
Gastric ulcer: causes, symptoms, treatment, diet and prevention

  • Gastric ulcer: causes, symptoms, treatment, diet and prevention

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    Gastric ulcer can worsen depending on the season, which indicates that the disease is chronic. Curing an ulcer is very difficult, it takes a lot of time and effort. A person can get rid of painful pain if he follows a strict diet and use medicines, but they are not cheap. Unfortunately, any medicine not only treats, but also causes other diseases due to side effects. Treatment of ulcers is a delicate and complex process, this is what we will talk about below.

    The article will consist of the following items:

    The article will consist of the following items:

    The causes of stomach ulcers

  • Symptoms and signs of stomach ulcers

  • Diet and nutrition with stomach ulcer

  • How to treat stomach ulcer

  • Treatment of gastric ulcer folk remedies

  • Prevention of stomach ulcers

    Causes of stomach ulcer

    Disease appearsbecause of the imbalance of protective and harmful factors in the work of the stomach and duodenum, which necessarily leads to exacerbations and worsening of the patient's condition. The main harmful substance that causes ulcer is hydrochloric acid, it is regularly produced in the stomach. Of course, the burning also affects the defeat of the stomach, it is produced in certain amounts in the liver and sent to the stomach and duodenum. Our stomach produces a special mucus that envelops it and stimulates blood circulation and recovery of the outer shell. But the protective layer is not able to withstand other negative factors: eating spicy food, stress and nervous breakdowns, drinking strong coffee, alcoholic beverages, medicines, such as aspirin and analgin. But the disease will appear regardless of your lifestyle and diet, if somehow the stomach gets a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori.
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    The ulcer can be revealed due to the fact that one of the parents has already had the disease. The chances of having an ulcer are very high, if the relatives still suffer from the disease. But in most cases the disease is not transmitted, only the functions of the stomach are transferred, such as intensive release of hydrochloric acid, weakness of the blood vessels, because they are responsible for supplying mucus to the stomach walls. If a person regularly eats roast and spicy with coffee, while having a genetic predisposition to an ulcer, the disease will appear sooner or later. The defeat of Helicobacter pylori is the most serious problem, because the bacterium increases the release of harmful substances, hydrochloric acid, toxic ammonia and so on. This leads to a painful inflammation of the stomach, but it can be cured faster, you just need to get rid of the bacteria and the ulcer will immediately pass.

    Symptoms and signs of stomach ulcers

    First of all, a person begins to experience pain in the upper abdomen. There is a pain in the middle of the abdomen, but periodically it departs into the right or left hypochondrium, back or navel area. The place where pain occurs depends on food intake and exacerbation, for example, in the spring and autumn pain may appear in different places. The pain begins to disappear after consuming fatty milk and antacids, and you can also purify the stomach with vomiting, which will also reduce pain. But the pain always differs depending on the area in which it appeared. It can begin to be felt only an hour after eating, then it remains for one and a half or two hours, and after a while disappears completely. If the ulcer is formed in the prepyloric department of the stomach or duodenum, the pains are late, that is, they appear three hours after eating. Sometimes they appear late at night, which necessarily causes insomnia and causes people to wake up and do everything possible to get rid of it, for example, to drink milk in large quantities. On the background of pain, other symptoms appear: heaviness, nausea, eructation, vomiting, overflow or a sensation of bloating. Despite this - a strong appetite remains, but the person deliberately restricts the intake of food.

    Now more often you can find an asymptomatic or ulcer with a small number of symptoms, it is often called a "mute" ulcer. In most cases, they are peculiar to people of age, patients with diabetes and people who drink anti-inflammatory and non-steroid drugs. The stomach ulcer without symptoms is susceptible to those who abuse alcohol and smoking. In this case, the disease will not last until a few years, but a person will immediately have very severe pains, possibly an ambulance. If the ulcer is not treated for a long time, then after a while there will be a perforation of the stomach or duodenum, and this will cause profuse bleeding and stenosis. After that, simple drugs will not be enough, a person will be sent to a hospital for consultation with a surgeon, then there will be surgical intervention in the hospital, since this is a very dangerous form of the disease.

    During the perforation of the ulcer, the layers of the walls of the stomach or duodenum begin to deform, and their contents pass into the abdominal cavity. The person begins to experience very acute and painful symptoms, as if boiling water was poured into the stomach or a sharp knife hit the stomach, the pain rises from the bottom upwards or vice versa falls from the top down. A person can not turn the body, breathe deeply or cough, there is pain in the diaphragm. The fact is that the pain does not disappear after a while, but on the contrary - it is strengthened and localized not only in the stomach, but throughout the body. Further, there is a development of peritonitis, which is characterized by inflammation of the peritoneum, and this threatens with death. But you can get rid of the disease and complications if you go to the hospital and perform a surgical operation. The earlier this is done, the higher the chances of a complete cure of the disease.

