
How to get rid of heartburn at home with drugs and folk remedies

  • How to get rid of heartburn at home with drugs and folk remedies

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    Heartburn is a very unpleasant and painful sensation, which at least once in a life experienced almost every second inhabitant of our country. Around the heartburn and the ways of its treatment there is a lot of myths, so today we will try to study in more detail the causes of heartburn, and also tell about the correct ways of its treatment.
    Contents of the article:

    Causes of heartburn

    Heartburn is an unpleasant sensation in the chest that is accompanied by a burning sensation throughout the entire esophagus. That is, a symptom of heartburn is a burning sensation in the esophagus. Why is this happening?
    Our esophagus is separated from the stomach by the sphincter. By and large, the sphincter can be fully called a checkpoint, since it is in a closed state and opens only when it comes to the food used through the esophagus. In this case, the sphincter opens, skips food and closes again to prevent the gastric juice from entering the esophagus. But for a number of reasons the sphincter can periodically open, and the gastric juice still gets into the esophagus, it causes a burning sensation - heartburn.
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    The reasons why the sphincter involuntarily opens, can be different, most often it is due to the fact that the sphincter muscles weaken or there is a hernia of the esophageal opening. There are also other reasons, but they are not so common.
    In addition, there are a number of other reasons why a person may have heartburn. One of these reasons is wearing tight and tight clothes, for example, pants that are very tightly seated in the belt area or too tightly strapped - they increase intra-abdominal pressure, which actually can trigger heartburn. Heartburn can also be a symptom of diabetes, arthritis and mental disorders.

    How quickly to get rid of an attack of acid reflux

    For some reason the vast majority of people with an attack of heartburn try to get rid of it with the help of soda, but in fact, it's simply impossible to do this. Why? Remember, you must have seen the reaction when vinegar is added to the container with the soda. Almost the same thing happens inside us, when we try to suppress gastric acid with soda, first the soda dissolves, and then a large amount of foam forms. Soda has only a temporary effect, since it suppresses the burning sensation, but then a large amount of foam, which in this case, stretches the walls of the esophagus and this leads to an even more heartburn. Therefore, taking a soda for heartburn, you provoke an even more heartburn.
    Than to suppress an attack of a heartburn?- After all, this is a very strong pain, which you want as soon as possible to neutralize. So, if you are often tormented by heartburn, then always carry a few tablets that will help to suppress acidity in the body: Gastal, Rennie, Fosfalugel, etc. If you do not have these medications at hand, then you can suppress heartburn with mineral water or conventional suckinglollipops, preferably without sugar.

    Treatment of heartburn

    As you understand, the above methods are only used to suppress an attack of heartburn, but do not contribute to its treatment. If heartburn overcomes you for a week, then this is an excuse to consult a doctor: a therapist and a gastroenterologist. Doctors do research and try to establish the causes of heartburn in your body.
    For the treatment of heartburn medications are used: Control, Pantoprazole, Omeprazole, etc. Also, doctors can give recommendations about the lifestyle and other factors that somehow provoke the occurrence of heartburn. If heartburn provokes other diseases, it is natural that it is necessary to start treating them.
    Of course, one of the most important ways to get rid of heartburn and not to provoke its appearance is proper nutrition. Proper nutrition with heartburn has a number of limitations, that is, the exclusion from the diet of provocative products that increase acidity in the body. Such products include:

    • Citrus Fruit;

    • Acid Products;

    • Coffee and cocoa;

    • Onions and garlic;

    • Pepper, spices and condiments;

    • Ketchup;

    • Vinegar and pickled products;

    • Carbonated beverages;

    • Chocolate;

    • Menthol and mint;

    • White bread.

    What can be taken for food not to provoke heartburn? First of all, you need to reduce the amount of food intake, try to either divide portions of food into 2 meals, or prepare yourself initially small portions. It is recommended to install six meals a day.

    Allowed to use:

    • Low-fat and non-roasted meat;

    • Not citrus juices;

    • Kashi;

    • Milk;

    • Fresh vegetables and fruits;

    • Still mineral water.

    Treatment of heartburn folk remedies

    How to get rid of heartburn folk remedies? The best folk remedy for treating heartburn is the infusion of herbs. Pour one tablespoon of wormwood and chamomile in a container, pour all 2 cups of boiling water and insist for two hours. Infusion should be taken half a cup before and after meals.