  • Bleeding gums: causes and treatment

    Hundreds of people around the world are faced with the problem of bleeding gums. Despite the fact that this procedure is individual, and that you bleed gums - no one sees, this does not mean that this problem is unnecessary to solve. Yes, bleeding gums is a disease, and it must be treated. It is to this issue that we will devote our article.
    Contents of the article:

    Causes of bleeding gums

    First of all, if your gums bleed, you should not ask how to treat them( although this question you must ask later), but about why the gums bleed. It is with an analysis of the reasons that you should start solving this problem.
    Incorrect tooth cleaning
    Perhaps the cause of bleeding gums is very simple - you do not properly grind your teeth. Incorrect brushing of teeth can be that you have incorrectly chosen a toothbrush or incorrectly make the very cleansing of teeth. This very often becomes the main reason for bleeding gums.
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    Dental stone
    Dental stone is a hard dental plaque that forms on the surface of the teeth, usually in the places of their foundation. Dental stone is the result of the formation of a soft plaque, which consists mainly of food residues. As a result of improper cleaning of teeth, when with this procedure you do not clean off the formed plaque, it begins to harden, which is the appearance of tartar. If the tartar is not removed in time, it can begin to become larger, which will lead to overgrowth.
    There are two types of tartar: supragingival and subgingival. From the name it is easy to understand that the supragingival is the tartar, which is located above, and the subgingival tartar - which is under the gum. It is the subgingival stone that most often causes the bleeding of the gums, since eventually it separates the gum from the tooth, and until the tartar is removed, the gum does not press the tooth tightly. To detect the full presence of tartar in your mouth can only dentist.
    Gum disease
    There are also some cases when bleeding gums can be caused by gum disease. Examples of such diseases are: periodontitis and periodontitis.
    This is why you need to find out why the gums bleed, and only then take steps to treat them.

    Treatment of bleeding gums

    Unfortunately, many of us, when faced with this problem, do not rush to go to the doctor. Someone for the treatment of bleeding gums uses special toothpastes, rinses, ointments and other means. Yes, these drugs help to get rid of bleeding, but are not the main way of treatment, but are used as additional.
    Treatment of gums from bleeding, it is necessary to start only with the appointment of a dentist, and if necessary, a periodontist. Asking you the necessary questions, the doctor will examine your mouth to determine the causes of bleeding. If the reasons are to be internal factors, then the dentist will give a referral to the therapist so that he can prescribe a general course of treatment for the body.
    If your gums bleed when brushing your teeth, then most likely you simply incorrectly clean them. To do this, you need to properly care for your teeth and choose the right toothbrush.
    If your gums bleed not only when brushing your teeth, but also with little effect on them, for example, during a meal( when you bite an apple or hard bread), the causes of bleeding are more serious. As already mentioned above, the main cause of bleeding is tartar. Until the stone is completely removed from the surface of the teeth, you will not get rid of bleeding. On reception at the stomatologist he studies character of a tartar and then, with the help of special tools, makes removal of it. In some cases, the dentist can prescribe a course of treatment for gums, if as a result of the formation of tartar, they have separated from the tooth and have ceased to densely press against it.
    After the teeth have been removed from the teeth, the dentist prescribes preparations for healing and strengthening the gums. Metrogil gel is often prescribed, which must be rubbed into the gums two times a day - in the morning and in the evening. Toothpaste for gums, bleeding: Paradontax, Lakalut and others can also be prescribed. In addition to toothpaste, it is recommended to use mouthwash: Paradontax or Forest Balm.
    Remember that if you do not start treatment of gingival bleeding in time, it can lead to very negative consequences, up to the loss of teeth, when healthy teeth will simply fall out. Due to the fact that the gums can not keep the tooth tight, it will loosen up and eventually fall out. In order to avoid the occurrence of these problems, you need to visit the dentist twice a year, so that at the first signs of tartar formation and gum disease, they can be cured.

    Folk remedies for bleeding gums

    Gum bleeding can be carried out by treatment and folk remedies. Immediately note that the use of folk remedies is also an auxiliary to the main course of treatment appointed by the dentist.
    The most famous folk remedy for the treatment of gums is the decoction of the oak bark. With this decoction, the mouth is rinsed. Oak bark perfectly helps with inflammation of the gums, and also helps to get rid of bleeding. To prepare the decoction of the bark of oak, you need 1 glass of crushed oak bark, which should be cooked in 2 liters of water. When the broth boils, let it brew, as a rule, 3 hours will be enough for this. Then the infusion should be filtered, diluted with 2 liters of boiled water and rinsed 3 times a day, or after each meal.
    In addition to the oak bark, very effective are infusions from: sage, chamomile and plantain. To prepare tinctures from these potions, you need a tablespoon of the product to pour 2 cups of boiling water and insist for half an hour, then rinse.
    Some folk recipes recommend taking: carrot juice, strawberries and bananas.

    Prevention of bleeding gums

    To ensure that your gums are always healthy and do not bleed, take proper care of the oral cavity.
    Daily morning and evening, brush your teeth by choosing the right toothbrush. After you have brushed your teeth, you must also clean the tongue, for this use a special brush. Then the mouth should be rinsed with a special conditioner, which is now a large number.
    To prevent the appearance of tartar, after each meal, caress the mouth with water or with special means for this. Also, dental floss and toothpicks will help you to get rid of particles of food.