  • Blood sugar: in women and men

    Sugar, or rather the glucose into which it is converted, is one of the main sources of energy for the human body.

    Many people mistakenly believe that the presence of sugar in the blood is already a problem.

    In fact, the level of glucose has its own norms, so both pathological increase and reduction of blood sugar is a problem and requires adjustments.

    How to measure the level of sugar?

    The level of sugar in the blood is determined in specialized laboratories, which are available at any polyclinic. To do this, a person in the morning on an empty stomach carries a fence of capillary or venous blood.

    In addition, today there is the possibility of home glucose level diagnosis. For this purpose, so-called home glucometers are widely used. To carry out the test, in addition to the meter itself, you will also need special test strips and a lancet designed to pierce the skin.

    Indicators of a home blood glucose meter are not a direct indication for treatment, but with the slightest deviation, you can lose blood in the laboratory and diagnose the problem in time. Today, glucometers have become almost indispensable for people with diabetes of the first and second type.
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    Elevated blood sugar: causes, symptoms

    Elevated blood sugar, or in other words, hyperglycemia occurs for various reasons. In some cases, such a rise is a reaction of the body to severe stress or severe course of some infections. In addition, high rates are also possible with a banal overeating, especially if the diet is dominated by carbohydrate food.

    However, it does not take lightly for increased sugar, since in most cases it indicates a severe endocrine pathology - a diabetes of the second or the first type.

    See also: symptoms of type 1 diabetes.

    Up to a certain point, the increase in glucose in the blood of a person can be asymptomatic. But in most cases there is a vivid clinical picture that will help an experienced doctor to determine the correct diagnosis.

    As the increase in blood glucose results in a gradual dehydration of the body, the first symptoms of increased blood sugar is a strong thirst that is associated with frequent urination. The urine may become more concentrated and acquire a darker color. These symptoms are associated with headache, dizziness, general weakness.

    If the blood sugar level is increasing and it is already possible to talk about the presence of diabetes in a person, he is diagnosed with heart palpitations and breathing, a weak pulse. From the mouth of the patient there is a strong smell of acetone. When the glucose level rises to the critical markers, a person observes confusion, he can lose consciousness and even fall into a coma.

    Read more, symptoms of type 2 diabetes.

    Reduced Sugar: Causes, Symptoms

    Like hyperglycemia, low blood sugar is a serious problem. In a similar situation, vital organs suffer, because they do not receive enough nutrients.

    There are a lot of reasons for low blood sugar. First of all, this problem bothers, as it is not strange, diabetics. The level of glucose in people with diabetes is unstable, so the deviations can be either one way or the other. Especially if a person takes insulin and adheres to a low-carb diet. In addition, a lower amount of sugar in the blood is possible in healthy people in certain situations.

    First, the cause can be hidden in a diet that suffers from an excess of carbohydrates, or, conversely, is severely limited. In addition, lowered sugar is found in people who are intensely engaged in sports. Also, the level of glucose can fall if you make too long breaks between meals.

    For lack of glucose, the body reacts with weakness, dizziness, irritability. A person may have a slight tremor of extremities, "flies" appear before your eyes, and you feel very sick. If the sugar continues to fall, then the condition can get worse, down to cramps and coma. To prevent this, when a person falls, they need something to eat or drink a sweet drink.

    Blood sugar in women and men

    The sugar level in the blood and its level is measured in special units - mmol / l. According to the generally accepted norm, in women and men who are healthy the amount of glucose is kept at the level of 3, 5-5, 5 mmol / l.

    Measurements of this indicator are carried out strictly on an empty stomach. This requirement is explained by the fact that after consuming any food, the sugar is very quickly broken down and enters the bloodstream, so the indices can be overestimated. In the event that the analysis showed a mark below 3, 5 mmol / l talk about hypoglycemia, that is, a lowered glucose content.

    And here, when the level of sugar, on the contrary, is increased, doctors may have a suspicion of having diabetes. As a rule, in diabetics the indicator exceeds the mark of 7.8 mmol / l. In either of these cases, the person is referred for further analysis.

    Blood sugar in women after 50: capillary blood( from the finger) taken on an empty stomach from 3.3 to 5.5 mmol / l. Venous blood and capillary plasma - 12% higher( fasting norm to 6.1, diabetes mellitus - above 7.0)

    Usually, if a person has found any abnormalities when analyzing blood for sugar, he is recommended to do a test for glucose tolerance. Women after 40 years should regularly monitor the blood sugar, and after 50 years it is necessary to take tests every 6-7 months.

    How to normalize the level of sugar at home

    For healthy and proper functioning of the body, it is important not to allow sudden fluctuations in blood sugar. People who have a tendency to hyper- or hypoglycemia, it is necessary to adhere to simple rules that will help to avoid both falling and increasing blood sugar levels.

    First and foremost, doctors recommend paying attention to their food. It is very important to use the right amount of carbohydrates, since their deficiency or overabundance fraught with problems with sugar. Eat better complex carbohydrates, which are found in cereals and cereals. But sugar in its pure form or in the form of sweets should be reduced to a minimum. It causes a sharp rise in the level of glucose, and then the same rapid drop in sugar. Over time, this can lead to certain problems.

    Increased risk of diabetes diagnosed in fat people, so to prevent problems with sugar, it is recommended to lose excess pounds. To do this, it is necessary to establish the right diet, diversify it with useful food, and refuse harmful products such as fatty meat, sweets, carbonated drinks, buns. In such cases, any type of alcohol is also prohibited, as they usually contain a large amount of sugar.

    To normalize the level of glucose in the body, you also need to give time for physical activity. In any case, it should be moderate and not give a person discomfort. Doctors recommend walking in the fresh air, gymnastics, jogging, outdoor games.

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