  • Treating epilepsy with folk remedies

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    The epilepsy of , otherwise called "fallout," is manifested by convulsions and a consciousness disorder. The cause of epilepsy is an increased tendency to convulsions. The disease can be hereditary or acquired. The onset of the disease can be triggered by infection, trauma or stress( a strong emotional experience, fear or fatigue, physical or neuro-psychic).

    Epilepsy is a disease that is manifested by seizures, personality changes and mental disorders.

    is classified into large and small epileptic seizures, as well as generalized and focal seizures.

    1. Hereditary predisposition.

    2. Intrauterine infection of the fetus.

    3. Birth trauma.

    4. Strangulation during labor.

    5. Congenital pathology of the development of the brain.

    6. Infectious or alcoholic brain poisoning.

    7. Severe mental trauma.

    Symptoms: convulsions and a disorder of consciousness. More about the symptoms, see here.

    A great fit is almost always preceded by an aura( impairment, visual, auditory and olfactory hallucinations).A large convulsive fit is characterized by a spasm of the glottis, a groan escapes from the patient, it falls sharply and turns pale. Then the face becomes bluish. The head is thrown back, there is no breath, the pupils do not respond to light. This phase lasts up to 30 seconds. Then comes the next phase, which lasts an average of 3 minutes. The patient convulsively inhales and starts to breathe, his face turns red, and at the same time clinical cramps begin. The patient can bite his tongue, possibly involuntary urination and defecation. Then all muscles relax and a deep sleep comes. As a rule, the patient does not remember the attack.

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    Large epileptic seizure begins with a powerful cramp, from which the body arches in the form of an arc: arms and legs are pulled together, the head and back are bent back. Jaw muscles contract, often with this bites and traumatizes the tongue. Breathing stops, pupils do not respond to light. The eyes are either closed, or turned up so that only the protein is visible. As a rule, a cramp is accompanied by loss of consciousness. If a person was sitting or standing, he falls, why the illness is called fallout. The spasm is replaced by the rhythmic twitching of the muscles, in which the patient can beat on the floor or asphalt, depending on where he fell during the fit, and sometimes can injure himself. Foam comes out of his mouth. Perhaps involuntary urination and bowel movement. The seizure lasts for several minutes, after which a deep sleep usually occurs.

    A small fit of epilepsy is a short-term loss of consciousness. Convulsions with small seizures are absent or weakly expressed. They are expressed in the loss of consciousness for a few seconds. The patient stops in mid-sentence, and after the seizure continues the work begun. Often such seizures are not even noticeable to others. Epileptic status is characterized by seizures that continuously follow each other.

    Based on the analysis of manifestations of the disease, as well as on the results of the electroencephalogram and computed tomography.

    Harbinger of the attack: as a rule, every person who is prone to epileptic seizures has its signs - harbingers of an attack. Often this is a feeling of general malaise, a sudden severe headache, a fit of bad mood and excessive irritability. There are some certain repetitive movements( shifting pencils, correcting hair, trampling or spinning in one place).There may be a short-term disorder of consciousness in the form of hallucinations. Someone has a fever, and someone - a chill. A sudden heartbeat and constriction in the chest can also be signs of an impending attack.

    The incidence of seizures varies from several seizures per day in severe cases to one seizure per year with mild illness. Nevertheless, epilepsy is not completely cured, although children who have had epileptic seizures can get rid of it by the age of 9-10.

    What should I do? Treatment of epilepsy is carried out under the supervision of a physician( the patients are necessarily on dispensary records).The help at an attack is reduced to that to facilitate to the patient breath and if possible to protect it from mutilations.

    Treatment of the disease largely depends on the cause and flow. And includes the following group of drugs: antiepileptic, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant. And also neuroleptics, corticosteroids, in some cases - antibiotics.

    In recent years for treatment of epilepsy are increasingly using dietary methods. Ketogenic diet( high-fat, low-carbohydrate) has shown itself to be especially effective.

    In some cases, surgical treatment of epilepsy is used. Of course, it is possible only if it is known exactly which area of ​​the brain is damaged.

    Alternative medicine for epilepsy does not replace completely traditional remedies, but it will reduce the dose of synthetic drugs and prevent the development of side effects. In any case, stone oil for epilepsy can be taken only on the advice of a doctor and under his supervision( !).

    Recipes. Traditional medicine recommends for the treatment of epilepsy to take valerian in the form of infusion, decoction or alcohol tincture of the roots. To make a tasty infusion of tablespoon roots pour in the evening with a glass of water, filter and drink the resulting infusion for the next day. To prepare a decoction of a tablespoon of valerian boiled for 10-15 minutes in a glass of water, then take a tablespoon 3 times daily before meals. Alcohol tincture is taken on 20 drops 3 times a day. After a month, you need to take a break in taking valerian for 5-7 days. Individual intolerance to valerian is a contraindication to its use.

    Solution from epilepsy

    In Siberia, stone oil has long been used as a remedy against epilepsy. A solution of rock oil( 3 grams per 2 liters) drink 1 glass per day 1 hour before meals. This should be done 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 4 weeks. This course should be conducted annually.

    All those suffering from epilepsy should have a good sleep, not be exposed to stress, comply with the regime, and give up alcohol.

    List of some plants that can help with this disease:

    * Air( rhizomes, collected from July to September);

    * rhizomes of elecampane are harvested in May or September;

    * St. John's wort of perforated( harvest time - June-July);

    * berries of the viburnum vulgare( collection time - September);

    * leaves of plantain large( collected from May to August);

    * peppermint leaves( collection in July-August);

    * herb balm of medicinal balm( collected in July-August);

    * grass yarrow( collected from June to August);

    * flowers of a linden leafy( collection in June-July).

    Preparations can be prepared both from individual plants and from collections. Usually, the attending physician makes up a collection of 6-9 plants that have the necessary curative effects.

    When applying the tincture, prepare the tincture at the rate of 1-2 tbsp.spoons on a glass of water. If the collection includes soft( leaves, flowers, grass) and coarse( roots, rhizomes, bark) parts of plants, then separate them from each other. From soft parts make infusion, and from coarse - decoction, and then connect together and bring water to the desired volume.

    For the preparation of infusion or broth, measure a dry amount of dry plant material in a glass, porcelain or enameled( without cracks) vessel and fill it with boiled water at room temperature, close the lid and heat in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, boil for 30 minuteswith frequent stirring. After cooling, strain, strain the vegetable residues. Keep infusions and decoctions in the cold for no more than 3-4 days. Take infusion and decoction of 1 / 3-1 / 4 cup 3-4 times a day( children should reduce the dose), along with 1 teaspoon of honey.

    The amount of initial mixture of plants and their dosage should be agreed with the doctor.

    1. Devyasil high. Use infusion at the rate of 2 teaspoons per 1 cup boiling water( in a thermos).Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day for 20-40 minutes before eating.

    2. Field sage or initial letter.6 g of the drop of the initial brew 0.5 liter of ki-1 heel with sugar. Insist 15 minutes. Drink like tea before eating. It!daily dose.