
How to increase the pressure in humans without drugs by folk remedies?

  • How to increase the pressure in humans without drugs by folk remedies?

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    Lowering the pressure is called hypotension. At this time a person has a vascular tone. The pressure can drop to 105/65, at such pressure in the person there is enough strong dizziness and delicacy.

    Before you increase blood pressure, you need to determine what your degree of hypotension is. There are 2 degrees: high and low. Every day you need to measure your pressure with a special device. Hypotension is considered when the upper pressure is below 100, and the lower is below 65. Also you will need to consult a doctor.

    The next article will be divided into such items:

    How to increase pressure without medication

    There are several ways to increase blood pressure without any medications:

    Bath with decoction of rosemary officinalis
    Take two glasses of rosemary leaves, preferably dry, and fill it with two liters of boiling water. Then pour the resulting broth into the tub. Take a bath no more than 15-20 minutes. After the bath, it is advisable to take a cool shower, which will properly refresh you from a hot bath. After the bath, towel dry. To wipe it is necessary a severe towel.
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    Breathing exercises
    Sit on a chair. Straighten your back and keep your head up. Breathe calmly, evenly and sit for 2-3 minutes. Then, inhale sharply and hold your breath for 15-25 seconds. Then exhale and gently breathe. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times in a row. After exercise do not get up abruptly. Stand up smoothly and shake your hands.

    Salt and salted products
    Some believe that the most effective way is to consume seafood: fish, squid, shrimp and others. Also, to increase the pressure, more salt is added to the food than usual. It's great to increase blood pressure. But this can not be abused, becauseyou can overdo it and greatly increase it.

    There is one of several simple recipes. Add 1 tablespoon of salt to 1 liter of water. Then stir the solution and drink 0.5 cups every 15-25 minutes.

    How to increase the pressure in humans by folk remedies

    Here are some of the best ways to increase the pressure of folk remedies:

    Golden Ums won pressure
    One reader has always suffered from low blood pressure. She drank pills, called a doctor at the house, but all this did not always help. The girl subtracted in the magazine about the unique property of the plant golden mustache. She bought it and waited for him to grow a mustache. Then she acted this way:

    1. It is necessary to cut seventeen kolenets( preferably dark purple) finely and finely, and then pour all the vodka. Vodka is quite half a liter, and the kolenets is exactly an odd number.

    2. After this you need to close the solution with a lid and put it for 12 days in a dark place. It is advisable to shake the solution after 2-3 days. The resulting tincture should be drunk every morning on a teaspoonful. Use the medicine for half an hour before a meal.

    The reader, after a course of treatment with this medication, no longer suffers from pressure. The ambulance calls no longer occur and are unlikely to occur.

    Lemon, honey and garlic from hypotension
    The grandson of one remarkable woman had a lifetime of low blood pressure. His head was spinning forever, the doctor's calls were constant. She was advised one effective remedy, which still helps the boy from the pressure.

    To prepare this medicine, we need: half a glass of fresh honey, lemon and 5 cloves of garlic. Garlic should be young, but you can and any. The first thing to do is grate the lemon along with the peel. Then, put the mashed lemon in a glass of honey. After, grate 5 cloves of garlic and add it there in a glass with honey. Mix everything thoroughly and put it in a dark, warm place. It is necessary to take half a glass of honey, grate the lemon, but only together with the skin. The tincture should last exactly one week, after it can be moved to the refrigerator, wrapping the glass with a black rag.

    The drug should be given to the patient 2-4 times a day, and it does not matter before or after eating.

    Take the solution should be 200 g before meals( preferably for 25-30 minutes).It is necessary to treat this infusion for about 50 days. Treatment with this broth should be done no more than once in 365 days.

    How to increase low pressure during pregnancy

    If the expectant mother wants to safely raise the low pressure, then she needs to go to bed on time, walk in time and not sit for a long time at the computer. You also need a strict regime that will balance your life.

    Boosting low pressure will help aqua aerobics. It will certainly increase your pressure without any flaws. Yoga and acupressure will also help.

    Turned massage: just by pressing your fingers, find the points in the gap between the upper lip and nose. Suppress these points. You can also increase the pressure by pinching your fingertips, but do not hurt it very much.

    A future mother can increase pressure with the help of self-belief. You have to say to yourself: "I'm healthy, I have excellent pressure."And after these words the pressure should rise. But you must believe in the words you said.
    To increase the pressure, many people drink coffee. This can not be done categorically. Especially if a woman is pregnant. Coffee contains caffeine, which will have a bad effect on the baby.

    To prevent the pressure from falling, never stay in a stuffy and cramped environment. Walk more and breathe fresh air. Live with confidence that you are healthy and you will succeed!

    Live healthy!