
Secrets of the Bermuda Triangle. Bermuda Triangle: Watch the movie online. All secrets and riddles.

  • Secrets of the Bermuda Triangle. Bermuda Triangle: Watch the movie online. All secrets and riddles.

    Secrets of the seas and oceans, underwater secrets and marine legends. All this attracted the attention of people throughout the history of mankind. Ancient maps depicting sea monsters, the legends of Kraken and the people of amphibians are legends on which more than one generation has grown up. Times change, but one thing remains unchanged-the sinister glory of the Bermuda Triangle. Today, this magical name has become a symbol of everything unknown that happens in the World Ocean. Scientists and researchers have gone astray, trying to explain the events that took place in this anomalous zone. And, honestly, they are not very good at it.

    Triangle or not?

    The territory, called the Bermuda Triangle, does not really have any clear boundaries. Upper points are considered to be Florida, Puerto Rico and Bermuda. But a good half of the unexplained events happened outside this zone. Although very close. Researchers often adjust the position of the triangle at their discretion, tying it to other geographical landmarks. For many, the location of the Devil's Sea is associated with Cuba or Haiti. And other examples are enough.

    It is interesting that the very name Bermuda Triangle came into use relatively recently. In the fifties of the twentieth century. Therefore, one should not think that legends are rooted in the olden times. The most surprising thing is that tracing the tragedies that are happening in the Sea of ​​the Damned has become possible only thanks to modern technology. It was with the help of devices that it was possible to obtain data on unknown objects within the study zone. A plane or ship that disappears from the screens of all monitors instantly, makes you seriously think about the otherworldly power of the Bermuda Triangle.

    Scary events in the Bermuda Triangle.

    In 1945, the space of the Bermuda Triangle was specifically monitored by scientists and rescuers. Thanks to their efforts it was possible to save more than 140 thousand lives. It would seem that here is the solution, but it was not there. Data that the researchers received only added questions. Since the beginning of tracking in the water area and above it, more than 100 pieces of equipment have disappeared. These aircraft are military and civil aviation, ocean liners and small yachts. It's amazing that most of them disappeared without leaving a trace. Neither fragments, nor oil stains - anything.

    The ocean bottom in the Bermuda Triangle area has been explored by scientists "along and across".Obviously, they could not get out of sight any remnants of dead people. But nothing was found. This makes it absolutely serious to say that the Bermuda Triangle is the Cemetery of the Atlantic. A supernatural cemetery. It is worth noting that the scientists were in the Bermuda Triangle not to investigate mysterious events. Although many enthusiasts represent the matter in this light.

    What do the scientists in Sea Voodoo do?

    In fact, the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle is of considerable interest to scientists. Expeditions carried out studies of the seabed, its relief and minerals. Geological structure of the earth's crust under the ocean floor. Scientists have investigated the Gulf Stream, the influence of water currents on the atmosphere and weather conditions. A lot of scientific discoveries were made, but they did not even an inch closer to unraveling the mysterious disappearance of ships and planes, which by chance happened to be in the deadly zone. Scientists have proved that the Bermuda Triangle is a unique part of the ocean, with unprecedented properties and conditions. But the mass of tragedies, to my great regret, did not explain it.

    A mysterious pyramid in the center of the Bermuda Triangle.

    It should be said that scientists have made one important discovery. But they did not betray that. Although they did not keep silent either. In 1992, American researchers analyzed the bottom. And in the very center of the Bermuda triangle discovered a huge pyramid. Unbelievable, but its size is more than three times the size of the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt. More than a month, scientists devoted to the study of this underwater facility and provided some information.

    In addition to the huge size, the pyramid is distinguished by an absolutely smooth surface. The sonar signals reflected from the object showed that the material from which the pyramid was created is in an ideally flat state. There are no seashells or algae on its surface. Nothing, which indicates a long stay in the salt water. Obviously, the ocean can not exert any physical influence on the pyramid. According to eyewitnesses, the material itself is something similar either to glass, or to polished ceramics. The division into blocks was also not observed. The pyramid studies on the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle were not officially conducted. But, most likely, they are just classified.

    Heritage of Atlantis?

    In the light of this discovery, it is interesting to recall the legends that the inhabitants of Atlantis created the depositories of knowledge and the gene pool of mankind before the death of their continent. The same repository is presumably under the pyramid of Cheops and under the Potala temple in Tibet. Versions that the Bermuda Triangle itself is the disappeared continent itself has not received confirmation. There is a hypothesis in connection with which the Atlanteans have gone to live in the ocean. Where they are to this day, safely living in dome-shaped cities.

    The theory at first glance is fantastic. But if you skip skepticism, and take a closer look at some facts, then the impossibility of such a course of history becomes less obvious. Today, near the shores of Puerto Rico, glowing flying objects are very often observed. In the very center of the Bermuda Triangle, similar phenomena were observed more than once. Bright cigar-shaped objects that flew straight out of the water and made zigzag motions. The territory of the Bermuda Triangle is carefully monitored by the US Navy. But she still could not answer anything coherent.

    What are the mysteries of the Sea of ​​the Damned?

    In any case, all the secret sooner or later becomes obvious. And someday mankind will receive an answer to the question: "What the Bermuda Triangle conceals in itself".In the meantime, it remains to wait and listen to new reports of incredible incidents in those waters. Wait, realizing that the Cemetery of the Atlantic has prepared many more surprises. And they are unlikely to be pleasant. Whatever it was - the secrets of the disappeared civilizations or the UFO attempts to follow the Earth - the Bermuda Triangle will scare and attract researchers from all over the world. Their main task is to make sure that a terrible anomaly does not take away human lives.

    If you are interested in the Bermuda Triangle, see the online movie from Discovery "Inside the Bermuda Triangle".To watch this movie you can free of charge on our website, below: