  • Symptoms of vaginitis and a brief description of the disease

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    Symptoms of vaginitis, a characteristic of the disease, predisposing and realizing factors.

    Vaginitis refers to the inflammatory disease of the vaginal mucosa, which has an acute and chronic nature of the course. The disease is provoked by various factors, among which the most important is the infection.

    Signs of vaginitis with this etiology appear after improper personal hygiene or the presence of complicating hormonal regulation disorders. These include ovarian hypofunction, diabetes mellitus, disease or Itenko-Cushing syndrome.

    Etiological characteristics of

    There is a special type of disease - fungal vaginitis. It manifests itself as a result of a violation of the ratio of normal vaginal microflora and conditionally pathogenic fungi.

    Some of their number is always present in the vagina, and therefore can cause inflammation in case of impaired immunity. Candidiasis is manifested by the presence of a whitish coating on the mucous membrane, which is freely separated. The patient at the same time feels a constant moisture in the perineum, feels the itching in the vagina.

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    Symptoms of this disease include external signs, for example, discharge from the genital gaps. This is characterized by vaginitis purulent, caused by pyogenic bacteria. These include Neisseria, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus. Allocations in the disease of this etiology are neobylnymi, have a mucous consistence, yellowish green color.

    This indicates the need to use antibiotics and local remedies for treatment. Infection with them can be observed when non-observance of sexual hygiene, as well as in contact with infected gonorrhea.

    In this case, the symptoms of gonorrhea in women are very weakly expressed, and therefore the causative agent of the disease remains in the genital tract for a long time, and the woman is able to infect her sexual partner. And for such a pathology as vaginitis, the causes of neuserial lesions are precisely in promiscuity.
    Etiologically also allergic.

    It manifests itself after the ingestion of an allergen, including locally. The systemic nature of the disease indicates the presence of an immune component in its pathogenesis. Therefore, if an antigen enters the body, it responds with a systemic reaction involving conjunctivitis, cutaneous manifestations, as well as anaphylactic reactions.

    If the antigen acts locally( in the vagina it can be hygiene), then allergic vaginitis occurs. His symptoms are complex: a burning sensation in the vagina, manifested by intolerable itching, redness of the vaginal walls, a sense of humidity. Here, one can also note the correlation of the onset of symptoms with the use of certain detergents.

    Vaginitis in pregnancy can occur for various aetiological reasons. It is difficult to identify them, although the symptoms may also be similar to an allergic etiology. At the same time, an imperceptibly clear correlation with the use of hygiene means. Vaginitis during pregnancy can be candidal, bacterial, and also protozoal, which indicates an extreme heterogeneity of the pathology.

    Trichomonas vaginitis: differential diagnosis

    Trichomonas infection is included in the list of sexually transmitted diseases. This means that they have a similar epidemiology of diseases such as gonorrhea and syphilis. Candidial vaginitis in this respect is very different, as well as symptomatology, and that place of defeat.

    Chlamydia affects the epithelium of the cervix, while in the case of the fungus, the body and the vestibule are affected, since the disease of this etiology is transmitted during sexual intercourse, and the place of the primary application of the infection is precisely the cervix.

    Chlamydial vaginitis is characterized by pain syndrome, which distinguishes it from burning sensation in other diseases. Vaginitis purulent manifest aching pains and uninvolved discharge, mainly in the morning and evening. Chlamydial infection manifests as mucous, colorless secretions that are odorless.

    Starch vaginitis and hormonal disorders

    In connection with the onset of menopause, the development of senile ailment is observed. This is associated with ovarian hypofunction and a deficiency of hormones that stimulate the vaginal epithelium to proliferate and restore its integrity. In rare cases, for this reason, mixed vaginitis develops when an infectious or allergic factor is connected to the atrophy of the mucous membrane.

    Postmenopausal atrophic vaginitis is characterized by a constant burning in the body cavity of the vagina, which is difficult to treat and easily seeded by a pathological microflora.

    The sagging of the vaginal walls, as well as the lack of tonus of the elastic labia minora, leads to the opening of the genital cleft, which allows bacteria and fungi to enter the genital tract.

    Such conditions are optimal to develop chronic vaginitis, characterized by stages of remission and exacerbation. That is, the disease in this case proceeds cyclically, from exacerbation to exacerbation.

    Diagnosis of diseases according to the symptoms of

    The symptoms of vaginitis are slightly different for different diseases, but the key aspect of their differentiation is the pain syndrome. Allocations are often not indicative, since infectious infection is very often observed by seeding different classes of pathogens.

    Signs of vaginitis are nonspecific: it is acute soreness and discomfort during sexual intercourse, a burning sensation in the perineum and vagina, itching of the skin in the perineum, a mucous discharge with a different smell and color.

    These features are characterized by vaginitis in pregnancy, as its clinical picture is most diverse.

    Purulent includes symptoms: acute pain during sexual intercourse, aching pain at rest, small in volume mucous secretions of yellowish or greenish color with an unpleasant sugary smell.

    Candidiasis is manifested by a burning sensation and discomfort without obvious painful sensations during sexual contact, abundant and watery secretions that have an acidic odor. They are colorless and do not have a mucous consistency. At the same time, a whitish coating can be noticed in the genital cleft, easily detached from the walls of the vestibular vestibule.

    Spermic is characterized by various symptoms, especially if infections of different classes are connected. Therefore, the only sign that is important in this case is age over 50 years. The disease is called postmenopausal atrophic vaginitis. For this reason, chronic vaginitis can develop, leading to the development of facultative precancerous conditions.

    Causes and manifestations of the disease in girls

    In girls, the disease can develop if the hygiene procedures are not properly performed. In this case, the disease can develop and in the period of newborn. The mother must remember that the girls' crotch should be washed from front to back, so that the colonized bacteria of the rectum can not enter the genital cleft.

    Vaginitis in girls is characterized by morphological changes in the vestibule of the vagina and the following symptoms: itching in the perineum, separation from the genital gaps, a feeling of discomfort when wearing linen.

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