
Ointment Vishnevsky: instructions for use, price and reviews

  • Ointment Vishnevsky: instructions for use, price and reviews

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    Today the ointment has become so familiar and popular that it is used for the slightest problems and inflammations of the skin.

    There are practically no contraindications, which makes the drug attractive, it is used at any age, during pregnancy and lactation.

    The composition of the Vishnevsky ointment includes xerobes having antiseptic properties, birch tar, which enhances blood circulation and tissue nutrition, and castor oil, which facilitates the penetration of useful ingredients into the deeper layers of the skin and provides tissue regeneration.

    Ointment was created by surgeon A. V. Vishnevsky during the war years and has not lost its relevance due to the ease of use and high efficiency. The drug has special properties to resist microorganisms, regenerate tissues, improve metabolic processes in the epidermis.

    Often liniment is used in surgery, despite the huge number of new drugs, remains indispensable due to the lack of contraindications and natural basis. After surgeries, there is no scars left while using the medicine, and the skin is quickly restored.
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    When cosmetic problems use liniment to get rid of pimples, acne, etc. In the home medicine cabinet the remedy will become an indispensable assistant for any cuts or suppuration of the skin.


    The natural base of the ointment guarantees its anti-allergenic properties. Particulate aerosil, castor oil, birch tar and xerobes are included. It has anti-inflammatory properties, has healing and drying effect. What is Vishnevsky Ointment used for?
    When carbuncles, abscesses, furuncles are used Vishnevsky ointment for external use. A furuncle is better curable if it is opened. Then, with the help of the ointment, the inflammatory process is activated, and the purulent masses are pulled outward. In addition, the ointment performs a resorption function.

    The drug is widely used for burns, as tar easily regenerates tissues and does not leave scars and scars.

    Antiseptic effect allows you to cope with different inflammatory processes, get rid of pressure sores and stop the process of decomposition of tissues. Apply an agent for the treatment of dermatoses, psoriasis, ulcers, both varicose and trophic.

    Diseases of the vessels of the limbs are successfully treated with liniment as an auxiliary therapy. Such ailments include endarteritis, thrombophlebitis. Carry out procedures for the treatment of lymphangitis, lymphadenitis and leishmaniasis.

    In gynecology, the drug is widely used after operations for tissue repair, tampons are impregnated with a drug and applied for several hours to the lesion focus.

    Inflammation of the ovaries and appendages is usually treated with tampons for a long time( up to 7 days).The ointment for the treatment of hemorrhoids is also successfully used. The agent is used in the treatment of external affected areas of the skin in the form of tampons, compresses and bandages. Sometimes a method of treatment with the help of appliques is applied.

    Apply a remedy for external treatment of panaricium( make compresses for a long time), abscesses( after cleansing of wounds from pus), decubitus( with the slightest redness of the skin or wrinkles), and ulcers( change dressings 2 times a day) and frostbites( apply on3-4 days).Ointment is combined with all medicines, including vitamins.


    The only contraindication is the individual reaction of the body to the components of the ointment. Intolerance is extremely rare, as regeneration and restoration of tissues occur without complications. Do not recommend the use of an overdue version of the balsamic preparation. With caution, it must not be used to prevent contact with the eyes, nose and mucous membranes of the mouth.


    An ointment is produced in jars in the volume of 50 or 100 grams of light yellow or brown. It looks like a thick substance with a specific smell, due to the presence of tar and xerobes in the composition. The instruction is recommended for external use.

    Shelf life

    Store the ointment at room temperature and cool place in a closed form. Shelf life is up to 3 years.

    Analogues of Vishnevsky Ointment

    Analogs of ointments do not exist, however many similar antiseptic preparations are used for regeneration and healing of skin tissues. These include levomecol, sentimycin, methyluracil and levomecitin ointment.

    Ointment Vishnevsky: price

    The cost is low, the tube 40 g.can be purchased for 8-10 UAH.(about 40 rubles.)

    Application for driving

    Information is not available, but it is likely that the drug is not a threat when driving by transport, as it does not cause dizziness, allergies, drowsiness and other side effects.

    How to use

    Apply a five-layer gauze to the affected area, impregnated with liniment. The procedure is performed 2-3 times a day at intervals of 4 hours. The dressings are applied for 4-5 hours, they are changed until complete recovery, until the skin clears from the pus. The course of treatment is 6-20 days.


    In case of an overdose, an allergic rash may appear, but after the drug is discontinued the body is quickly restored.

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