  • 26 ways to quickly improve your mood at home and at work

    1. Listen to music loudly. Music is one of the best ways to cheer yourself up, and it does not matter if it's dancing or not. It is desirable that she was with the words, and you could sing along with her( which also matters).You can listen to music both in headphones( at work) and at home on ordinary speakers, but turn them on at the maximum.

    2. Dance. As if continuing the previous paragraph - we advise you to listen to music and dance. You know how to do it, whether you do it or not. The main thing is to actively move and do it with pleasure. Yes, unfortunately, at work such here you will not be engaged, but houses - an excellent place. In addition, you can dance( although, probably, even necessary) at a disco in a club where there are a lot of people and move to the musical clock will be much more pleasant and fun.

    3. Smile all to spite. No matter how bad you feel, learn to smile and not lose a smile from your face. Take care of problems and troubles easier and with irony. For example, for another failure, say: "But the experience will be typed for the future!".Smiling will help to pay less attention to the situation.
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    4. Clean up. When we are in a bad mood, we are very much annoyed. In the first place - it's a mess and things that are not in their places. Therefore, start with the fact that clean up your workplace or home. When everything is neatly folded, and be in the right place, you have a soul like a stone will fall, and you can breathe a full breast. The mood will begin, at least, not deteriorate.

    5. Do household chores. If you are at home, it helps to reduce the stress of household chores - cleaning the apartment, cooking, washing bed linen and clothes and the like. First, it is physical exercises that distract from bad thoughts, and secondly, you have to distract yourself from the sick topic, thinking about other things( products, volumes, household tasks, etc.).Thus, you not only get distracted from problems, but also do useful things, which can not but rejoice.

    6. Set yourself up for a successful layout of events. Mentally try to say to yourself that everything will be fine and wonderful for you. Go to any meeting or even to work with the confidence that there are only good news waiting for you. From such a mood you will have a good mood and any problems that arise can not disappoint.

    7. Feel free to talk about painful. When a bad mood is definitely worth expressing all sore to a friend or close relative, who will understand and support you. You'll see for yourself when you get out - immediately it will become easier on your mind and the mood will stop falling and even you will want to smile.

    8. Go in for sports. Combine a pleasant lesson with a useful one. Physical loads significantly improve the mood - this is more than once proved by scientists of many countries. So if there is such an opportunity - go to the gym and from the heart there practice. To load yourself strongly, of course, it is not necessary, but you will have to sweat. It is possible to do exercises at home, however, according to the personal experience of Vse-Sekrety journalists.ru we can say that at home the classes go much more slowly and not so intensively( and therefore not as productive) as in the gym.

    9. Play the games. Any game( computer, desktop, card, sports and intelligent) can lead a guy or girl out of a bad mood. They noticeably distract from the problems and have a good time, preferably do it in the company.

    10. Watch movies or TV shows. Choose the funniest comedies of this year and quickly organize watching movies with friends and popcorn. And it does not matter, you go to the cinema or stay at home. The main thing is that the films were chosen interesting and funny.

    11. Take up the new business. Nothing as fascinating as a new occupation. Think about what you dreamed of always doing, however, constantly postponed. Create your own website? Make a beautiful family budget? Read the book? Learn to knit? Juggle? Yes it does not matter, than! The main thing is to start a new business!

    12. Conduct an old friend. Get a positive charge, you can see an old friend, and not just by calling him or sending a letter by mail or ICQ, namely by coming to him. There will be a sea of ​​smiles, new stories and old memories.

    13. Promise yourself that next time you will be ready for such a failure. If the problem does not give you rest, then to forget about it, think one more time and pledge yourself that next time you will be ready to rebuff the bad mood, and also to give a vow to avoid this. Promises will help you to forget about failure and improve your mood faster.

    14. Treat yourself to goodies. Be sure to buy for yourself some goodies that have not been eaten for a long time - a can of ice cream, a portion of shish kebab, a huge pizza, a delicious cake, a kilogram of expensive sweets, a pack of chips. In general, everything that only the soul wants.

    15. Do a good deed. You can not imagine how a good deed can improve your mood, self-esteem and change your attitude to yourself. Give alms a large bill. Help the elderly person cross the road or climb to the floor. Transfer to the orphanage a portion of the accumulated money. Repair the fence in the front garden. Offer help to a neighbor. Try it!

