
How to make a voodoo doll? The magic of Voodoo and their religion.

  • How to make a voodoo doll? The magic of Voodoo and their religion.

    The religion of Voodoo ( Vodu, Voodoo, Vodou, Vo, Vaudois) is the heir of the indigenous African beliefs. There is an opinion that it originated from 6 to 10 thousand years ago in the territory of modern Benin. It is noteworthy that about half of the inhabitants of the coast of the Gulf of Guinea( Ghana, Benin, Togo) and Central Africa( Congo) are still its adherents. However, the religion of Voodoo is unlikely to be so widely known around the world if it were localized only on the African continent.

    What is remarkable, in the form in which this ancient magic is known to us, Voodoo formed on the territory of the Caribbean islands, or rather - in Haiti. It is difficult to call it a very ancient religion - it is comparatively young in comparison with Shinto or Islam. Religion Voodoo emerged during the French colonial slavery due to the confusion of religious traditions of pagan and Christian cultures. The first slaves were brought to Haiti in 1503.The slave owners forbade them to follow their own religions and were forced to profess Catholicism.

    Being helpless before their exploiters, slaves worshiped the Catholic saints only as a cover - in reality they remained loyal to their national faith and only introduced Christian traditions into it. As a result of the confusion of religions, and the emergence of its separate directions on the very island of Haiti, a completely new religious trend has arisen, which to date is officially considered one of the directions of Catholicism. Its name in the translation from the African language background means "spirit".

    In addition to the name, the foundations of African traditional beliefs were also preserved, which, despite the fact that they were never written down in any canons, were a kind of connecting thread between the generations. All the famous magic dolls and zombies appeared in the New Orleans branch of Voodoo, whose fame and popularity was brought to Hollywood and the yellow tabloid press.

    Voodoo has two kinds of teaching: Babalava is a white priest, or father of secret knowledge and Bokor is a black priest.
    After reading the above, you may think that Bokor does only negative things. However, in Voodoo there is a certain division into positive and negative, which means that both Babalava and Bokor in their practice can apply both white and black magic. The main difference between these types of priests is not in the "color" of the magic used, but that Babalava is more open to people who ask for help, and Bokor is more closed in themselves.

    Well, you have firmly decided to become a follower of the ancient magical Voodoo cult. With what to begin? Rise early in the morning( before the sun rises), go out into the street, taking with you a fresh egg. Next, find some old tree, stand under it and concentrate, clear your subconscious of what happened to you in the past. Do this for five minutes, and then break the egg about the tree from its eastern side and finally, without turning around, go home. After this ritual, you can begin to develop your inner abilities.

    We recommend you to buy aromatic wands with sandal and lotus fragrances, they will help you in your practices. Also, to maximize the use of your perception, use the sound of battle drums. For your concentration training( for example, on the flame of a lighted candle), you need to find a room in which you will feel most comfortable. Theoretically, you can train attention anywhere. At work, on the way home on a bus or subway. Thus, you will start again, and develop willpower.

    When doing Voodoo rituals, do not forget that Loa, in no case will anything ever be done just for fun. They need gratitude, for example: sweets on a plate, which you, after sunset should be taken out of the house and put at the intersection. In case you forget about the reward, the spirits can take something more seriously. Loa - the creatures are unpredictable and hostile. Even if you clearly know what you need, spirits can interpret everything in their own way, and the consequences will then be the most unpredictable.

    There are a lot of Voodoo rituals, but they all share some common features:
    1. A variety of amulets, talismans and sacrifices are considered the main amulet from evil.
    2. Absolutely all the rituals of Voodoo include dancing and specific music.
    3. The place of rituals is any dwelling, which is equipped in a certain way. The ceremony begins with the lighting of black candles. The trio of drummers tap a certain rhythm, and then everyone starts singing a song addressed to God.
    4. Continue the ceremony with dances. It is believed that they drive away from the dwelling of evil spirits. Then two people sprinkle the flour with flour, so that the evil spirits never again appeared in the dwelling. Then follows the dance under a certain rhythm of the drums: men dress in ceremonial costumes, and women in white dresses.
    5. After the dance, the next rite takes place: the cock is released and the head is chopped off. Participants in the ceremony enter the trance, so that good spirits descend to them.
    6. The decapitated cock is hung upside down and ritually kneading his stomach with a ritual knife. It is believed that this is how cleansing the soul of all present.