    Many people think that bleeding is necessary for a stomach ulcer, but it is not. It can be hidden or abundant, depending on the severity of the disease. If the bleeding is profuse - a person begins to tear with venous( black) blood, his stool is blackened and loses any form, since he is always liquid. Immediately we can identify the symptoms of large blood loss, for example, dizziness, decreased efficiency and activity, asterisks before the eyes, buzzing in the ears, pallor of the skin, increased heart rate and the release of cold sweat. During latent bleeding, so much blood is not released, but in the future it is still found because of anemia( anemia).If a person gradually loses blood in large amounts - you need to send him to the hospital without any objection, so that the surgeon's intervention and treatment with medications are performed. It is advisable to immediately consult a surgeon, as the drugs may not affect the disease. It is difficult to establish an ulcer with hidden blood loss, so first an instrumental and laboratory examination is performed. Against the background of treatment, ulcers also make up for lost blood, change the diet to extract iron and hemoglobin, and so on.

    During an exacerbation and deterioration of an ulcer, it can spread to other tissues and organs that are nearby. In most situations, it also passes into the pancreas, a person may experience severe pain in this area, which does not go away after a long time. Pyloroduodenal stenosis is a change in the lower part of the stomach, usually a constriction that can occur after several exacerbations of a stomach ulcer. People note the appearance of bloating, and heaviness in the middle of the stomach after eating, and the eructation after eating is very strange, has an unpleasant and rotten smell. If the stenosis is not deeply deepened, you can conduct conservative therapy, if the disease has already deepened without the help of a surgeon can not do.

    People with a stomach ulcer have a disease such as gastritis. Because of the combination of the two diseases, there is a risk of gastric cancer. The fact is that it is almost impossible to detect stomach cancer at the first stages, since it has the same symptoms as simple gastritis or ulcer. To avoid this, you need to regularly check with a gastroenterologist and do a gastroscopy, be sure to check the gastric juice and gastric mucosa on a microscopic examination.

    Diet and nutrition for gastric ulcer

    There are several main rules to consider when dieting:

    • The gastric mucosa should be at rest after eating.

    • You can not eat foods that provoke the secretion of gastric juice.

    • You can not eat hard foods, for example, cutlets with a hard, roasted crust. The food should be soft and gentle.

    • Do not eat too large portions of food in one sitting.

    • There are small portions once every three hours, so that food is more quickly absorbed.

    • Do not allow cold or hot food, the body needs time to bring it to the right temperature, and then digest.

    • Do not eat more than 10 grams of table salt throughout the day.

    You need to eat only useful foods that contain carbohydrates, fats and proteins in sufficient quantities. The food should be vitamins and minerals. Be sure to consume milk and sour milk products, because they soften the gastric juice and envelop the walls of the stomach, but it all depends on your milk tolerance - not everyone can use it during a peptic ulcer. You can add milk to weak coffee and tea, it is not desirable to drink strong coffee. In the products should be vegetable and animal fats, you need to add olive oil to the diet, because it heals the wound. For a day you need to eat no more than 500 grams of carbohydrates, 100 grams of protein, 100 grams of fat. The recommended number of calories per day is 3000, by no means more.

    Which products can be consumed:

    • Bread - dried or white wheat in the amount of 500 grams per day. Unusual cookies, crackers and biscuits can also be consumed.

    • Soups - mucous milk, dairy cereals, with vermicelli or homemade noodles, with mashed vegetables, but without cabbage.

    • Eggs - omelette for steaming or soft-boiled eggs are allowed, but not more than three per day.

    • Dairy products - fresh sour cream without sour taste, pure milk, cream, fresh cottage cheese.

    • Meat Dishes - chicken, beef and veal contain little fat, so you need to use them. Clean the meat of fat and tendons, cook steamed, for example, meatballs, cutlets, purees or meatballs. Sometimes you can eat boiled meat, the softer it is, the better.

    • Fish - perch, pike and pike perch contain a low percentage of fat, so use them better in steam, boiled and chopped form.

    • Vegetables - beets, potatoes, white marrows, carrots and pumpkins should be used without peel in the form of puree or vegetable stew.

    • Macaroni and cereals - oatmeal, semolina, buckwheat, rice, pearl barley. Serve the table semi-liquid. Cook them together with milk and clean water. Pasta and vermicelli can be eaten only in boiled form.

    • Fats - vegetable oil not more than 30 grams, butter 20 grams per dish. In the day you can not eat more than 100 grams of fat, also do not forget that the animal products contain fat, it should not exceed the amount of 40 grams per day.

    • Berries - preferably sweet: strawberries, strawberries and raspberries.

    • Fruit - not astringent, sweet and soft. Bake or rub and make a salad of different fruits.

    • Sweets - jelly, cream, jelly and compotes of sweet fruits and berries are very preferable.

    • Sauces - it is best to use a dairy sauce, for example, béchamel.

    • Vitamins - do not buy vitamins in the pharmacy, drink a decoction of wheat bran and dog rose, drink fresh juice of non-acidic berries and vegetables, but dilute with clean water in equal proportions.

