  • Why not eat a lot?

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    The more we eat, the more our stomach stretches. The walls of the stomach can stretch to unimaginable dimensions - with regular overeating, the stomach can hold 5 liters of liquid / food! If you constantly eat a lot, it will lead to the fact that you will be haunted by a feeling of hunger - in fact a stretched stomach will be impossible to fill! Hence the emergence of problems with excess weight - a person seems to eat a little( "After all, I'm always hungry!"), In fact, he just can not satiate his stomach, but the weight is gaining rapid pace.

    Another reason why one can not eat much is extremely negative for the pancreas. She works literally for wear, trying to process incoming fats, she often has "plugs", which subsequently lead to pancreatitis.

    Overeating leads to subsidence of excess cholesterol in the gallbladder, which leads to the occurrence of cholelithiasis. Cholesterol gets into the blood, from where it comes directly to the liver - this leads to fatty liver infiltration, which in particularly severe cases can provoke the development of liver cirrhosis.

    Thus, overeating affects not only our appearance. Adherents of the theories "I love myself for who I am" and "All fat people are good" should seriously think about their health.

    There are a number of products that should not be used at all in a very limited amount - and not so much because of fear of gaining extra calories, but for quite different reasons. We will tell you why you can not eat a lot of nuts, eggs and sweet.

    Why can not eat many eggs?

    The standard breakfast for most of us is scrambled eggs. Eggs we often use when preparing salads, and practically does not do without the participation of eggs baking.

    However, eating eggs in large quantities is harmful. Why can not eat many eggs?

    Firstly, they refer to allergen products, so they should be used with caution by children( in children's food, it is recommended to use less allergenic egg yolk).

    Secondly, many scientists insist that eggs contain too much cholesterol, so it is not recommended to eat more than 3 eggs per week. On the other hand, if it is not a scrambled egg on fat, but a boiled egg, then its harm is significantly reduced.

    Third, recently, scientists have established a relationship between too frequent consumption of eggs and the development of type 2 diabetes. The thing is that the abuse of eggs leads to an increase in glucose in the blood.

    However, eggs are basically a different, more real, danger. Her name is salmonella. It is this reason why it is impossible to eat many eggs, is determinative in various "egg" prohibitions. To reduce the risk of infection with salmonella to a minimum, it is necessary to strictly follow a number of rules:
    - before cooking the egg thoroughly wash with soap or vinegar;
    - cook eggs for at least 10 minutes;
    - it is not recommended to eat raw eggs of doubtful origin, if there is still a need for a raw egg, it should be as "fresh" as possible;
    - eggs with a damaged shell should be thrown away.

    It's not worth while completely to refuse the use of eggs - they contain many useful substances: vitamins A, E, B3, B12, D, calcium, choline, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, amino acids and antioxidants. Eating 2-3 eggs a week improves mental activity, strengthens immunity.

    Why not eat a lot of sweet?

    Another urgent issue, tormenting all the sweet tooth of the world. Why such delicious sweets are so harmful? What injustice?

    Sweets have a high glycemic index - an indicator of the increase in insulin level in the blood after getting glucose into it. Sweets quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger, but just as quickly and cause it.

    The use of sweets in large quantities provokes an increased concentration of glucose in the blood. Excess glucose can provoke hyperglycemia, causing apathy, increased fatigue, provoking depression.

    The surplus of glucose, in turn, causes the production of an insulin hormone that "carries" glucose from the blood to all tissues of the body. And this is another reason why you can not eat much sweet. After all, insulin has one more function - it speeds up the synthesis of proteins and fats. If the muscles are not damaged, the person does not have muscle injuries, then insulin "directs" its action on the synthesis of fat cells. And here it is already a stone's throw to superfluous fatty adjournment and occurrence of a problem of excess weight.

    In addition, the sweet can cause psychological dependence. It seems to the sweetheart that without a piece of cake or a chocolate bar, he simply can not be a happy person. In fact, it is a myth - and in order to get rid of the sweet dependence, it is worthwhile to find in this life something different, capable of causing positive emotions.

    Another good reason why one can not eat much sweet is the content in modern sweets of various harmful additives: dyes, preservatives, thickeners. They have a very negative effect on the digestive system, can lead to gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis, stomach ulcer. Abuse of sweets badly affects the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

    However, in small quantities, there is sweet is useful. And it is worth giving preference to sweets with minimal contents of harmful additives. Ideally, it should be sweets and homemade cakes.

    Why not eat a lot of nuts?

    Walnuts are considered a product rich in various beneficial substances. They include calcium, fluorine, zinc, copper, iron, cobalt. Walnut kernels, as well as walnut oil, are prescribed for patients with anemia suffering from liver diseases, atherosclerosis, colitis, hypertension. Nuts are useful for pregnant women and children.

    However, it is recommended to eat no more than 5 walnuts a day. Why not eat many nuts?

    First of all, walnuts can cause a strong allergy - so they can not be eaten by people who are hypersensitive to plant proteins.

    Walnut is contraindicated in a number of diseases: psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema - and can cause their exacerbation even with insignificant intake of food.

    To minimize the harm of walnuts - and vice versa, to enhance their positive effect - it is recommended to use them with dried fruits and in small amounts( up to 100 g per day).

    Eating large quantities of eggs, sweets and walnuts is dangerous to health. Small portions of these products, on the contrary, will only benefit. Know the measure in everything and be well!

    Overeating threatens us with excess weight - everyone knows about this. However, few people can guess how serious everything is in this matter - and more often than not we allow ourselves to eat another "piece".The use of "extra" food is fraught with terrible consequences, not only for weight. Why not eat a lot, and what causes overeating?