  • Mysterious circles in the fields

    However, in ancient times circles in the fields were explained mainly by intrigues of evil spirits and the study of this phenomenon did not stand out in a separate area of ​​science. Everything changed in the twentieth century, when scientists seriously worried about the origin of mysterious formations in the fields, and photographs of circles began to be published in newspapers and magazines, attracting the attention of the general public. Crop circles influenced the development of modern science to such an extent that even a separate science, studying them, arose , the cerology of ( on behalf of the Roman goddess of Ceres fertility).

    The first circle on the field in the 20th century was recorded in 1972 in England. Witnesses of spontaneous "stacking" of ears became Arthur Shuttlewood and Bruce Bond, "hunters" for UFOs. From this moment, crop circles began to appear in different parts of the globe: Russia, England, Holland, France, Germany, Canada, Japan. There are more than 9 thousand such circles for today. And the reliable reasons for their occurrence are still unknown.

    Where do crop circles come from?

    Theories of the appearance of circles on the fields breed like mushrooms after a rain. The version that this is the result of the action of the UDO ( the places of landing of a flying saucer on the field) is the most common, but not the only one. Mankind needs a more "earthly" justification for such an unusual phenomenon - and the people often come up with versions that mysterious circles are tricks of ants or hordes of hedgehogs.

    The theory of Robert Plot on the effect of the natural phenomena ( lightning) on ​​the formation of circles on the fields was supported by many scientists of the twentieth century: Dr. Terence Meaden, who believes that this phenomenon is directly related to sudden tornadoes, and Colin Andrews connecting circles in the fields with destructionozone layer of our planet. Also, options for the appearance of crop circles as a result of the action of micro-tornadoes or ball lightning are considered.

    Other scientists support the idea that crop circles are the result of actions of various fields of the Earth : energy, information - or so-called "smart energies", appearing primarily on the site of the energy lines of the planet, "places of power".The study of these fields is an object of active study by advanced scientists of the world.

    The idea of ​​some people that crop circles can be made by the people themselves , generally seems absurd. It is simply impossible to imagine how a person( even a few people) can create such a pattern from the ears under the cover of night( and one night).This work is too unreal for human hands. But farmers, in the fields of which appear mysterious circles, do not even regret the spoiled crop, making a good business for tourists who want to witness a miracle.

    No theory on crop circles is recognized as official. Moreover - the Queen of England promised a reward to someone who will still unravel this mystery of our time.

    Is it fake?

    In what way is the the uniqueness of the circles on the fields and what are they so amazing about our imagination?

    These circles are mathematically exact, the spikes are twisted into a spiral. The bottom of such a circle can have up to five layers, in each of which the spikes are twisted in the opposite direction to the previous one. The ears lie neatly next to each other, often intertwining cunningly in the center of the circle. It is also not uncommon to have one ear( or a bunch of ears) standing right in the center of the circle. The diameter of the circles in the fields can reach 300 meters.

    However, alone is not limited to .Not uncommon are the whole patterns from geometric figures: triangles, squares, rhombuses, ellipses. Over time, the patterns become more complex( they are also called pictograms), and also start to appear on other surfaces: on sand, swamps, ponds, on snow.

    Experts on crop circles claim that can not be falsified by - this once again proves the immateriality of the theory of the "human" origin of this phenomenon. Changes in ears( in the structure of DNA, in the form of an embryo and an ear of an ear, the curving of the stalk of a spike by 90 degrees without signs of its fracture), magnetic field disturbances, tripling the radiation of alpha rays,"Circle, which completely exclude the possibility of forgery.


    Cases when appearance of circles in the fields occurred in front of people, a little - only about 50. The stories differ from each other, and the details are surprising - but there is still need to make a discount on human fear, which, as is known, the eyes are large. There is one thing that unites these stories: all cases of crop circles originate during either rain, or strong winds, or thunderstorms, which once again confirms the theories of some scientists about the connection of circles in fields with natural phenomena.

    Victims among the witnesses of the formation of circles in the fields were not recorded, eyewitnesses were mostly eliminated by ringing in the ears and headache.

    And how many interesting stories about the field circles came into being after they were declared a sensation of the century! It turned out that many in their childhood witnessed the existence of such circles and even played along with other children in them, but then no one thought of taking pictures of these wonderful entities, all the more - consider them a mystery of modernity. How true these stories are - one can only guess.

    How many more versions of crop circles will appear, how complex the patterns will become in the near future and whether this mystery will be solved in the end - time will tell.

    One of the unsolved mysteries of mankind so far remain crop circles. Appearing here and there on the surface of the earth, they make scientists and ordinary people think about their origin. What are these mysterious crop circles: a sign from extraterrestrial civilizations, tricks of people, the influence of the energy fields of the Earth - this issue is still open.

    History of Science of Cereology

    Despite the fact that the excitement around the topic of crop circles arose in the twentieth century, this amazing phenomenon took place several centuries ago. So, in 1686, Professor Robert Plot of Oxford University wrote the book "The Natural History of Staffordshire" - and already it mentions the , the phenomenon of field circles , which was explained by the author as a result of multiple lightning bursts.