    During the spell of Voodoo, the Loa spirits are summoned, who control the attracted person. And it depends on them how the spell works. Or it will be a standard, ordinary love spell or spell-zombie. Basically, a love spell-zombie is done if one wants to take revenge on a person. After all, after carrying out this spell, the person who has been bewitched, does everything that the "owner" tells him.

    For this reason, the love-zombie is one of the black gimmicks of Voodoo magic. In Voodoo, there are bright spells, in which the object of divination remains itself. As we have already noted, there is a huge number of various rituals of Voodoo, but one of the most used and most powerful is the love magic. It is a pity that most often it is used not to bewitch a loved one, but to take revenge on the person who left.

    Voodoo ritual "How to win your love".
    1. Light the white candle, say: "Let this symbol of pure and beautiful faith in love( name) be lit and let it help him to receive love( the name of the person to be charmed)".
    2. Light the red candle, say: "Let the bright fire of love blaze that will connect( name) and( the name of the person to be charmed)".
    3. Light the green candle, say: "Let there be love( name) and( name) sincere and infinite".
    4. Add the following ingredients in turn to the small bag: violet root, juniper and clove seeds and say: "Violet root help( name of the person being charmed) to be filled with love for( name).Juniper seeds, do so that their love is happy. Carnation seeds, do not let their love go out. "Tie up the bag.
    5. Lubricate it with lavender oil, put between candles and say: "Let today( name) and( the name of the person to be charmed) begin an endless love."
    6. Sprinkle the bag with water.
    7. Put the bag between the candles and leave for an hour. Then put out the candles in this order: first green, then red and finally white.
    8. Everything, the ritual of love magic Voodoo is finished.

    How to make a voodoo doll?

    And finally we will tell you how to make your own hands a classic doll Voodoo of New Orleans stylistics. To create a "classic" Voodoo doll you will need:

    1) two small sticks( one should be a little shorter);
    2) lace or rope;
    3) pieces of cloth;
    4) Adhesive;
    5) 2 buttons or beads;
    6) needle and thread;
    7) nails, hair, blood or some personal object of a person, over which a ritual will be performed;
    8) Spanish moss.

    Since the real Spanish moss( a plant that very much resembles real forest moss) can only be obtained in the vicinity of New Orleans, it is natural that it can be replaced by any other filler( anything from straw to ordinary cotton).After all, the main thing is not the material from which the doll is made, but the energy that you put into it.

    Some practical tips that need to be read before making dolls.
    When making a Voodoo doll, you should not be seen by unfamiliar people or people you do not trust. Ideally, you should make a doll alone and in secret from everyone. Just do not forget about the lunar phase( the growing moon - with "attracting" rituals, decreasing - with "expelling").Try to avoid the words of curses and even negative thoughts during the process of making dolls - otherwise you risk filling it with negative energy. And one more, more prosaic advice: if you use moss or plants that replace it when making Voodoo dolls, first carefully inspect the working material for parasites and small insects, and also clean it of dirt.

    And now, step by step instructions on how to make a voodoo doll:

    1. Fold a cross from the sticks and tie them with a rope or cord. The fastening will be stronger if you rub the cord with wax.
    2. Beginning in the middle, and towards the head, wrap the resulting cross with Spanish moss - first hands, then closer to the middle and to the legs of the doll. Try not to allow ruptures, use large pieces of moss. It would be great if you could wrap the entire doll in one piece. Over the moss, tightly wrap the doll with a thread or a rope.

    3. Cut the fabric into narrow strips and cover with them the body of the doll. Wind the doll so that the top of the head and limbs remain open.
    4. The fabric should either be glued or tied with threads to the body of the doll. In order for the moss to hold more firmly on the base, you can first thread the fabric with threads, and then glue it with glue.

    5. It's time to make a voodoo doll face. Eyes can be made from beads, and the mouth is simply sewn with threads.
    6. This stage is very important for making dolls, although many miss it. Do not forget that the Voodoo doll should have at least some features reminiscent of the appearance of a particular person. If possible, attach the curl of his hair to the top of the doll. You can also use pieces of his clothes or smear a doll with his blood, etc.

    7. That's it: the "New Orleans" doll is ready.