  • Hair care in summer: masks, folk remedies, video

    In summer, the hair suffers from external conditions no less than in winter. Judge for yourself: the hot sun, sea water, dry wind - all this negatively affects the condition of the hair, which means they need special care. What should be the hair care in the summer, read below.

    Basic care rules for

    In summer, the hair should receive no less, and maybe even more nutrition, than in winter and autumn, and therefore it will be necessary to switch to soft moisturizing shampoos and conditioners. Especially good for hair professional shampoos, containing nutritious essential oils, because in this case you do not have to additionally make masks to solve this or that "hair" problem. Advice for owners of dyed hair: choose shampoos that soften the hair structure, but do not wash out the color.

    In summer, you can not pass by such a means for hair care, as an air conditioner. In all the other three seasons, they can not be used, but in summer it is necessary. The conditioner improves the appearance of the hair, makes it more docile when laying, and most importantly - softens the aggressive effect of sea water.

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    As the main enemy of hair is the hot sun in the summer, it is worth buying a special sunscreen spray for hair. In the heat, it acts on the hair as well as the sunblock on the skin. If the spray is selected correctly, you can safely bathe in the sea without a headdress and do not be afraid to spoil your hair. It is important to remember that the spray must be marked with a filter - SUN, UV-filter. Often the composition of such sprays includes additional vitamins such as jojoba oil or vitamin A.

    In the summer, one should not neglect headgear - kerchiefs, caps, hats, because the sun is so bright that you can not only dry your hair and even slightly discolor them by burning under direct sunlight,but also get a serious heat stroke.

    After bathing in the sea, the hair should not be dried in the open sun, as this facilitates penetration of the ultraviolet into the hair. It is better to rinse them with slightly sweetened water.

    You can rinse your hair with infusions of various herbs. This will help prevent dandruff and will prevent dryness of the scalp.

    Herbs and decoctions

    At home, decoctions for hair in the summer - perhaps the best solution for those who do not want to visit the salons and spend money on all sorts of expensive procedures. One of the biggest advantages of summer hair broths is that all the ingredients for their preparation can be found in nature in kind. Here are some recipes for such phyto-products.

    1) Decoction with lime color. Pour 100 grams of lime-colored 2 cups of water and press for 15 minutes. Strain. Rinse hair after washing instead of conditioner.

    2) Decoction multiflorous. Take 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers, turns, lemon balm and pour them with boiling water. Insist 15 minutes. Rinse hair immediately after washing.

    3) Nettle broth. Nettle is one of the most useful plants for hair. In the summer, especially outside the city, it can be found in any quantity. The nettle decoction acts on the hair as a powerful growth catalyst, gives the hair a shine. Leaves of nettle should be poured with boiling water and let it brew. Rinse nettle with hair instead of conditioner.

    4) Decoction of the yarrow. Collect the leaves of yarrow pour hot water and infuse for 10-15 minutes. Rinse your hair after each wash.

    5) Mask from the roots of burdock and olive oil. Mix in a bowl 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 100 grams of fresh burdock roots. Insist. Apply to the entire length of the hair and leave for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water and shampoo.

    6) Mask with vegetable oil, yolk and lemon juice. Mix all the ingredients( 1 tablespoon, 1 yolk, 1 tablespoon) in a bowl and insist. Apply the mask on the hair and walk with it for about 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

    Also experts recommend minimizing complex hairstyles and hairstyles, requiring the participation of metal jewelry - invisible, "crabs", clamps. Still, there is nothing more beautiful in summer than beautiful and healthy hair that develops in the wind.

    Oily hair: minimum of chemical agents

    If we are talking about how to properly care for the hair in the summer, it is impossible not to dwell on a special method of hair care with increased fat content. With oily hair in summer, you need to wash your head as often as possible, because under the influence of the sun, the hair gets dirty faster. The best option for caring for oily hair in the summer will be the use of shampoo with nettle extract or seaweed, as well as various cosmetics containing brewer's yeast and vitamins A, B, C. Dry oily hair in summer is better outdoors and naturally, withoutapplication of laying means. From masks are recommended mustard, orange, kefir and chamomile.

    Dry hair: protect the curls from the sun

    When dry hair is not recommended to spend a long time on the hot summer sun. If you really want to sunbathe, it is better to wear a hat. Otherwise, already dry hair under ultraviolet light will finally lose its moisture reserves. Thus, the main rules for the care of dry hair in the summer - do not overdry them and constantly fill the lack of vitamins and nutrients with natural masks. Especially recommended are oil( olive and burdock oil), egg, sour cream with aloe juice, raw egg and avocado pulp. With such folk remedies you can return dry hair shine and elasticity, even in summer.


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