  • Overview of remedies for warts

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    One of the most unpleasant skin diseases in humans is warts. They are associated in others with uncleanliness, dirt, communication with something unclean.

    The appearance of warts immediately causes a person the question: how can you get rid of them forever. First of all, the recipes of traditional medicine are being studied, hoping that among them there will be only one remedy and will help. However, with such an independent treatment you need to be completely sure that a person has a wart, and not some other skin disease.

    Therefore, if after some time you did not see the result, you should consult a doctor. The dermatologist will precisely define, having taken necessary analyzes, what is this illness or disease and accordingly as it or her to treat.

    Autogenic training

    Self-suggestion can be recommended as a remedy for warts without any contraindications. To conduct autologous training you need to take a comfortable position, close your eyes, relax and imagine that the sores disappear and you have a clean and healthy skin. This tool is best for people with a living imagination.

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    Treatment with raw potatoes

    Another effective tool is offered by healers. To do this, you need to take raw potatoes or any other fruit or vegetable, cut it in half, grate each half. After that, put both halves together and bury them. It is believed that when the fetus rotates, then the sore will disappear. If you treat warts on your hands - folk remedies in the form of such treatment is very effective.

    Treatment of warts with silk thread

    Take a silk thread or just a string, and over each wart tie a knot in the air. Then put the string in a cut potato or other vegetable and bury it. This remover is similar to the potato treatment described above. And in both cases the sick person needs to believe in healing, then there is a hope that the warts will disappear.

    A remedy for warts - chalk

    One of the recipes of folk medicine advises rubbing and sprinkling this place with chalk. After this it is necessary to wrap this place with chalk with a woolen cloth. The dressing should be avoided.

    Treatment with celandine

    Many help celandine from warts and other skin diseases. This plant is known for its peculiar caustic property. It is they who need to spread warts 2 times a day. A similar action is provided by the juice of milkweed and dandelion. For any application of the plant, you need to constantly heal. If you use this recipe as much as possible, that is, irregularly, then the expected cure will not be.

    Other folk remedies

    When treating warts, compresses with mashed leaves of a house plant Kalanchoe are used. This tool should be used for a week, then take a break. Also, the skin from warts is treated with tincture of wormwood. Compresses, moistened with this compound, can become an effective medicine.

    Some believe that the best remedy for given sores and other skin rashes is a raw bulb. It is kept in vinegar for 2 hours, and then for the night is tied to this place. This treatment is repeated several nights in a row. It should be remembered that onion juice along with vinegar can burn the skin, so you need to apply a patch or a piece of polyethylene around the wart.

    In other cases, treatment with flat cakes is considered an effective remedy. A mixture of flour and acetic acid is applied to the infected place and worn constantly, changing the dressing 2-3 times a day. It is necessary to carefully place the mixture, so as not to burn the skin. Such a tool on hands is recognized as one of the effective ones.

    Finding your remedy for wart removal - watch the change in its appearance. If it blackens from above, it means that its roots die. In no case should you touch this place, let alone cut off the top layer. It is necessary to wait for the moment when she herself will fall away.

    Folk remedies very often help in the treatment of skin diseases. A person, using them, feels more comfortable, because he is spared from visiting a doctor and applying radical treatment with the methods of official medicine, which are not always sparing towards the skin.

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