
Tincture of calendula from acne: reviews, application, instruction, video

  • Tincture of calendula from acne: reviews, application, instruction, video

    Calendula as a medicine in the fight against acne and rashes are used quite often. This plant is very widely used by physicians and is a part of many medicinal lotions.

    Reader Reviews

    Below are reviews about alcohol tincture of marigold from acne left by real people.

    Alina : Calendula personally helped me a lot in the fight against acne, especially in combination with oatmeal. I recommend.

    Irina : helped me, regularly used as a lotion.

    Ildar : independently helps a little, used in combination with multivitamins, then I saw the result.

    Tanyushka : to whom, personally, it helps me, the price is budgetary, it dries out inflammation, cleanses the skin, I use it instead of lotion.

    As you can see, this tool really works, be sure to try it on yourself! Below you will find instructions for use and various recipes for masks using this wonderful plant.

    Application of

    Calendula against skin problems can use differently. These are ointments, and powder, and the tincture itself, on the basis of which many masks are made. This plant has anti-inflammatory power and well affects the disposal of both acne and stagnant scars. The next useful property is the ability to restore cells, which helps to treat both bruises and external wounds and sprains. Therefore, calendula is referred to as folk medicine.

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    Instruction for use

    With this, everything is simple, we buy the tincture in the pharmacy and rub it into the skin with the help of cotton wool or cotton wool. Calendula strengthens the bloodstream, which helps in the regeneration of tissues. Scars become more even, and the old blue spots diverges faster. If the face has internal pimples, then the agent must be applied pointwise. And if the trunk does not sit too deep, then pus will be on the top in the morning. This means that the pimple will pass much faster.

    Another property of tincture is that calendula can reduce the production of sebum, reducing its secretion. Because of the astringent effect, the pores narrow and, therefore, release less fat.

    In addition to the tincture, in the pharmacy this plant is also in the form of ointments or powder. From the powder with the help of hot water, you can independently prepare a solution for wiping your face and body, and ointment significantly helps with old acne.

    Home beauty recipes

    At home, you can prepare a variety of products to improve the condition of the skin of the face.

    For a mask it is necessary to mix a glass of water, better boiled, and a spoon of tincture of calendula. Then add the flour, wheat or oatmeal, to get a homogeneous mass, which can be densely layered on the face. Walk with such a mask is recommended thirty minutes, then wash off with warm or cool water.

    This procedure is best done several times a week. The first results will be visible after applying 10 masks. Later you need to rest, preferably three months, and then the course can be repeated. This mask well relieves acne. By the way, there is also a mask, helping to get rid of wrinkles.

    Be sure to watch this video:

    If you take a thermos and pour a tablespoon of calendula flowers( dry) with alcohol, in the amount of 5 tablespoons, cover it with a lid or a dense cloth and put it in a dark place for a few weeks, you will get a great infusion for oily skin. This lotion is good for wiping a fat face twice a day for a month. The results before and after are just excellent. Now you know if a solution of marigold helps with acne.

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