
How do you know who loves you? School fortune-telling and signs.

  • How do you know who loves you? School fortune-telling and signs.

    School divination

    School time is the first completely timid feelings for a boy from a parallel class or to a neighbor on a school desk. You look forward to the end of the lesson, but the minutes go so slowly, and sometimes it seems that the clock has completely stopped. And then the long-awaited bell rings and, running out of the class into the corridor, you meet eyes with this boy, and your happiness does not have a limit, but he quickly looks away and runs past you, and you can not understand whether you like him or not. And to find out whether a boy likes you and how he treats you, you need these school fortune-telling. Of course, in lessons this should not be done, but it's quite possible to know your destiny on a break or after school, on vacation.

    First guessing.

    Going from home to school, guessing the name of the boy you like, and the first thing that you will meet on the way - will determine his attitude towards you. And you can just think about what awaits you on this day.

    If you were the first to see:

    The car is luck, you'll be all right with it;
    butterfly - a date, you will see it;
    cat - tears, he will bring you to tears;
    bike - will offer friendship;
    female deceit, do not believe him;

    chicken - will come to visit you or invite you to visit.
    mom - get a note from him;
    man - he loves another girl;
    fly - it's fun with the other;Mouse or rat - quarrel;

    wedding - will be friends or reconcile, if in a quarrel;
    dad - he will call you to the movies;
    bird - he likes you;
    rainbow - you have mutual love;
    dog - get to know another boy;

    the sun - love a stranger;
    brother - you will have fun in one company;
    sister - you will rejoice;
    your enemy - to treason;
    girlfriend or friend - for fun;

    rain - to disappointment;
    black cloud - he does not trust you;
    the wind - to jealousy;
    snow - to laugh;
    man with flowers - loves your girlfriend. Fortunetelling is the second.

    For this divination, you will need a pen and a piece of paper. Mentally conceive the name of the boy you are going to guess. Quickly draw any number of sticks in four rows. In each row, cross out three sticks until one or two sticks remain, in each row write a number, if there is one stick left, then if two is 2, if all sticks are crossed out, then put 0.Now write these numbers in a row in pairs, for example: 21-01 Answer look in the table.

    00-00-loves you for your character.
    00-01-looks at the other.
    00-02-he only needs you.
    00-10 is passionate about another.
    00-11-He will soon cease to love you.

    00-12- likes, but hides his feelings.
    00-20 - very much wants to be with you.
    00-21 is constantly thinking about you.
    00-22- loves you for your beauty.
    01-00-afraid to ask you out on a date.

    01-01- he will soon kiss you.
    01-02 - he likes your character.
    01-10-he loves you much.
    01-11-he likes your eyes.
    01-12- do not believe him, he deceives you.

    01-20- you will soon see it.
    01-21 suffers for you.
    01-22- he likes you very much.
    02-00-constantly thinking about you.
    02-01- is very sad.

    02-02-wants to be friends with another.
    02-10- your image is always in front of his eyes.
    02-11 loves your smile.
    02-12- will never change you.
    02-20-soon you will be with him.

    02-21-it will change you.
    02-22- believes that you love him.
    10-00-Will appoint a date soon.
    10-01-wants to see you.
    10-02- Do not trust him.

    10-10- respects you.
    10-11 is jealous of you.
    10-12-Feel free to say about your love.
    10-20 - can not forget you.
    10-21- you are interesting to him.

    10-22-he does not need you.
    11-00- he has another.
    11-01-will send you far away.
    11-02-will soon meet.
    11-10- he will love another.

    11-11- he likes your friend.
    11-12-he likes you, but only as a friend.
    11-20- very much like you.
    11-21 you will receive a letter from him.
    11-22-thinks you are beautiful.

    12-00- waiting to meet you.
    12-01-very much jealous of you to others.
    12-02-Be friends, but not for long.
    12-10-he dreams of another.
    12-11- wants to invite you to the movies.
    12-12-soon you will kiss.

    12-20-misses you.
    12-21-he's bored with you.
    12-22-you will never be together.
    20-00- wants to offer you a friendship.
    20-01-today you will not see it.

    20-02-you should not trust him.
    20-10, he stopped loving you.
    20-11-very fond of.
    20-12-you dream of him.
    20-20-wants to be friends with you.

    20-21-he will deceive you.
    20-22- loves the other.
    21-00-better forget it.
    21-01-he dreams of seeing you.
    21-02- you like him very much.

    21-10-remembers the other.
    21-11- considers you the best.
    21-12-to be angry with you.
    21-20-wants to kiss with you.
    21-21-you will quarrel with him.

    21-22-wants to throw you.
    22-00- you do not like him.
    22-01-remembers you often.
    22-02-you will be together.
    22-10- he doubts his feelings.

    22-11, you're wasting your time on it.
    22-12 - you will be happy together.
    22-20-he does not believe that you love him.
    22-21-wants to be friends with you.
    22-22-dreams of a kiss with you.