    In no event can you drink strong meat, fish and mushroom decoctions. Do not eat fatty and fried meat, fish, mushrooms, especially you need to exclude from the diet refractory fats, for example, lamb, pork and beef. Heavy fiber from hard vegetables also irritates the stomach. Forget about spicy and salty foods, fried foods too, since it contains carcinogens. You can not smoke and drink alcohol, and do not eat harmful food: carbonated drinks, sausage, canned goods, chocolate pies and much more. Simply put, follow a literate diet and eat only healthy food.

    In the day you need to eat a few servings, divided into two or three parts. You should eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. The last time you eat a couple of hours before bedtime, and at night drink a glass of warm milk. Your menu for the day looks something like this:

    1. Breakfast: two soft-boiled eggs or scrambled eggs, rice or semolina porridge cooked on milk in the amount of 250 grams, tea with sugar and milk.

    2. A few hours after breakfast: mashed potatoes with olive oil, two cutlets steamed, milk porridge with a glass of milk, a small slice of bread.

    3. Lunch: milk soup with the addition of cereals, meatballs, steamed, potato puree with the addition of butter, fruit jelly.

    4. Dinner: boiled fish, potato puree with vegetable oil, rice porridge with milk.

    5. Before going to bed: one glass of warm milk.

    How to treat a stomach ulcer( drugs)

    During a diet, you need to take medication, of course, appoint them yourself without a doctor is not recommended. It is necessary to consult a doctor so that he can select a group of drugs that will help you in your case. A similar treatment is performed to achieve a sustainable result, mainly it acts as follows.

    First of all, elimination of the pathogenic bacterium Helicobacter pylori. To do this, select antibiotics, and do it with caution. Which antibiotics can be used:

    • Macrolides( Clarithromycin and Erythromycin) - drink 500 milligrams a day in the morning and overnight.

    • Penicillins( Amoxicillin) - consume 500 milligrams three or four times a day 20 minutes after eating.

    • Nitroimidazoles( Metronidazole) - consume 500 milligrams at least three times a day 20 minutes after a meal.

    If the disease does not arise because of the bacteria, you need to reduce the amount of acid in the juice of the stomach, which will lead to relief and relief from heartburn and pain. Assign the following drugs:

    • H2 Inhibitors( Ranitidine) - drink at least 150 milligrams twice a day for 10 minutes before meals.

    • Proton Pump Inhibitors - Omeprazole is taken 20 milligrams twice a day before meals.

    • Antacids( Maalox and Almagel) - consume 20 milliliters for half an hour before eating.

    • Bismuth( De-nol) - is able to exert an astringent effect on the gastric mucosa, but also has the property of neutralizing the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. He is drunk 120 milligrams three or four times a day before meals, about 15-20 minutes.

    Can appoint four or three drugs at once during treatment, it all depends on the severity of the disease, which is determined directly by the treating doctor after a medical examination and examination of gastric juice. In rare cases, when the disease is very acute and medications can cause pain and exacerbation, injections are prescribed. The minimum duration of treatment with injections or drugs in the form of tablets is 2 weeks.

    Treatment of gastric ulcers with folk remedies

    Of course, traditional medicine will never match the treatment of a doctor, but if you do not want to go to the hospital and want to get rid of the symptoms of the disease hots for a while, it is worth using the treatment methods that we described below.

    Pork fat can help in the treatment of the disease, every day eat about 20 grams of natural pork fat just before breakfast. Duration of treatment - 2 months.

    Wash the tuber of raw potatoes, peel, and then grate. Next squeeze the juice and add clean water in a ratio of 50/50.Drinking juice should be 30 minutes before meals in the morning in the amount of 200 milliliters. You will feel relief in 3-4 days, drink juice for a month. Do not forget to eat healthy food during treatment.

    In a pan with enamel coating, add 350 grams of honey, butter and walnuts. Remove to the oven, heated to 100 degrees, after 20 minutes, remove the mixture and mix well. Eat on a tablespoon in between main meals, but do not drink medicine with tea or water.

    You can also drink a liter of clean water every day and start breakfast only three hours later to relax your stomach and clean it of food leftovers. But keep in mind that folk methods are not so effective, so it takes a long time to get any health effect.

    Prevention of stomach ulcers

    In order for you to never have this disease, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle and maintain a diet.

    • Sleep at least 6 hours, preferably 8-10 hours.

    • Do not eat fried, smoked and fatty foods. Prepare the food for a couple, it will not be too greasy, but will save useful substances.

    • If you have pain in the stomach, go to the doctor. You will immediately be prescribed a strict diet to improve the condition of the stomach, it will necessarily be food cooked for a couple, both meat and vegetable dishes.

    • Thoroughly chew food so that the stomach does not get too stressed during digestion.

    • Do not be nervous if you experience stress - relax, find a way to get rid of stress.

    • Do not eat hot or cold food, this is not the best way to affect the condition of the stomach.

    • Forget about smoking and alcohol, otherwise the food will not be digested, and the walls of the stomach will be irritated.

    • Get rid of other diseases that somehow affect the speed of digestion and assimilation of food.

    Stay healthy!