruses are unpleasant to you.
To do this, use the whole arsenal of means for a healthy lifestyle:
- complete nutrition with the presence of all necessary vitamins and microelements for the body,
- proper drinking regime,
- moderate physical activity,
- healthy sleep,
- smoking and alcohol refusal.