    Divination by RONGLIS

    Meaning of word RONGLIS : R is joy, O is resentment, N is trouble, G-grief, L-love, And betrayal, S-rendezvous.

    You want to know what is waiting for you or your friend, or the boy that you like, then this is fortune telling for you. Write full name and surname, of whom you are guessing.

    Under them write the number and month, and the time of day, for example:

    Ivan Petrov
    The first of May morning

    Cross out the two same letters, one at the top line, the other at the bottom, count how many letters remain: for example, 9.
    Bottomwrite ROGGLE. and cross out every ninth letter until it is left alone.
    That letter is left not to be crossed out, and will determine what is waiting for you, or the person you were guessing at. I still have the letter C, so Vanya Petrova will have a date today.

    Guessing by L URN & S T.

    You can also find out how a particular boy treats you using the word LOURNER .

    Meaning of word LOURNER : L - likes, U respects, R - is jealous, H-hates, And changes, S suffers, T-yearns.

    Write on top your surname, name and patronymic, and below the surname, name and patronymic of the boy. Just like in the previous fortune-telling, cross out the same letters in the top line and in the bottom line, and those that remain not crossed out are counted. From the bottom write LOURNER and cross out each letter corresponding to the number until there is one letter left. On it you'll find out how the boy treats you. Fortune Telling.

    On chamomile guessing is better with girlfriends. Draw a daisy, cut out and on each petal write the names of the boys from your class, flip the daisy with names down and let each girl tear off the petal and find out the name of the boy who loves it.

    And if it's summer on the street, then it's necessary to say goodbye to the flower of a camomile, tearing off the petals and asking the question: "He loves - does not like, embraces - deceives, dares - he heals, kisses - spits, presses his heart - fucking sends" and so oncircle. That word that falls on the last petal and will mean how the boy treats you.

    What does the boys dream about?

    Monday - he likes you very much.
    Tuesday - he will fall in love with you.
    Wednesday - will write you a letter.
    Thursday - will love you forever.
    Friday - for a date.
    Saturday - to parting.
    Sunday - loves you.

    And you can find out who loves you, if on the night from Thursday to Friday, you wash your face with water, do not wipe yourself off - you go to bed, you say: "From Thursday to Friday I'll wash myself, Friday, Spots and who loves - let him dream. "And the boy who likes you, you will surely dream.

    Love signs.

    Often the boys are very shy and hide their sympathy for the girls, because they are afraid that their friends will laugh at them. Therefore, sometimes they behave incorrectly, push the girl they liked, pull the pigtails, strike.
    If the boy hits the girl on the arm, then he loves her, on the shoulder, then he is a traitor, on the back - he shows that he is jealous, on the head - he trusts.

    If the lips are itching - to the kiss, the chest - the beloved yearns, the right hand - to a sudden meeting,
    the left hand - he will give a gift, heels - go to him on a date, the head - thinks only of you, cheek - to love.

    If the face burns on Monday, he talks to you about someone, Tuesday - he loves you, but hides his feelings, Wednesday - soon confesses love, Thursday - appoints a date, Friday - laughs at you, Saturday - he wants to changeTo you, Sunday - loves and waits for a meeting.

    If ears burn: Monday to guests, Tuesday to date, Wednesday to acquaintance, Thursday to gift, Friday to news, Saturday to tears, Sunday to fun.

    These are simple simple guessings, but you and your girlfriends will know a lot about boys who like.

    Enjoy your fortune!

    School years are the most wonderful time in my life. This is not only boring lessons, but also cheerful changes, communication with classmates, these are funny notes, and treasured notebooks that are carefully stored and transferred from hand to hand. Your friends and girlfriends fill in questionnaires in them, with various questions, but the most important question in these questionnaires is "Who do you like from boys? Who do you love? "In these notebooks, pasted with beautiful pictures, envelopes, your girlfriends and friends put their photos and write the most intimate secrets and secrets, they enter love rhymes, signs and fortune-tellers. And these notebooks are not only girls, but also boys.

    When I was at school, I also kept such notebooks, moreover, I was the best fortune teller among classmates, I had many ways of guessing, I collected them, wrote down them, and some invented myself. But, unfortunately, these treasured notebooks were not preserved, my mother found them, tore them up and burned them in the stove, destroying my magical world of magic.
    I was punished and took offense at my mother for a long time, of course, after growing up, I forgave my mother, but for many years I did not trust her and did not share my girlish secrets.

    And when my children came the period of conducting love questionnaires, I helped them in every possible way, advised how correctly it is necessary to make out these notebooks. Recently, in my closet, I found such notebooks of my sons when they were 8-11 years old and showed them to them. They are already adults, but they re-read these records with pleasure, were happy, having returned to their childhood and remembering their friends and girlfriends.