
The rash on the hands itches: the causes of red dots between the fingers and toes, a photo with a description

  • The rash on the hands itches: the causes of red dots between the fingers and toes, a photo with a description

    Redness, itching, rashes, acne. All these seemingly small problems not only spoil the appearance of the person and cause inconvenience, but can turn into terrible diseases that, if not severe, require careful care of themselves and their diet. Well, when a person does not forget about inflammation and wants to know the reasons for its appearance, because our appearance reflects the state of internal organs. In particular, redness on the hands can be a sign of several diseases at once, and if the rash on your hands itches, it is best to learn from what as soon as possible.

    Causes of rash on the hands of

    The appearance of rashes on the hands occurs, mainly because of allergic reactions, infection or chronic disease. More severe forms of manifestation: drug toxemia, secondary syphilis, senile lentigo, polymorphic exudative erythema and so on. If the irritation is caused by an allergic reaction, then it is enough just to remove the allergen and after a while the rash will go by itself, but if the problem is buried deeper and the reasons for its appearance are not clear to you, it is better to consult a dermatologist.

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    It is better to understand the problem, the photo with the description provided to each case separately will help you.

    With allergies, rashes occur on small surfaces, while extensive areas on hands do not affect.

    Fine, highly itchy, rash is typical for infectious diseases, when the hands are rarely washed and often are dirty. Also, the problem can get inside the skin. However, it is worth noting that although the infectious rash and looks like an allergic, along with it on small areas of the skin of the hands itching and redness come, which do not go so easily.

    A bright red rash may appear with weakened immunity due to colds. After recovery, the body must get rid of harmful substances, so it takes them through the pores and urinary system.

    If a rash appears on your hands and it itches, it is possible that this is a dermatitis that occurs when you are in contact with an allergen for a long time. For example, the long use of chemicals without rubber gloves, which can also be chronic. It is worth noting that the second stage of dermatitis proceeds in the form of small vesicles on the hands and fingers, and the third is accompanied by skin peeling. Children are more characteristic of atopic dermatitis - an allergic disease, manifested in deep cutaneous folds, which can be seen between the fingers. This disease causes obvious discomfort and is very itchy.

    Diseases such as dyshidrotic eczema show themselves as a watery rash on the back of the hand, on the fingers and palms. It can arise almost spontaneously for the most seemingly insignificant reason, for example, a healthy person stroked a homeless cat. However, this is not so frequent and treatable disease.

    Nervous tension, depression, lack of sleep provoke the appearance of skin rashes in the form of red dots, and it can occur on virtually any part of the body, either on the hands or on the face, and on the legs and feet. To get rid of it, it is best to go to bed earlier and experience less stress, relax and enjoy a new film or a bath with sea salt.

    Autoimmune diseases appear on the skin in the form of vesicles. This condition, when the body is sent to fight with healthy cells and tissues. However, it is worthwhile to know that a bubble rash is a rare disease, but it can lead to a fatal outcome. Characteristic symptoms: rashes all over the body, in the mucous membrane of the mouth.

    Now professional dermatologists will tell you on video how to deal with different types of rashes on hands.