
How to strengthen the immunity of a child - how to strengthen the immunity of children

  • How to strengthen the immunity of a child - how to strengthen the immunity of children

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    The word "immunity" is translated as "deliverance".The immune system is formed by tissues and organs that counteract negative external factors. Bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasitic worms, tumor cells, as well as a special protein called prion, capable of causing a serious CNR disease is a serious health threat. Infections are constantly evolving, recognizing and treating them is becoming more difficult, and only a stable immune system can withstand them.

    Why children often get sick

    To think about strengthening of immunity it is necessary even before the birth of the baby. A balanced diet, a calm environment, daily walks, lack of alcoholic drinks and cigarettes, the correct sleep regime for a future mother is simply necessary. Although not only for mom, first of all - for a child who, developing, eating and walking with her mother, listens to music with her, she is sad, she smiles. Everything is pawned in prenatal development and will necessarily affect the health in the future.

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    The baby is born. His first sigh. His first cry. The first tears of joy of a happy mother, taking him in his arms and putting it to his chest. And breast milk is the next step in strengthening immunity. Whatever the producers of children's formulas say in advertising campaigns, mother's milk can not be replaced by the best and most expensive milk powders for a child, how not to replace the sun with artificial lighting, and full walks with an open window. Nature beforehand worried about everything.

    When thinking about how to strengthen the immunity of a child, two fairly similar but different concepts should be clearly distinguished: specific immunity( acquired as a result of a particular disease: chickenpox, diphtheria, whooping cough, etc.) and immunity nonspecificfrom various infections( pyelonephritis, angina, acute respiratory disease, otitis media, bronchitis p.)).Specific immunity can be produced, for example, after vaccination( or vaccination course).

    Quenching a child

    The immune system in a baby only develops and is not as perfect as an adult's, so the baby's body is more vulnerable and its immunity requires some adjustment: inoculations, hardening.

    A child up to six months is protected from the invasion of the majority of possible microbes with immunoglobulins of the IgG class, given by the mother even during intrauterine development. But over time, this protection weakens( immunizes immunoglobulins) and the body begins to literally "snap" the infection. Especially often the child is ill in the age range from 6 months.up to 7 years - only from 7 years( sometimes a little earlier) the body begins to produce its own immunoglobulin. At this time the organism, meeting daily with various viruses, learns to recognize the threat and form its so-called antidote, i.e.build defense( nonspecific immunity).This continues until the period of adulthood.

    Protection of a child against infections

    Children's inoculations

    The predisposition of a child to diseases directly depends on the formed nonspecific immunity, the effectiveness( or strength) of which depends on several factors, including.from vaccinations. Today, thanks to vaccination, hundreds of thousands of children can acquire natural immunity to most dangerous diseases. At the same time, general immunity( immunity nonspecific) from vaccinations practically does not depend: the child, with a full set of vaccinations now existing, can easily get ARVI, pneumonia, otitis and other diseases, the pathogens of which are viruses, but they are not vaccinated against them.

    Nonspecific immunity of children is based mainly on:

    • as the food received;
    • conditions of life;
    • state of the body, incl.internal organs.

    About the immunodeficiency says frequent colds( more than 6 times a year), complications after the transferred diseases, poor response to treatment( long course of diseases).These signs should make parents think about how to raise the immunity of a child.

    The first step is to show your child to his leading doctor. Evaluation of the work of immunity is a complex task, which should be solved only by an immunologist. According to the recommendations of physicians for children with severe immunodeficiency, the reception of immunostimulants, correction of nutrition, the intake of multivitamins and, of course, hardening is one of the most effective means of increasing overall immunity.

    Water procedures against infections

    Hardening begins at the age of three. The task of parents is to interest the child, presenting the first steps in this process as a game. Procedures against the will to conduct categorically not recommended: additional stress will only be harmful. The first should be the morning gymnastics. It is important that the child was by this time finally awakened( and necessarily asleep), cheerful and with a good mood. Exercises should be done simultaneously with the child: the baby will learn and imitate. After fifteen minutes of the restorative complex, the procedure should be no less pleasant - water. At first, the water temperature is maintained at 25 degrees, and then gradually decreases by 0.5 degrees( up to 16 degrees).The child must be triturated after the procedures with a towel to a feeling of warmth( slight redness), after which they dress a rough woolen blouse.

    Prevention of infectious diseases

    The use of multivitamins uniquely increases immunity, however, they should be selected not by the parents, but by the doctor, taking into account the state of the organism of the particular child. Vitamins and minerals are required in a much larger quantity for a child than for an adult( these substances are spent on growth).The complex should be adapted specifically for the child.

    Immunostimulating agents are an important brick in the foundation of a pawned immune system, but here one can not do without a doctor's recommendation. The use of immunomodulators is justified only in cases of acute necessity, when the diagnosis of immunodeficiency has been clearly proved. This fact is determined only by a specialist, and the purpose of the drug is only in its competence.