    16. Think about the happiest moment in your life that was or will be. Memories of the past( pleasant) or presenting future moments( weddings, purchases of new clothes, equipment, etc.) still help very well.

    17. Take a contrast shower. To remove the tension, a contrast shower helps - first you should pour hot water, then it should be cold. Repeat the procedure several times. Such a shower removes emotional instability, and is also very useful for health( for both female and male).

    18. Take a walk. Walking in the fresh air raises the tone, improves physical and mental well-being. The environment of people, the noise of cars or the sounds of the forest - will also pacify your attitude and attitude towards problems.

    19. Share a problem in your diary or blog. If you have a personal diary in which you share your emotions, moods and life situations, then it's very good. Try to write in it all those feelings that are now in your soul. Put everything on the shelves. Describe the current situation. Draw conclusions. The laid out thoughts are much easier to understand and also this "procedure" improves the mood, as you give yourself the right advice and a sober look at what is happening.

    20. Make a list of 100 things that make you happy. Often in a bad mood, we do not notice the elementary things and people who bring us sincere joy and happiness. But there are a lot of such people( husband, wife, mother, dad, dog, tasty ice cream, whatever).Write to it all the factors that you can think of, and which bring a bit of joy. You will be surprised when you make a list, how much in the life of good you have.

    21. Look at the old photos of your family. Remembering good moments from the past will help old photos from your childhood, adolescence or even photos taken a few years ago on vacation or at a birthday.

    22. Scream into the pillow. No power to restrain emotions, then try to take a slightly insane step - loudly shout into the pillow( so that none of the neighbors heard).Or it can be done somewhere on the field in the distance from people. This helps to relieve stress.

    23. Be constantly busy. If you are constantly engaged in something, you will not have time to dig into yourself, so the best way to forget about your mood is to immerse yourself in work or a business that literally consumes you for hours( for example, reading books).

    24. Call your friends. If you can not talk to a friend( whether he lives far away or you are currently at work and can not come to him), then just call. Chat about your and his affairs. Tell your problem, listen to his advice. Talk about joint plans( when you meet, where will you go, what will you do, etc.).Find out how he's doing and be sure to listen. Perhaps something good will tell you. After communication, the soul becomes very calm and pleasant.

    25. Put off all the work and sleep. Remember, we were taught from childhood: "Sleep is the best medicine!".So it is, a sound and healthy sleep is capable of much. Including to cheer up( after a long sleep).Work on this day should be postponed, if you understand that you can not cope with it, otherwise you will make mistakes.

    26. Sometimes it's worth crying - this is the best emotional relaxation. If the cat comes to the throat, and you understand that you can not contain yourself anymore, cry. This is very useful, otherwise the whole "emotional stone" will be deposited in your soul and it will be very difficult to fight it later.

    Did you have a very lucky day? !Is something wrong in your life? !Are you tired and worried? !With each there are moments that knock us out of the rut and we lose interest in everything. The feeling of apathy gradually worsens our mood, increasing nervousness, anxiety and emotional instability. Naturally, you can not stay in this state for long. You can change the situation by raising your spirits. It is necessary to do this as soon as possible. And today in the article we will talk about all ways to improve the mood.

    26 ways to raise your spirits at home or at work

    There are 26 most effective ways to raise your mood. They need to be used not only on bad days, but also good ones, in order to prevent such situations.

    What not to do, trying to cheer yourself up:

    • A lot to eat. You do not need a problem with excess weight and diseases associated with the digestive tract!?

    • Take alcohol, much less try drugs. They are capable only for the time you "disconnect" from the world, but the addiction and a large dose is VERY dangerous for health( until death).

    • Trying to spoil the mood of others. In a bad mood, I want to spoil life for everyone, so that everyone will feel this pain. Do not do this!

    • Closure in yourself and do not pay any attention to the problem. Create the appearance of a normal state, but in the soul and in the absence of people, literally dying from their misfortune - this is not the most correct option.

    • You do not need to make plans for revenge. Revenge - does not paint a person, but only makes it lower in society.

    • You do not need to do what you will regret later. Before you do anything, think about it five times, you would do it in a good mood!

    That's all the tips that can raise your spirits in a short time, and some of them you can use at home or at work. The main thing do not lose heart and do not lose heart. Everything will be fine!